
Wanna play a game?

Rules :

1. each contestant writes a long word in their native lang ( or one they know ) in this format : [ word ], [ lang ], [ chars count ] - [ approximate or exact translation to EN ]

2. the word must be verifiable in one or other way in the net ( so no freshly made up words r used )

3. u can refine ur answer, but max 3 words per account

The longest of them all wins.

I'll start w/ my 1st try :

непротивоконституционствувателствувайте, BG, 39 - do not be unconstitutional

  • 3
    So size DOES matter, eh?
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    @netikras always! you know the joke where an IT guy catches the golden byte and he tells him that it can grant him 2 wishes?

    the first he wanted was infinite HDD

    and the 2nd... after a long thought was another HDD w/ same properties... ;}
  • 2
    This game sucks.
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    @Sid2006 10x 4 d feedback. ur opinion is valuable 4 us. we will not take it in consideration 4 $ur3 ;p
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    @We3D that might be infinite slow. should have gone with ssd
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    @joewilliams007 welp, the joke is old, and no one had updated it ;)
  • 5
    Grundstücks­verkehrs­genehmigungs­zuständigkeits­übertragungs­verordnung, German, 67, A german law concerning the passing of the authority concerning the approval of private roads.

    I hope the explanation is correct no garanties though.
  • 5
    English will lose against languages like German and Dutch because we concatenate words to form a new word. Something silly like "airplane altitude meter" in Dutch would be a single word "vliegtuighoogtemeter" the combinations are almost infinite.
  • 3
    Welp can't beat german but has to be done

    Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, Welsh, 58, St. Mary's Church in the hollow of white hazel near a rapid whirlpool and the Church of St. Tysilio near the red cave.
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    Grundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungszuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung, German, 67 chars, Property transaction permit transfer of responsibility ordinance
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    Elkelkáposztátlaníthatatlanságoskodásaitokért, Hungarian, 45, for your acting as though were impossible to rid of cabbages
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    @We3D it's for RAID, right? 😁
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    @netikras but why ofc.
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    I would just lose the game.
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    трудновыговариваемый, russian — “being hard to pronounce”
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    Easy, longest word according to Guinness world records. Obviously very constructed to be a long word.

    nordvästersjökustartilleriflygspaningssimulatoranläggningsmaterielunderhållsuppföljningssystemdiskussionsinläggsförberedelsearbeten, Swedish, 131 -

    Northwest Coast Artillery Air Reconnaissance Simulator Facility Equipment Maintenance Follow-up System Discussion Post Preparatory Work
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    @PrinciplesMatt that's some serious count =}
  • 1
    yomommasofatshebekillingearthwormsinafrica, 69, Damn boy, get yo momma a treadmill!
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    @Demolishun no matter if she is FAT512, still can't kill earth worm Jim +}
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    Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft, DE, 80 - association for subordinate officials of the main maintenance building of the Danube steam shipping electrical services
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    @TheSilent what a word, makes me wonder why some random ( or so it seems ) organisations, science or I don't even know phrases got concatenated into 1 word and others don't...

    how is that working?

    ...maybe it's like js. if it's concatable, it will become such...
  • 3
    If we go by the German dictionary "Duden", then the longest word occurring at least 5 times in the dictionary itself is:
    Rinderkennzeichnungsfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, DE, 79 - Cattle indicator meat labeling surveillance task transferal law

    If we cheat an just take the longest ones in the dictionary we get:
    Neunmilliardeneinhundertzweiundneunzigmillionensechshunderteinunddreißigtausendsiebenhundertsiebzigfache, DE, 104 - 9,192,631,770 fold

    And also:
    Schauspielerbetreuungsflugbuchungsstatisterieleitungsgastspielorganisationsspezialist, DE, 85 - acting supervision, flight booking extra administration, guest appearance organization specialist
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    @TheSilent for a silent guy, u r full of interesting facts ( nothing unusual, but still to point it out ;] )
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    @We3D It depends on how you form the word. You can interlude concatenated words with fillers to make it easier to read. For example:

    Gesellschaft für Unterbeamte des Hauptbetriebwerkbaus der elektrischen Donaudampfschifffahrtsorganisation.

    Would be a reformulation of the word as a whole using fillers (I don't guarantee 100% accuracy tough).
    But as you see that makes the word even longer so I think they opted for one concise word. These words usually arise when there is a very specific thing that you need a word for (Germans can be very specific as you might have guessed). And since the language allows it, you just combine existing words until you have reached the desired specificity.
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    @hjk101 so basically you don't use spaces in your sentences. got it.
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    @Wisecrack English does the same thing but not as much, e.g. boyfriend or backpack. And airplane that was already in hjk's example.
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    @electrineer english, a.k.a. babydutch.
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