
Seeing how smartphones are advancing every year, I would say in about 10-20 years, we will see lots of people using smartphones as their personal computer

What do you think?

  • 2
    That has been the general mindset for a long time. Part of computing (f.ex surfing) has already moved to mobile, but I have a hard time beliving I could ever use a mobile device to code for real. Unless they start to implement hologram technology so heavily that they basicly transfer my setup to a phone, ready be deployed anywhere. But there are so many physical problems to solve before we get there.
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    As long as I can hook up a monitor and a keyboard to it, sure. Why not?
  • 3
    Remember Lumia 950? They almost got it right
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    @luminousnine Ad placements will be targetted by calculating your heart beats๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜
  • 3
    My phone is running a Minecraft Server lol
  • 1
    I thought this would have happened long ago (Galaxy Note 2 era), but it hadn't.
    Mobile hardware is just too weak to support the things that we do. Plus, it would be an extra expense to support all the necessary peripherals.
    Phones used to support HDMI, now they don't. Phones have systematically taken a step back from becoming power tools. Instead, they focus on what they do best - be a personal assistant and communicator.
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    I can respect that opinion, but still I disagree.

    What is a PC (had to look up the definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...) "...multi-purpose electronic computer whose size, capabilities, and price make it feasible for individual use. PCs are intended to be operated directly by an end user, rather than by a computer expert or technician.".

    I think we devs are individuals and end users of PCs, although we have little bit more requirements with PCs then a "general user", but hey, look at gamers, it's basically the same problem. And segwaying with that definition: isn't smartphones PCs with just the added functionality of telecommunication?
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    Yeah but they will use at least an external. Monitor. Microsoft has done a pretty good job there
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    Been there, done that. With bluetooth keyboard and if you have a real Linux on your phone, why not. Small screen is not great, but doable. Less thing to disturb you. I still prefer bigger setup so I use it only in emergencies like when I forget notebook.

    Worked on few C/C++ applications and on slides (asciidoc and LaTeX ones) for a conference.
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    In 10 years?? How about today? Lol I know multiple people that use the computer for only school papers.
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    Well that's already possible with continuum.
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    You’d plug your phone into a monitor and keyboard.
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    I really like building my own rug and being able to mod/add & remove individual components
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