
Working on the privacy site.

DAMN frontend can be a FUCKING pain in the ass!


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    Here come the Bootstrap hater :D
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    @ThoughtfulDev Oh I love bootstrap! But I JUST WANT TO FIND SOME GOOD EXAMPLES TO GET STARTED 😭
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    @linuxxx they have some examples on their homepage and you can always look at the templates they are selling (for inspiration)
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    @ThoughtfulDev Yeah I'm checking out the official docs site :). Just going to write some stuff and see how it works out!
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    You want any help? Have a github repo? A design preview? HTML base template? :)
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    Well if you ever decide to take some help with the frontend, you got all of us to call on 😉. Good luck though
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    @ThatDude I celebrate every 1K at least haha! Next to that, I celebrate every 5 AND 10K :P
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    @AlexDeLarge Well I am further than when I ranted but damn I can't figure out this layout stuff yet! I'll be fine and fix it but it's going to take longer than I anticipated :P
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    @linuxxx you can do it. If you really get stomped... let us know.
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    @FintinaM Thanks! Although I still got some layout things, the whole page looks pretty nice for people who do NOT have OCD issues! (yeah that also means that I am fucked when viewing that page)
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    Really reminded me of that "I won't use React out of principle" post you made 🤣

    But anyway, if you don't like react at least use Angular or Vue. There's a learning curve, yes, but it makes your life so much easier down the line
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    @Froot That was a comment but yeah, still want to get into Vue :)
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    @linuxxx I would still recommend react over both but it's your call man 😊
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    @linuxxx If you want to get up to speed, checkout Nuxt, it's Vue bundled, it really works like a charm
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    @linuxxx hey I may help you with the bootstrap. I have always worked backend but been interested in bootstrap for some time, then finally work made me do some front end and grasped the bootstrap concepts and whereabouts really quick
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    leave Bootstrap in the dust and use something else like

    Angular 2
    Polymer 2

    puck your poison
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    @caramelCase MDL has awful support. They ditched the project in favour of MDC Web.
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    @caramelCase That list is like a grocery store, they may seem related, but are in different aisles, aren't they?
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    I feel you bro
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    @Pointer they're not related in anyway, no but yeah I'm giving OP some better solutions other than Bootstrap due to its bad reception when it comes to the end user's side for implementaion, you're better off with other stuff that takes less time time and lets you write more cleaner code imho
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    Eww bootstrap, good for beginners but real designers should use their own frameworks :3
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    @Strex Not a real designer (no offense but FUCK designing!).so that's all good!
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    @GodHatesMe I didn't start from nothing :)
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    @linuxxx there's a reason I am now learning OpenGL instead of doing web stuff
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    @GodHatesMe "starting from nothing (the project I guess?),bootstrap is harder to learn than css"

    I already know some CSS and I've worked with bootstrap before :)
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    @GodHatesMe I have no clue how I can be more verbose 😆
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    What is the advantage you see react having over Vue?

    I use Vue mainly because I can start minimal and build it out to spa when needed. But because most of my projects just need async form async page load.
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    @Triskelion Vue puts logic into markup via directives. I'm not a big fan of that, I much prefer the react way of putting markup into us via jsx. It gives so much more control over what you are doing. Vue seems like a merger of angular and react and I just like the react way more. I could be wrong of course 😊
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    There is no right or wrong just preference and use case imho.
    I think these are valid concerns it is one things that irks me. I just haven't got around to play with something different. But this does peak my interest.
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