guy taking one of my courses is wondering why bitbucket can't reach his local machine address at 😂


(and inb4 annoying rubes like sidtheitkid or whoever), in the lesson I CLEARLY explain the steps of local IP -> router -> public IP -> internet, as well as the port forwarding / routing needed

probably like 5 of you on this site anyway who actually understand routing, the rest argue about which is better, vanilla javascript or <insert framework of your choice here> yawn. i grow weary


  • 4
    Bring ngrok to the Moronic Masses!
  • 2
    I work on a team automating network operations. Some of these guys built the internet. I thought I knew routing... Turns out ignorance is bliss.
  • 3
    forget ngrok! They make you pay for a static URL. Then, their bogus sCaM pReVenTioN 🤡 doesn't let browsers access your url as if it was your own damn url.

    Use Telebit. I switched and never looked back once.
  • 0
    @kiki haven't heard of that one, gotta look into it. not gonna lie, i've been a nginx rube through and through
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