Fuck you and your bullshit Teams meetings.
I hope you die a painful and slow death while your servers burst in flames and you hang yourselves.
You schedule 4 of them, then bitch about how developers aren’t getting any work done.
Maybe if you didn’t suffocate them with your bullshit meetings they would.
I am looking forward for the contract to expire or in this project so I can finally get some peace.

Fuck your stupid meetings. You deserve to be arrested and shot by the Gestapo (or KGB, whichever you find more evil).

  • 0
    bored nothingless is worse than challenging challanges!
  • 14
    Let's have a meeting about this. Is 10 o'clock okay?
  • 6
    My favorite is the meeting about productivity.
  • 0
    Not sure why do you hate socializing it is fun 🫠
  • 9
    Most managerial people don't know that a for lot of devs, meetings are actually preventing them to fully switch back to dev mode until next wakeup.

    In some teams, you can cripple development for the rest of the day by just having one half-hour meeting. It might even be dev-related.

    Development is hard.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo sometimes a meeting can be like a well needed break. It depends on if you're in the flow or smashing your head against something stupid.
  • 2
    @dissolvedgirl I scheduled a meeting just for myself for lunch so if anyone tried to schedule passed food they're getting the software to tell them "conflicts!" 😝
  • 0
    How about telling that to that person, I guess it is female?
  • 0
    @dissolvedgirl wireless headphones for the win
  • 0
    Lunch when???
  • 1
    @electrineer For optimal cache flushing, play a game. A meeting risks being related to the job.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo do you ever really have meetings that are about actual work?
  • 0
    Ah yes the sweet smell of corporate life *inhales*
  • 3
    I love that developers go out of their way to just code during these mindless meetings.

    So they prefer to actually do their job over sitting around listening to bs

    I'm one of these devs
  • 1
    After whole day meeting they are expecting the 8 hours of output
  • 0
    @electrineer Yes, in my currentl job, most meetings are actually reasonable and work-related. They do cause less social fatigue than the crap meetings i mostly had in the previous job. But they still drain to some extend.
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