I don't know why people here dislike php

It's been 3 years since I was introduced to php and I never find it unworthy to be used in my project at all

Last night it was my first freelancing project and the guy asked me to scrap a table from a stock market website in vba script and append the table values to the excel sheet. That looked easy, I kid you not, from the image he sent me that looked too easy.

I decided to accept it, fml. Cause that site was using fucking cookies and javascript to load the table values.

There was no way to implement shit that in vba under my current knowledge.

Let's fuck this shit and jump to php, I inspected the site and found a cookie was enabling the site to load another part of the site through GET request.

Once I knew what was holding that GET request url, curl came to rescue. I attached cookies and sent the request header and parsed the ajax script url and fetched the response (table data).

Parsed the fetched data using explode and Voila! I made the fucking working script in php

As for the vba script, I wrote code to get this csv, append it to the file and delete the csv

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    Surely someone can write that in brainfuck. Doesn't mean it's a good language

    PHP might be good but I just find it useless. Everything it does can be done better with something else so I see no benefit in learning it.
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    php is cool and i really wish i would be somewhat decent at it, but i can just do the same stuff with java so im not gonna invest too much time in learning php
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    I'm not familiar with PHP enough, but there really isn't any reason for a backend language to be weakly typed. It just invites trouble.

    When you are talking about bad programmers - Python has bad programmers too, but it does not have the same reputation. Partly because it is strongly typed.
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    Php is shit vecause of its inconsistencies, php is great when these are fixed by a framework or something.
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    Object orientation is half baked (last I had messed with it). I've only seen one php codebase that wasn't god awful ugly and unorganized horrible code. It's less readable than other languages as well. Those are my reasons but it's mostly preference.
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    @Froot Highly subjective man and you know I usually agree with ya. Generally speaking, it takes very little to get the ball rolling with php when it comes tl setting up a server with the appropiate support for the language and database and getting some output. Which would not necessarily. Be the same. For one (and even tho I work a lot with JS and Node) I find the support for relational databases in Node lacking in power, subjective as that last part might be, it is far easier to work with any database in php using proper PDO which is not the same for node, python, java, c# etc. PHP excels at being the simplest thing to use in worder to wozaaaa out a web app for most clients.
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    @elazar so the same goes for node?
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    @chowdercake I believe so. Yes. Not from a personal experience though
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