
Microsoft introduces co-pilot to Bing search. Google introduces Gemini to search. Still wondering were we are headed:

  • 6
    Nice that Microsoft does that for their 5 users
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    So extremely biased searches instead of just biased.
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    @retoor it's four.

    i switched two weeks ago.
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    we're headed to "nooo gobernment, you can't audit our algorithm because it's an AI and nobody can read AI's thought process because it's so much more complex than our own!"

    in other news witnessed co-pilot write me links out and then delete them live before sending. nope, no censorship here whatsoever. or ofc how it just hallucinates sources sometimes, annotating information with totally irrelevant pages that had never mentioned anything of the sort.

  • 1
    @jestdotty have you thought about the possibility that someone smart enough to write an AI would be smart enough to "censor" data _before_ sending it to the end user? after all, once it's transmitted, it's transmitted. would be terrible craftmanship.

    on the other hand... if my goal was to trick gullible people into _believing_ that there is censorship - that's exactly what i would do.
  • 0
    @jestdotty "in other news witnessed co-pilot write me links out and then delete them live before sending"...

    "witnessed co-pilot write _me_ links"

    if you weren't talking about yourself, who was this mysterious "me"-person?

    also: i'm asking you because i'm curious if you ever thought about that. wasn't that clear by the wording of the question?
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    @tosensei I don't use duckduckgo because it's too much typing. Google is muscle memory by now
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    @jestdotty "I don't find conversations with you enjoyable nor fruitful" - yet here you are, continuously conversing with me.
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    @retoor search engines selection has become a choice of different flavors of aids.
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    Wester civilization is heading to world without people - that’s the main agenda when we shifted from computer and robots assisting people to machines replacing people.

    Humans that are playing with computer and internet I can compare with chimpanzee playing with ak-47
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    @vane new game idea just dropped...
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    @Demolishun exactly..
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    We need an objective system, which I'm working on! 🙏

    🌈 Thingtime ! 🦄
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    @vane we were on "machines replacing people" since technology exists. the whole reason why, for example, windmills were built was that just need few people to maintain it and fill it with fresh corn, instead of lots of people grinding it by hand.
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    using duckduckgo :)
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    Anyone else's focus was also in inspecting this rare ranter footage found at the top right corner?
  • 3
    *where we're headed
    To better autocorrect functions =P ;)
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    @retoor plus every "alternative" search service that uses Bing in the background, like ecosia
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    @tosensei ah, ecosia :)
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    @tosensei windmills improved quality and speed of production for everyone so it improved our quality of life.

    Also nobody patented windmill and that was helpful.

    About seeds and corn I recommend movie - Percy vs Goliath - our food quality is falling down because of regulations, patents and copyrighted seeds.

    There are not many free markets left but there is one I enjoy.

    See gaming, no regulations and corporations are now struggling with solo developers and small studios producing better quality products than multi billion companies. That’s because the tech in gaming is making people more productive and the tech is more affordable.

    Gaming is booming because you don’t need copyright or patent to make game, there are no regulations to publish it.

    If we deregulate every market like gaming market, remove patents, copyrights of dead artists market will boom so much you will end up with 1000s of products that you can’t even imagine that would improve your quality of life.

    Now we’re promoting monopolies and corporations.
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    @jestdotty I just don't like someone telling me what I can and what I can't do like I never left school. What's the point of living if you can't make decisions.

    Whole AI concept is to give you one answer for question that for me is ridiculous because if we can get only one answer it would obviously be 42.
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    Hm, my plan is to never associate myself with Google products and let kids know of the decent alternatives.
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