What lie are you currently telling yourself?

  • 4
    "I can spend August preparing 3 exams"
  • 4
    "I'm smart and better than everyone"
    "I'll do it tomorrow, I'm too busy right now"
    "I'm a good person"
    "Yeah I can do it in two weeks"
    "I can sleep for 2h, I'll be fiiiiine"
  • 6
    I don’t need another bag. I can fit everything in this bag.

    That bug will never be hit so no need to worry about it.

    I’m the best at everything. I’m the master of the world. Soon I will win the Nobel prize, then transcend this physical plane and live forever.

    I will find my lost GameBoy from twenty years ago.

    I cooked this so it must be good.

    People actually care about this list.
  • 5
    That I'll heal after breakup
  • 2
    I’ll do those pet projects in my vacation time.
  • 7
    Everything will be alright.
  • 3
    Someday, I'll make money, and I'm gonna buy that bitchin' Rickenbacker I always wanted. Get my own place, smoke a shit ton of lebanese red. Marry two or three women, I mean simultaneously. Have a bunch of kids to squander away my legacy. And then I just die old and bald and fat.
  • 0
    It's always looked like that.
  • 5
    "It's gonna be alright."
  • 3
    @NoMad same as me. *sends hugs your way*
  • 4
    All the efforts I am doing at work will be recognised with a salary increase.
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- bruh, who hurt you..?
  • 5
    I’ll finish my regex interpreter one day.
  • -1
    The lies and delusions Sid tells himself everyday to cope must be crazy tho
  • 0
    @kanyewest yeah it won't be. I also lie to myself about you deleting your account from devRant and go kill yourselves. But its not happening either, is it?

    Oh look, @jestdotty finally met with the love of her life! Btw, you being rich? A jobless, worthless, whore of a narcissist who is depending on her boyfriend to pay rent? Rich?? Nah hell nah,

    You're a racist cunt bitch though, that's what I think of you more than anything.
  • 4
    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- it may not seem like it right now, but it's gonna be okay. when we're in shit we can't imagine a better time, but there will be
  • 4
    "I'll do the laundry when i get home"
  • 2
    I'm not a good programmer...
    I'm mid and a wannabe
  • 2
    Ugh, I have another one.

    “I’ll just untangle this yarn real fast”

    The fuck you will. This yarn is DOOMED.
  • 6
    That I'll take care of myself and stop the brain rot
  • 1
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