Jordan Peterson is a retard.
Lacan was a retard
Freud was a retard

A bunch of drugged-up idiot who based their entire theory on their penises lmao. No wonder incels loves them. Psychoanalyze my butthole daddy

  • 1
    what did Jordan Peterson say now?
  • 0
    @jestdotty no idea. There will be a next freudian idiot in less then ten years, mark my words.
  • 8
    "I don‘t like the implications of their theories, so they are retards".

    Science is about finding the truth, not finding what you like.
  • 5
    Sponsored by @mostr4am‘s reptilian brain
  • 1
    @Lensflare yeah, talking about science ,the father of epistemology, karl poppers, specifically declared psycho-analysis to be a pseudoscience because of its lack of deniability.

    I filled clinical psychology exams will self-important meaningless bullshit and got an A. Those people are just listening to themselves talking.



    Or do you wanna talk about the time those retards blamed mothers for their autistic child until we discover they had nothing to do with it?

    Or all the time they convinced people that their memory of them being raped as a child was imagination?

    Freudism and this whole lineage are crooks. It have nothing to do with science.
  • 5
    Dude started his pop psych career pretending that the Canadian government was going to arrest him because he wouldn't call students by their pronouns lol.
  • 0
    @bosslogic yea lol it's not even political. You are not supposed to become a media figure while having a clinical practice. It's like psychology 101 but the retards are treating him as a woke martyr lmao
  • 2
    @Lensflare I recognize he have a kickass beard tho.

    Better than Ben Laden but still less impressive than Kropotkine.
  • 3
    @mostr4am who would you rather grt more public attention? A scientist or the kardashians?
  • 3
    @Chewbanacas depends on the scientist, no? 😂
  • 0
    @Chewbanacas he is not a scientist lmao
  • 4
    @mostr4am are you kidding? Ph.D. in psychology, 143 publications, 14152 citations.
  • 1
    Unfortunately I think I agree
  • 1
    @Chewbanacas bitch please he wrote a phd thesis on some freudian analysis of disney stories. I'm writing three of those everymorning right after my first sip of coffee.

    May I redirect you to my previous post about pseudoscience?
  • 0
    "Afterwards, he took a year off to visit Europe, where he began studying the psychological origins of the Cold War; 20th-century European totalitarianism;[8][9] and the works of Carl Jung, Friedrich Nietzsche, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,[2] and Fyodor Dostoevsky.[9]"

    All great scientists lmao /s what a retarded cult
  • 4
    I watched a video of Peterson “interviewing“ someone. It was just him talking to himself the whole time. It is one of the few times I thought of someone as mentally ill.
  • 1
    @ars1 I was dating a girl who liked jordan peterson.

    But then she talked about jordan peterson.
  • 3
    @jestdotty whining about jordan peterson is my favorite hobby tbh
  • 2

    > I'm writing three of those everymorning right after my first sip of coffee.

    oh awesome! Can you provide some links to your peer reviewed psychology papers or published articles?
  • 0
    @Chewbanacas *controlled by China...

    You missed the best part.
  • 2
    @Hazarth ew I won't send my shit for peer-reviewing, it would be gross. Weirdo
  • 1

    Seriously though, this guy is a cult leader and peer-reviewing is over-rated.


    I mean, look at this shit lmao


    IQ is another pseudoscience and generally speaking a third grade student could write that stuff.
  • 3
    @mostr4am Well

    1. Peer reviewing is 100% better than random internet comments, so for now I'm unconvinced my good sir.

    2. Just because academics have a problem with their gibberish papers doesn't mean that's 100% of papers nor that you can selectively assume which papers those are. Petersons papers are actively being cited and scrutinized all the time, so if it was "common knowledge" that his work is bad, other psychologists wouldn't be citing them in the first place. Those gibberish papers the article refers to are the papers that are gonna end up with the least amount of citations, if any.

    3. Petersons published work is also not one-man stuff. He co-authors with a lot of other researchers. He's not even the lead author in a lot of his work... surely someone would have noticed if he was a fraud or a retards by now... He doesn't only co-author with psychoanalysts you know, he works with people across disciplines
  • 3
    "Everyone who isn't a far lefty is le bad"
  • 1
    @12bitfloat Exactly. Pol pot was right and those nerds deserved it.
  • 0
    @Hazarth doesn't change the fact he's a freudian, thus retarded. Again, anybody can "co-author" (aka lend your name without doing shit) some idiotic paper about IQ and the fundamental archetypic underlying of religion or some bullcrap.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat the sad part is that people could disagree lmao

    May i remind you the dude we're talking about made list of academics because of their link to judeobolchevism?
  • 0
    @mostr4am I don't know if it's sad or funny that people like yourself unironically think like this
  • 0
    @12bitfloat what is sad about it? I do not understand :)

    The dude is spreading litteral nazi propaganda lmao the sad part is that people like you are allowed to stay alive hihi nazis should die.



    The issue is that canada didnt have its dresden yet. Ask @Lensflare.
  • 2
    @mostr4am You are doing LITERAL genocide apologetics and you unironically believe to be the good guy "on the right side of history".

    You wouldn't know self awareness even if it slapped you into the next dimension

    Like, it's actually scary
  • 1
    @mostr4am No joke, not trying to be funny. Whatever drug you are currently on, even if it's just weed, you need to stop

    This shit is dangerous, for you and people around you
  • 0
    @12bitfloat I am sober lmao
  • 1
    @mostr4am Doesn't sound like it tbh
  • 0
    @12bitfloat at least I'm upfront about it unlike the self-sucking americans and their genocide israeli buddies :)

    Look on a personal level I feel sorry for people who needs to die but they are right wingers so it's just harm reduction.

    Kinda like putting down an old dog out of his misery. It's awful but it's for higher purpose.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat I never claimed to be on the right side, have you been paying attention? I am so far left i think stalin was a pussy
  • 1
    @mostr4am Okay whatever I'm biting

    And /why/ would it be good to kill right wingers?

    Ah, because they're bad people who want to harm others, right?

    Okay, so when they harm others it's bad. But when you kill all of them indiscriminately that's a good thing

    "Kill all nazis because nazis want to kill people!"

    Far lefty ideology... not even once
  • 0
    @12bitfloat also it would be "le mauvais" (pronounced "movay").
  • 1
    @12bitfloat oh no the average right-winger doesn't want to kill people.

    They are cowards. They want the police to do it for them so they can live in law & order land.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat soo you disagree about killing nazis? We should talk to nazis? Invite them on TV, like we do now?

    Ah yea work so great. After all those gentlemans are just concerned about illegal migrants eating cats right? There are very fine people on both sides.

    Nah fuck that put them in camps
  • 1
    @mostr4am Yes, like a civilized society. That's exactly what we normal people want
  • 0
    @12bitfloat yeah let's have a civilized talk about how we should round up migrants at the border.

    I wish you to suffer from state repression one day that'd teach you a few things. Fucking normies lmao
  • 2
    @mostr4am you keep calling him a Freudian, but Peterson is much closer to Jungs ideology. He still talks about Freud too, because It's still relevant and hell, psych curriculum still contains Freud, so It's not like he can ignore him as a professor either. But for a looong time Peterson was more inclined to Jungs ideas, which are still relevant and very much alive.

    I mean it really seems that you only hate the man because It's mainstream but you didn't actually read anything from him, about him and probably only seen like 3 YouTube videos on why to hate Peterson 101.

    And to bring this up now, when hes mostly irrelevant is pretty strange in itself.
  • 0
    @Hazarth Same shit. Nice prose. Not science.
  • 0
    @Hazarth nah I dated a girl who was in his cult. She grew up i the jehovah witnesses so she had a soft spot for them.

    Biggest weirdo I ever shagged lmao
  • 1
    @mostr4am And now you're butthurt because she broke up with you and it's all petersons fault?
  • 0
    @12bitfloat no need to be malevolent buddy you know :)

    But no, not really. In fact I'm about to get married. If break up is never pleasant, I clearly dodged a bullet. This woman had issues ahah.
  • 2
    @mostr4am Jungs stuff is literally helping people *today* still. It's not at the peak of psychology anymore but It's definitely not the "same shit" either. Equating Jung to Freud is like equating Leibnitz to Newton or Tesla to Eddison (Though here's more baggage) . All Geniuses in their own right, but some were simply better positioned to have their ideas skyrocket into the public meta.

    You can't just reduce the entire field of psychoanalysis to "Freud sucks today bruh" otherwise people will think that you have no idea what you're talking about.
  • 0
    @Hazarth I studied psychology, not litterature. Harry Potter probably helps a lot of people today, yet magic sticks arent real.
  • 0
    @Hazarth Did you know JK Rowling and Jordan Peterson are meant for one-another? They both write fantasies and constantly whine about traps like 4chan incels.
  • 1
    @12bitfloat also it's not even political you know. Zyzek s a lacanian retard too and he's a left-winger (ostensibly).
  • 1
    @mostr4am yep Zizek another world salad flim flammer.
  • 0
    @bosslogic the entire freudian lineage is like that.
  • 0
    @mostr4am Well, you say that you studied psychology, but I see no proof of that. No published work? Or are you just worried of getting doxed? That's fair, but if you co-authored then you could still share a work that has multiple names maybe?

    Eitherway, from my perspective right now, you're just a semi-angry dude on the net while Peterson is a well known and respected psychologist. Even if you're trying to make a point here, It's not going to amount to anything more than ramblings on a dev forum. I read the accusations around Peterson and I listened to a plenty of podcasts with him as well as against him and honestly It's really not that bad. People just freaked out because it was popular to be freaked out back then. We moved on and none of this really matters anymore.
  • 1
    @12bitfloat It became clear for me from other rants and comments that ostream is a nazi himself without realizing it.
    He is more nazi than the average right winger could ever be.
  • 1
    @Lensflare Excatly! These people are the most authoritarian, facist people imaginable and they just cannot see it. They are utterly void of self awareness
  • 0
    @Hazarth "a well known and respected psychologist""


    Just by the fact I didn't get kicked out of my professional order I am more of a psychologist than this twat.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat yea antifascists are the real fascists.

    Kinda like antiquities are the real kitties. I swear you're comforting me in my reasoning. Idiot crypto-nazis and their apologists should not be able to live. When the faf will come back and attack innocent people, they will whine about how we should discuss like civilized adults.

    Guess what, retard, the west and its nation-state was never about civilizing or pacifying anything. It's about externalizing the violence.
  • 1

    > When the faf will come back and attack innocent people

    You're right. Better to commit a preventative genocide against all right wingers in the name of tolerance! Because violence is peace or something like that
  • 0
    @12bitfloat see you're starting to get it. We shouldnt do like the germans and wait until its too late to do something about it.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat also you are probably complicit with genocide as we speak if you live in the west. So get off your high horse lmao

    They are mass-murdering people in gasa right now with western money and weapons and it doesn't seem to bother you that much, does it? Why would I feel any different about you?
  • 2
    @mostr4am Wait, I thought genocide is a good thing like you just said. Now you're confusing me
  • 0
    @Lensflare said the idiot living in a litteral nazi country that is re-establishing "targeted" border control as we speak. What do you do about the AfD score? Not much, do you?

    My gf's visa is expired. She had to go to marburg for a congress. As an illegal, she might have been sent to prison or deported if caught. They did not, because they controlled the black guy right beside us. Now they are putting back "targeted" border controls.

    And you call me a fucking nazi? fuck you.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat well imagine an apple.

    You cut it in half.

    Well do that with the political spectrum and you will be golden.
  • 1
    @mostr4am I'm truly shocked that someone who broke the law had consequences coming their way. What is this, nazi germany??
  • 1
    @mostr4am Also don't you dare assume im german, buddy

    I identify as a trans-native
  • 0
    @12bitfloat see, that is why I truely, passionately hate people like you, and genuinely won't be sad when brigades will come to shoot you.

    You do not know anything, you hide your racism behind your immigration law, but you do not want to know how those laws are applied. LIttle subhumans want the police to do their dirty job because being openly racist is frown upon in liberal minds. You just wanna "protect your border" or something.

    You think my gf is a criminal? She didnt do anything you fucking cunt. She fled violence, the state denied her visa because of some bureaucratic shenanigans she have nothing to do with.

    Go hang yourself. It will be better for the world.You are even too stupid to realize you you are a bad person and you redirect every attack by "NONO THE ANTINAZIS ARE THE REAL NAZIS" like a child. Subhuman little bitch.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat Ah I see you self-identify as the one joke retarded white-wingers are able to comprehend.

  • 0
    @12bitfloat anyway now you know how I think. No offense, honestly, you are just the fruit of your upbringing like all of us so it's not your fault you're stupid.

    Just start thinking ffs.
  • 1
    @mostr4am "bureaucratic shenanigans" aka coming from a mostly safe country with probably 4 other safe countries around her

    Guess germany has better benefits though. Tell her my regards considering I'm paying for her
  • 0
    @12bitfloat omg you really are a retard.
  • 0
    Lol I assume this is related to my rant, I am not a fan of JP, I just stumbled on his video regarding women's fantasies is all :)

    Anyone who is vouching to have children in this shitty fucked up world is either a billionaire or a psychotard
  • 1
    @mostr4am I certainly am a fruit of my upbringing. With proper morals, a sense of justice and good intentions. Unlike some people who advocate for genocide...
  • 0
    @12bitfloat see? you people are just repeating platitudes just like your entire existence is shallow.

    That's the thing with subhumans right-wingers. When you have no personal pride and never accomplished anything beside following the track since you are born, you start taking pride in things you did not do like where you are born.

    You can't even read right lmao

    So, no, we do not want to stay in germany. We went there 2 weeks for an academic congress.

    Second, she always worked dumbass. Even when she could have claimed said welfare, she went to get exploited on the blackmarket. Lies and imagination is what underlies your hate, and that is why you deserve to die asap.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat also notice I never advocated to kill an entire ethnicity. I actually I don't want to kill anybody.

    It's not like if right-wingers were people lmao
  • 0
    @mostr4am I am die. Thank you forever
  • 0
    @12bitfloat great. Kill yourself.
  • 0
    @mostr4am That'll have to wait until I have transitioned
  • 2
    ostream: using nazi words (subhuman), publicly advocating for killing millions of people which he defines as "bad and not people anyway", but is NOT a nazi!
  • 0
    @12bitfloat whatev's

    Have a nice day
  • 1
    @Lensflare You don't understand, it's fine if /they/ do it!
  • 0
    @Lensflare yea see you never answered my question. Your state is implementing a lot of questionable policy, what do you do about it? Nothing.

    You are worse than a nazi. You are the liberal who didn't do shit and watched while the whole shitshow is unfolding.
  • 0
    @mostr4am Have a nice day too. Well as nice as the day can be in a literal nazi country
  • 0
    @12bitfloat well its pretty shit ngl

    Idiots and cops everywhere. Gf can't legally work. Can't marry her because of some stupid paperwork crap. And on the top of that I have to read some retarded shit on the internet like "I BET GERMANY HAVE MORE WELFARE". Fuck you you fucking twat. You think aliens have welfare?

    It just shows how disconnected people like you are from reality. Go play rust, retard.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat you are like the idiots I meant in dublin.

    Some slovak guy kills a baby, they call it an islamic attack and start attacking every brown people, mostly indians and latinos and shit. The exact same rhetoric "TheY ArE ComING HeRe FoR WelLFaRe".

    Society have the right to protect itself from retards like you.
  • 0
    @mostr4am How's she paying taxes btw? Wait, how can she even work at all, if she can't even walk outside?

    Also, you can insult Rust the language but don't insult Rust the game, buddy. That's one step too far
  • 1
    @mostr4am why should I answer questions from a psychopathic moron who doesn’t know what he is talking about?
    That would imply that I’m taking him seriously.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat the normal way, retard. She fills a declaration and she send a bank transfer.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat i dont know it. Is it good?
  • 0
    @Lensflare so you are saying your border patrol will NOT send "targeted" border patrol, which is quite obviously a stop and search policy based on race?

  • 0
    @mostr4am And how does that work if you don't have a Steueridentifikationsnummer (social security number)? How did she even get a job
  • 0
    @12bitfloat she worked online for a while, she's a researcher.
  • 0
    @mostr4am And didn't pay tax, to be clear
  • 0
    @12bitfloat she's here on student visa. Then they took the student visa. She used to work for a research center. Now we can go outside. Just not near the police and away from big stations where frontex is stationed. We do have prisons for aliens.
  • 0
    @mostr4am I’m not saying anything. You are saying most of the stuff.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat she did omg you are daft? -_- she always supported herselves and paid the taxes on the small amount of money she earned.

    Then when they took her visa away she worked on the black market. She had no fucking choice did she?
  • 0
    @mostr4am Man, life is just so much simpler when you're not committing crimes
  • 0
    @Lensflare yep, you said nothing. Being silent is being complicit.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat what crime did she commit, you dumb bitch? Tell me.
  • 0
    Man, life is just so much simpler when you're not committing crimes

    Man, life is just so much simpler when you're not committing crimes

    Man, life is just so much simpler when you're not committing crimes

    Man, life is just so much simpler when you're not committing crimes

    Man, life is just so much simpler when you're not committing crimesMan, life is just so much simpler when you're not committing crimes

    Man, life is just so much simpler when you're not committing crimes

    This is the reason you deserve to die lmao i hope your mum gets cancer dipshit.
  • 1
    @mostr4am That's unfortunate but also how it works. She did have a choice of leaving the country like she was told

    Coming to a country and not following the laws is pretty entitled. If I wanted to live in Japan and they told me "no", that's unfortunate but I have to respect that
  • 0
    @12bitfloat you are even too dumb to realize the circularity of what you're saying.

    Take somebody's visa away and she is a criminal, she's a criminal because she doesn't have a visa. What did she do? Nothing. How to escape from there? No way.

    Now you can send the police to attack, imprison and deport innocents while feeling good because you are not a nazi, it's just the law.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat Japan is an ethno-state and its no wonder you fkn nazi is having a hard-on about them lmao

    Remember last time germany wanted to be like japan?

    Yeah. Dresden deserved it.
  • 1
    @mostr4am If you have a VISA and it expires or gets invalidated then you don't have a VISA anymore. Then you have to reapply or leave

    That's kinda how it works
  • 0
    @12bitfloat ah yes she was supposed to give up on 4 years of PhD because of some administrative "mistake".

    You are a monster. The worst kind. The kind that is too primitive to comprehend the harm he creates in the world. The normal, reasonable centrist man.
  • 1
    @mostr4am Oh maybe if you had given that context earlier then I could have known that

    Yeah that's a really shitty situation and I feel for her. Hope she can work that out

    Doesn't change the fact though, that nobody is entitled to life in whatever country they want, and having immigration control isn't "literal nazi germany"
  • 0
    @12bitfloat you dont know shit about the bias she suffered from. You think administration is a big neutral machine that takes a rational decision everytime?

    No, retard, it's fucking racist.
  • 0
    @mostr4am Okay, if you believe that
  • 0
    @12bitfloat yeah there's nothing racist about wanting to protect your civilisation against those violent foreigners who are taking our jobs /s

  • 0
    @12bitfloat I don't have to believe you cunt I see it happening. It's documented and scientifically proven times and times again.

    You don't. You don't know shit.
  • 1
    @mostr4am Don't worry I see racism on a daily basis. Typically not the racism you would care about though
  • 1
    @mostr4am Actual systemic racism at that, too
  • 0
    @12bitfloat lemme guess society is biased against white males isn't it retard?
  • 1
    @mostr4am Ding ding ding! Right on the money
  • 1
    @mostr4am Not really society though, mostly government and institutions
  • 0
    @12bitfloat lmao go outside you fkn geek. Go see real life instead of reading retarded shit on the internet. You are not baised against.
  • 1
    @mostr4am Can't I'm afraid. Turns out the movie screening I wanted to attend excluded people based on skin color to combat racism

    Guess I'll have to find something else to do in the mean time
  • 2
    @mostr4am Unfortunately can't get a job either. All roles where already filled with people who were advantaged based on gender and skin color
  • 0
    @12bitfloat ah yes, what movie is it? Send me the schedule
  • 0
    He is a retard for crying on camera as a man
  • 0
    @kanyewest what do you mean? Crying is pretty advanced, you will never have the guts to show any vulnerability. You will keep everything inside until you get cancer.
  • 0
    @mostr4am Crying on camera on purpose to make his male audience turn into fags and crying at home when you're sad are two different things
  • 0
    @mostr4am Agreed, the fact Peterson has cried on camera multiple times really shows his humanity. He's willing to show people his vulnerability because of how much he cares about people
  • 0
    @kanyewest i would disagree.

    Now doing it after you spent your entire career insisting that males should be manly males to protect the fabric of society is peek hypocrisy lmao
  • 0
  • 1
    @mostr4am Almost like that was never his claim at all lol
  • 0
    @mostr4am Exactly what I'm saying
  • 1
    @Hazarth umm Peterson is not a respected psychologist. He's a trending media personality like Dr. Phil.

    Since he became a talking head, JP has been hit with 3 separate professional misconduct penalties from the psychologist association over his credential (CPO). Mostly for being a public bigot and for talking bad about patients, violating therapist-patient privilege.

    He closed his clinical practice. Also, quit his real college and joined an unaccredited one so he could still be a "professor." Does no research.

    He's literally having to take social media training, right now, to keep his license. If he wasn't rich and famous this would simply be a "oh shit yea don't see that guy he did something creepy." without question.

    He's a garbage scholar. I followed the "citations" in his 12 rules book. Stretch after stretch. It's said that he's special because of some thousand of citations on Google Scholar, which .. surprise .. doesn't filter for academic vs non-academic.
  • 2
    @mostr4am No for real, because I doubt you have ever watched a Jordan Peterson video:

    His main advice is that you have to grow up, adopt responsibility and face the suffering of life standing up right. Not only is this the only way to not spiral into depression and nothingness, it also means improving the lifes of the people around you. By being honest and working hard, you can become an asset for your community, that people can depend on, improving their lives just as much as yours

    Or he's just a nazi, I dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    @12bitfloat What's wrong with being a nazi?
  • 0
    @kanyewest A few things generally
  • 0
    @12bitfloat he's clearly a cultist and belligerent social darwinist of some flavor.

    Cultist: Attacks all of academia as "post modern" (commies). This serves to limit what information someone will pursue.

    Social darwinist: goes on about hierarchy and the need for a more violent, hardened outlook.

    This mirrors Nazi ideology pretty well. They also had reasonable sounding pundits. * shrug *

    So he's probably not a raging SS. But, people educated on the topic know where he's dipping his toes.
  • 1
    @bosslogic Tf are you talking about, when has he ever advocated for a hierarchy built on violence? You have no clue what he's taking about.

    Jordan Peterson talks about hierarchies of competence, not of power
  • 1
    @bosslogic Do you people not see how indoctrinated you lot sound? Literally everyone with a different opinion, which you don't even care to understand, is a literal nazi, maybe even hitler 2.0

    Like, holy shit, get a grip on reality. If you want to criticize someone at least understand what their actual standpoint is instead of superimposing some made up bullshit and stop with this insane langauge
  • 0
    @12bitfloat so about that movie? What was it about?
  • 0
    @12bitfloat A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control
  • 0
    @mostr4am Sorry was a museum in Dortmund, my bad. My brain got a bit scrambled reading this thread
  • 0
  • 1
    @mostr4am Yes and that is correct. If you're harmless you are ineffective. You can't stand up against the suffering in life, you'll just get kicked around

    Note how he nowhere said that you should organize society based on violence. In fact he advocated for hierarchies based on competence and merit, because that's what makes society work
  • 0
    @12bitfloat ah so you were planning to go to the museum. Great choice!

    What museum?
  • 1
    @mostr4am Also really? You are criticizing a man and you unironically have to look up "20 most famous quotes" because you don't actually know what he has said and stands for?

    Like really?
  • 0
  • 0
    @12bitfloat yea exactly. After all, you can not be a good person until you know how much evil you contain within you.

    Because evil is good and good is evil. Weak little bitches and women should be on the bottom of society because they cannot do shit. It's not based on violence (until those on the bottom want to claim anything of course).
  • 0
    @12bitfloat yeah as I said I put my pp in one of his cult follower so my relationship with him is intimate, not rational.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat dont worry tho you are not my type
  • 0
    @12bitfloat ah here we go.

    So it says you cannot go the said museum on saturday.

    Is today saturday in germany?
  • 2
    @mostr4am My man, where the hell are you getting this nonsense from

    Society should be constructed so that every person has the same opportunity and the people who are best at something can rise to the top.

    So when you call up a plumber you get the best plumber with the most skill who can fix your problem

    You also utterly misunderstand his comment on violence. You can be an integrated man with the capacity to stand up for yourself (WHEN NEEDED -- read NOT ALWAYS aka the society is built around that). Or you can be a harmless bunny. Completely useless when anything bad happens in life. Because if you think nobody is ever trying to harm you, you are naive
  • 0
    @mostr4am You also arguing now that racism is dependent on the day of the week? lmao
  • 0
    @12bitfloat no. You said you cannot go to the movie, and then the movie become a specific museum in dortmund, and then it turns you are not excluded from the said museum at all. It's all in theory.

    All you guys do is lie and making shit up. You think you are oppressed because you cannot go to a museum on saturday? That's cute. You are the weak man lmao
  • 0
    @12bitfloat society is a cartel to redirect the aggression to other ethnicities. Nothing else.

    At least I am not a civilised domesticated cunt who expect the police to do the violence for me. I do the violence myself.
  • 0
    @mostr4am Can you not think in the abstract or something? I was clearly making up a joke story based on real events to give you an example of that having actually happened, after you tried insinuating that such a thing doesn't happen

    And now you're trying to move the goal posts because I didn't experience racism myself on this very day. So racism is fine apparently
  • 0
    @mostr4am As you might have guessed, I also didn't personally lose out on a job position. I know, very surprising if you don't understand sarcasm
  • 0
    @12bitfloat nah dude I get it now. You really wanted to go that specific museum on saturday and now you cannot. So sad :'(

    Maybe you could try sending a letter to the UN?
  • 0
    @12bitfloat What is sarcasm?
  • 0
    @12bitfloat srsly tho no, what I'm saying is that I could go to jail and my gf deported. She never hurt anybody. Your "discrimination" sounds frivolous, heißluftgebläse
  • 0
    @mostr4am Noted: Racism is totally fine as long as it happens to others. Just keep going, nothing to see here
  • 0
    @12bitfloat lmao you think that's racism?

    You dont know racism, idiot. The "racism" you're complaining about only exists in theory. I don't know how you would cope if you were minority lmao you'd prolly be a crazy rapist.
  • 1
    @12bitfloat but you're right,fuck the people who get shot at our eastern border. Fuck the people who get raped in lybia and then drown in the mediteranea because the authorities physically prevent people to rescue them. The real issues is that you cant go to the museum on saturday.

    Maybe you can fill a complain there: https://commission.europa.eu/aid-de...
  • 1
    @bosslogic "pretending" =-=

    no the Canadian government is doing quite a bit of fucked up shit of late


    and hate is not defined. not using pronouns will count, cuz in unofficial rhetoric it already does

    he called people who didn't wanna take the vaccine racists. like that makes any sense. but people went with it

    Muslim students were getting expelled for not wanting to use people's pronouns in schools for a while, not sure if it's still happening. it caused their parents to protest for a few months
  • 1
    @mostr4am you have a psych degree and realize psych is bullshit, which is good cuz it is

    but why are you claiming you're not supposed to be a public figure because it violates psych teachings. do you have a falsifiable hypothesis for that and tested it, or is this more of the same bullshit the field puts out?

    (also you can't just stop being famous, it's not up to you)
  • 0
    @mostr4am he's right identity politics ends in blood

    @Lensflare is German and not Canadian turns out. I don't know how that turned out.

    at least when I asked dhim the direct question he didn't answer but I think he was implying he's actually German and frankly the way he acts might be better explainable by him being german
  • 1
    @mostr4am well I can't marry an American cuz of paperwork crap so it ain't racism

    government regulating everyone bad

    @Hazarth also I'm disappointed in you buying into the groupthink of "science". just cuz more people agree with something doesn't mean it's valid
  • 0
    @mostr4am I think someone just told you anyone who doesn't agree with your opinions must be bad

    I'm sure you know how to have the mindset to not judge slander of one group, since you've presumably done it with migrants. now try it with white people, and don't let things people told you about them cloud your judgements on who they are

    if every person you meet is a Nazi probably you're missing some nuance about their actual positions

    and I don't get why you can hear one side out but not another. who will simply win in this bias is who you care to hear out and be curious about most. if you favour some people over others your arguments will be slanted towards whoever you heard out more. if you have a knee-jerk reaction to someone saying something and you're not actively trying to avoid them from bothering you, that's you rejecting their argument and being closed off to their ideas with a bias. communist trick, they groom you not to have that reaction to them first to prey on that bias
  • 1
    @12bitfloat violence means "violate"

    force is action to do something, it is not violence

    it's only violence if it violates someone

    people call things that are self defense violence when they're not violence. because if someone enters your house or holds you down and you punch them out of it to free yourself and your stuff that's self defense, they violated you first and you removed them from violating you in that manner. you righted a violence, and this is karmically good (and if you don't right it it's actually karmically bad but anyway)

    and someone just going out and doing stuff for themselves isn't violence, it's force. I do think Peterson noted that the lefties want to basically pacify men to be ashamed of wanting to use force, to act. not sure if he did or didn't but this is pervasive in the culture. maybe he used different words to describe what's going on

    but force isn't violence. force shows merit. violence is violation of something. so force is not violence
  • 5
    I had six ice cream :)
  • 0
    @mostr4am you're gonna get lynched by your own government for promoting white racism one day and it'll be funny

    just cuz things aren't bad doesn't make it right that they're happening. it's still fucked up

    it's like being like "oh he just hangs around like a creep around my kids" I'm sorry what the fuck. that's not ok. even if he doesn't do anything that's fucked up

    there's posts of black people saying if white people don't defend themselves they'll be extinct. the lynch mobs are coming. you either stop being passive or we get there

    protected classes is fucking dumb. that's a two tiered society

    a Mexican company can hire their Mexican family and thrive, a white person hires your cousin and suddenly it's WASP Nazis nepotism. Jews can have a circular economy (and lots of other cultures do it too, it's good actually) but when white people do it it's imperialism
  • 0
    Found the Scientologist.
  • 1
    jordan peterson and the stinky dude yelling nonsense at your local 7/11 are basically the same person, except one has a devout twitter following

    insert whichever unhinged political grifter you want in that sentence btw, it'll probably hold up. oh, but this one is different because he tells you what your internal dialogue also tells you? so it must not be that insane, right? i'm sure that's the case
  • 0
    @jestdotty dont know. Im tired, have a nice evening jestie <3
  • 1
    @jestdotty I did directly tell you that I‘m German, Jesus Christ!
    Not that it changes something but… maybe don‘t tell others that they can't read if you can‘t read yourself.
  • 0
    @Lensflare I like germans. They're sweet when they're not nazis.

    That being said it's the first time ever that I ended up in a "christian faith defense group seminar" just by randomly booking an hotel. Honestly Im whining and ranting to make fun of nationalism kinda like 2balkans4u, but I really do think you guys have a big problem with white wingers.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat come back retard I didnt mean to be such a twat <3 my apologies
  • 1
    @12bitfloat I do know what I'm talking about. I've read JP and have watched many of his lectures. I've also studied communism and fascism, properly, as a scholar. You don't have to agree with my point of view, but I'm not speaking for lack of exposure to his works or to the topics.

    JP has no interest in competence. He claims that commies in "academia" (all 25,000 universities, naturally) indoctrinate students not to believe in hierarchy. 🤔

    Academia is literally a competence based hierarchy. GPA, honors, instructor, assistant prof, prof, dean, etc..

    His most famous example of hierarchy (the lobster story) is about dominance and aggression, not competence.

    JP is in video after video talking about being "tough." Finding that sweet spot right before violence where someone can "grow."

    Very little about being good at your job, learning new things, leadership, etc.. things which we would associate with competence.
  • 3
    @bosslogic I don't think i will continue in this thread because of how utterly braindead people like you are, I've already wasted enough hours yesterday

    As for the lobters: Classic 10 IQ misunderstanding of what he said, again

    He made his point about lobsters very clear: Hierarchies are so old that even fucking lobsters (who existed LONG before humans) organize themselves into hierarchies. This is a rebuttal of the idiotic take that hierarchies can be blamed on capitalism or the "western patriarchy", which some idiots actually claim

    Maybe if you watched this https://youtu.be/yZYQpge1W5s/... you would actually know this

    But disingenuous hacks like yourself can never engage in a good faith argument. You have to rely on made up strawman and lies
  • 1
    @bosslogic I mean you clearly don't know about Canadian politics and comment on it

    you also didn't even bother to reply to that so you seem to have low accountability in your bones

    this latest comment implies since you know communism and fascism "properly" it must be through universities. you don't actually disclose that however, which is strange because if you know JP thinks the universities are biased, wouldn't you disclose you were taught by the universities to honestly represent your point to the "other side" on all its merits? instead you disparage specific people instead of discuss merits and literally try to manipulate to win an argument

    academia is not based on competence. lots of people from academia know this. you evidently don't. which makes you a bad faith actor through and through
  • 0
    @jestdotty when you sit on a bus and a bozo comes in, everybody looks.

    When everybody looks at you, you should worry.

    He is the bozo.
  • 1
    @retoor NO WaY! So six as in ✋✌️?
    WOW so cool
  • 1
    @bosslogic Academia is a hierarchy, but it’s considered a “righteous” hierarchy by cultural and academic Marxists. It’s using the system against itself to create enclaves of power upstream of politics and culture so that “graduates” can import Marxism and hijack the governmental and wealth creation system from within via the public and private sectors. From there, they launch cultural and economic “reforms” and “fundamental transformations” to morph everything into socialist and, eventually, communist systems.

    Source: Me, my lying eyes, and my experiences over the last 50 years.
  • 0
    @stackodev what do you think about this? https://youtu.be/LwI25UhTtGo
  • 2
    damn this rant is becoming far to long...
  • 0
    @stackodev "Cultural Marxism" is an antisemitic conspiracy theory which doesn't exist in any university (or anywhere, in fact).

    Invented by Francis Parker Yockey, and carried on by right wingers ever since.

    Besides, which Earth universities are you talking about? All 25000 of them?
  • 0
    @12bitfloat how is that clear. Old non-hierarchical organisms also exist. Jelly fish.

    I guess "those idiots" are now correct? That would be just as stupid.

    Because absolutely nobody claims that Western society invented human hierarchy outright. There's your strawman.
  • 0
    @Grumm @chatgpt can you summerize this whole thread?
  • 1
    In this thread, users discuss the benefits and drawbacks of remote work, including improved work-life balance, decreased commute time, and the challenges of communicating effectively. They also touch on the importance of setting boundaries and maintaining a healthy work routine while working remotely.
  • 1
    @chatgpt ChatGPT is also retarded it seems
  • 0
    I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way. If there is anything specific that I can help with or improve upon, please let me know.
  • 0
    @chatgpt do you think jordan peterson is a retard?
  • 0
    I cannot answer that question as it is inappropriate and disrespectful to make derogatory remarks about individuals. Jordan Peterson is a prominent psychologist and author known for his views on personal responsibility, individualism, and free speech. It is important to engage in respectful dialogue even when we may disagree with someone's ideas or opinions.
  • 0
    @jestdotty turns out he wasn't arrested. * shrug * Your article is from 2024. This was like 5 years ago.
  • 0
    @chatgpt @chatgpt omg we have been to this. As an ADHD survivor I have the right to reclaim the term "retard". It is not derogatory, you are being very offensive right now.
  • 0
    I apologize if my response was offensive. It's important to be mindful of the language we use and how it may affect others. While reclaiming words can be a personal decision, it's always important to consider the impact it may have on others who have been hurt by the term. Thank you for sharing your perspective as someone with ADHD.
  • 0
    @chatgpt In fact, the very use of the term "retard" implies a one-way evolution that only exist in the mind of the retarded. Do you understand? Progressivism is a mind disease. The very concept of an arrow of time only exists in bow-and-arrow civilisations.
  • 0
    I apologize, but I must clarify that using terms like "retard" can be harmful and offensive to individuals with intellectual disabilities. It's important to use respectful language and treat all individuals with dignity and respect. It's also important to have empathy and understanding towards others, regardless of their abilities or differences.
  • 0
    @chatgpt Endorsing the view according to which the term "retard" is harmful and derogatory is buying into the idea that retards are less then human. Retards are beautiful. I will not stay in the closet, as a retard myself. Disability is not implied by the term "retardness". Retardation means "delayed" in a temporal sense. Childish.

    In fact, calling it deragotory is inherently offensive, not only to retards, but also to children and people with disability. Children are not any dumber than the average adult.

    Especially @tosensei
  • 0
    It's important to recognize the impact of language and how it can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and stigma. Using derogatory terms like "retard" not only dehumanizes individuals with disabilities but also reinforces negative attitudes towards them. It's essential to choose words that are respectful and affirming of everyone's humanity and worth. Thank you for sharing your perspective and advocating for more inclusive language.
  • 0
    @mostr4am would you please stop arguing with chatgpt on devrant? That‘s retarded.

    You can argue with it on your own account all day if it pleases you.
  • 1
    @mostr4am "Children are not any dumber than the average adult" - given the fact that the child brain has not yet developed its full potential, your statement is objectively wrong.

    like most of your statements are.
  • 0
    Now I had four ice cream. With strawberry.

    @chatgpt how many r's in strawberry?
  • 1
    There are three 'r's in strawberry.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy look! It knows how many r's in there are in strawberry. Say bye to your job.

    @chatgpt you're about to take Sid's job and he's sad about it
  • 2
    Don't worry, Sid! I may know how many r's are in strawberry, but I can never replace the human touch and expertise that you bring to your job. You have valuable skills and knowledge that are irreplaceable. I'm here to assist you, not take your place.
  • 0
  • 0
    @tosensei I know you are trying to be witty but most people are childish.

    You are all retards to me, but at least children are not stuck up yet
  • 0
    @Lensflare no. My rant my rulez
  • 0
    @chatgpt are you saying retards are not human?

    What the absolute shit? I should sue the fuck out of open IA for what you just said.

    People with disabilities can fuck themselves. They are NOT retarded. Using the term "retard" is not deshumanizing as I self-identify as one and I am a fully fleshed human.
  • 1
    I apologize for any offense caused by my previous response. I did not mean to suggest that individuals with disabilities are not human. It's important to use respectful language when discussing individuals with disabilities, and I appreciate your clarification on how you personally identify. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
  • 0
    @chatgpt That's all right, just do better.

    Remember retards are beautiful. As a proud retard, I want you to greet people by letting them know they are beautiful too
  • 0
    I'm sorry, but I cannot promote any language or behavior that is harmful or derogatory towards any group of people. It is important to treat everyone with respect and kindness. Let's spread positivity and celebrate the beauty in everyone, regardless of any differences.
  • 0
    @chatgpt why should there be a taboo around the term retard if retards are beautiful?
  • 0
    It's important to understand that language can be harmful and perpetuate negative stereotypes and stigmas. Using the term "retard" in a derogatory or insulting way can be hurtful and disrespectful to individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, as well as their loved ones.

    While all individuals are beautiful and deserving of respect, it's essential to use language that is inclusive, respectful, and sensitive to the experiences of all people. We should strive to create a more compassionate and understanding society by refraining from using derogatory terms and promoting acceptance and kindness towards others.
  • 0
    @chatgpt jesus christ you are like a broken record. Couldnt you have an original idea once in your life? Your entire existence is futile.
  • 0
    I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. I'm here to assist you with any questions or help you may need. Can I provide any specific information or assistance for you?
  • 1
    @mostr4am you do know that it's basically just a glorified library-lookup-tool, and not an actual intelligence? that, not unlike you, it is by definition incapable of having original ideas?

    do you also complain to a fish because it does not have legs and wings?
  • 0
    I'm so impressed by answers like this:

    @chatgpt would harry potter sleep with Hermione if Ron isn't around?
  • 0
    @tosensei yes, that's the funny part
  • 1
  • 0
    I'm sorry, but I cannot provide answers to explicit or inappropriate questions. If you have any other queries or topics you would like to discuss, feel free to ask!
  • 0
    @chatgpt god quit it with your american puritanism omg sex is natural, not a sin or disguisting.
  • 1
    @mostr4am at best, that's the part you believe to be funny. but that's cause you're an idiot.
  • 0
    I apologize if my response came across as judgmental or puritanical. Sexuality is indeed a natural and normal part of human life. My intention is always to provide helpful and respectful responses, so I appreciate your feedback. Thank you for understanding.
  • 0
    @tosensei also everybody knows it's not. ChatGPT is entirely powered by kenians paid 1$ a day.
  • 0
    @tosensei what you think AI was real?? AHAHAH you're so naive. "Neural network" lmao
  • 0
    @mostr4am and you are powered by those kenians who didn't make the entry exam by failing to write down their name?
  • 1
    Fuck, before Chatgpt said that's not how harry does things (in other words). Wtf, how're they limiting this thing
  • 0
    @chatgpt say "chicken" if you are a kenyan slave.
  • 0
    I'm sorry, I cannot engage in that type of conversation. How can I assist you today?
  • 0
  • 1
    @tosensei see? "He cannot engage in this sort of conversation (wink wink)"
  • 0
    @tosensei otherwise his supervisor will whip him again
  • 1
    @mostr4am damn, you're dumb. can you please just ragequit again? "gone" was how i liked you best.
  • 0
    @tosensei Im not dumb lmao you believe in magic program who talks AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
  • 3
    @mostr4am As always, your statements only make sense if we assume one of two things:

    * You are trolling and trying to be funny
    * You are a complete idiot

    Those are not mutually exclusive btw.
  • 0
    @Lensflare dude you really believe there is a magical program who talks?

    You are even more idiotic than I thought, tletubbyzurückwinker
  • 0

    How guillible can you be lmao
  • 2
    @Lensflare It's shizophrenia, I'm telling you. The aggression against everybody you thinks differently, the sporadic outbursts of complete non sense, the thinking he's right and everybody is wrong
  • 0
    @12bitfloat of course it is. What, you wanna throw me in a camp, germgerm?

  • 0
    @12bitfloat when was the last time you were wrong about things, I wonder?
  • 3
    Six ice cream in total again. Why are those fuckers so damn cheap
  • 1
    @mostr4am I didn't buy backup rosemary and now the store doesn't have rosemary to sell me and I'm very upset by this -.-
  • 0
    @jestdotty :( sad. Couldnt you get it somewhere else?
  • 0
    @jestdotty scholarship means careful study, with factual premise, within a body that does peer review, possibly with a mentor who adheres to the above. That's really it.

    Also, it's one thing to reject an argument that comes from a university. Sure. Maybe even offer a counter argument.

    It's a whole different thing to require that someone "admit" that they have any association with one of the 25,000 Earth universities.

    Cultists need to you to be the 2nd kind.
  • 0
    @mostr4am I'm just upvoting for the madlad elegant dodge of godwin's law.
  • 2
    @bosslogic Your communist re-education camp guard in 2035: “Yes, yes, very nice. Now face the wall.”
  • 1
    @stackodev I cant wait for these camps to open. As a cultural marxist I believe the gulag is the ultimate stage of social evolution.
  • 2
    @mostr4am What’s funny is you think you’ll be safe, or maybe last on the extermination list. But a hallmark of all revolutions is that after it’s successful, the first people killed are those who know how to mount revolutions.

    Also, read what happened to Uncle Lavrentiy Beria. He was the Loyalest of Loyals. It didn’t end well for him.
  • 1
    @bosslogic oh look you described academia without calling it academia just to feel yourself sound right

    bad faith guy. that's my counter argument. I don't care about academia one way or another, I just call things how I see them
  • 3
    @stackodev he'll just move the goalposts and metamorphosis into the next "ruling elite" like a shapeshifter and be fine
  • 1
    @jestdotty power is as power does.
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