
So our robotics team just got some code ready and our robots servos are reading hardware fault. Fml

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    So... ewprattern, hyperlisk and you know each other irl
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    @gitpull Almost made that same comment lmao.

    That's pretty cool though. Nobody ik irl is an avid user.
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    i truly hate the first organization
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    Holy crap you do FRC too? What team?
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    where do you guys live? I want to take part in frc too, but as far as I know it's only far away from Germany. I have no idea where to get started, have you just build the robot for this years game and went to the competition?

    @hitchhiker42 @ewpratten @n3xus
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    @lucaIO FRC is ending build season soon and starting comps in a few weeks. It's mostly in the us/Canada/Israel/some Australia, China rn. You should take a look at FTC, that's a bit more global
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    @tofonion @ewpratten theyre the only one, so theyve stopped trying. theyre the only ones where kids can build a robot and compete, so theyve become commercial. they dont strive to make their competitors learn more, but to make their place more racially diverse. i dont know about you, but i have a strong belief that people in first should be judged fully on intelligence, not their race. now, having a monopoly in this space, they limit ftc to java and some block programming language. personally, i wanted to use kotlin, and maybe c++, but im not allowed. smh.
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    @calmyourtities I know some teams that use Kotlin in FRC. Also there's vex as a competitor to FIRST
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    @calmyourtities well, I've already heard similar things. It can't be good if someone has no rivalries.
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    @hitchhiker42 not ftc, which is bigger
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    @ewpratten i thought you were german
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