
There is one difference between left and right. I discovered it in less than a minute. How fast are you?

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    I have this image from this nice article: https://danielwirtz.com/blog/...
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    Spotted! (less than a minute too, after i read the trick in the article)
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    well their ratios are off which irritates me
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    @jestdotty oh no! Oh well.. I had my birthday yesterday. I gonna celebrate it for a week with guests in evening :) Even a friend from Ukraine comes :)
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    I don't know what the difference is, but I crossed my eyes and joined image into one image and it looks really cool.

    edit: okay, I guess you cross eyes according to article. But I don't see diff.

    okay i found diff
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    oh I can't even do this. I am basically blind in one of my eyes lol

    I wanted the images in the pic to be beside each other top to bottom so I could scan them "by pixel". rip ofc it would work that way when you have two eyes and could just overlay them. but my left eye has genetic nerve damage so I can barely see out of it. can't even read with it. it's like permanently seeing stars / missing black data all the time cuz the nerve doesn't deliver it to my brain, so everything looks different if I cross my eyes and then keeps shimmering lol
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    This is what astronomers used to do before there were computers :)
    But they printed it on translucent film and stacked both images on top of each other to spot the difference.
    (I don‘t have a printer so I‘ll tap out on this one :)
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    @retoor I opened gimp, pasted the right image over the left and made it blink

    10 seconds
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    @antigermanist wow, valuntary gimp usage spotted.
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    @retoor what do you mean? what else would i use?
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    @antigermanist gimp is hard application
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    I don't have stereoscopic vision, ~3min by rapidly glancing back and forth to find the matching section while letting my eyes wander across the image(s)
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    I asked chatgpt to point out differences. One diff, you say? 😁
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    @netikras ChatGTP went a little bit blood thirsty it seems
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    @antigermanist just opening gimp is already 10 seconds
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    so now i need to ask some friends to watch my eyes (when\if im off-guard and comparing images).

    These things have always been easy to a level of boredom and wonder as to why others dont just know the answers like i do. seriously... since at least age 4\preschool.

    I never heard about the eye crossing thing. I guess it could've been something i innately picked up so early that ive been oblivious to it... but im also ridiculously fast with all those image search things like where's waldo, find the X amount of *somethings* and those things in kids magazines (like Highlights) with the list of items to find... though comparatively, im much slower (for me) at the last ones.

    i do have a near (dyslexia) eidetic\photographic\whatever it's currently called memory and some insane level of innate pattern recognition (well beyond my comprehension or full command of)... so now im super curious.

    typing this... ironically, i don't think i know how to cross my eyes... at least intentionally.
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    @Lensflare actually, there was some less renowned methods too... im oddly knowledgeable at this specifically (had a, extremely blown out of logical proportion, intense debate(totally friendly) with an islamic scholar starting with the astrolabe).

    my favourite outdated star-comparison method is the one where theyd make a small scale image of the night sky (there were several methods from essentially child labour to an array of magnifying lenses and chemical compounds reactive to lights and\or heat... im fond of the precise use of magnesium,... but i like fire)...

    then, theyd use a form of old telescope-like thing and a mirror and a lense to account for any differences
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    ask chatgpt something more fun.... like to interpret satirical, non-english, song lyrics... or explain async functions looping\priority patterns, while tossing in a param thats an immediate exception (like python, nesting async inside of sync) but u gotta mask it with other valid crap.

    i once got chatgpt stuck in a failing logic loop by feeding it paul graham's "how to disagree" and asking it for debate practice, where their stance was disagreeing with those points.

    tbh... if i thought to use a tech\computer solution to comparing seemingly identical images... id have totally just converted them to the non-compressed individual pixel data then ran a basic iteration loop to compare\flag non-identical pixels...

    yea... im a dinosaur
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