I wonder how developers at pornhub get anything done :|

  • 6
    Inbefore all videos are blocked from playing
  • 3
    @PrivateGER How will they test a feature if they can't use the platform, i.e. without watching videos development is not possible unless they use test videos
  • 2
    @py2js Of course we need to attone for real-life scenarios, right? You know, check quality of the videos and stuff.
  • 0
    It is quite amazing what with how their language works against them 😂😂
  • 17
    So is their work nsfw? 🤔
  • 2
    @PrivateGER There are lots of non-porn content on pornhub to test with (maybe this is the reason why they don't delete them), for example Viktor Orbán's victory speech
  • 8
    If you are used to pr0n on a daily basis, I don't think it will disturb your development tasks.
    And as we all know, programming is 80% thinking and searching and 20% writing code. 😉
    For pr0nhub devs, it will probably be 60%/20% + 20% extraction of compressed DNA "files".
  • 3
    They probably only hire women and have a daily solo meeting at the beginning of the day.
  • 12
    @Mizz141 you must be fun at partys.
  • 4
    They spend most of their time in the backend
  • 3
    When it comes to technology, pornhub uses all the latest technologies at the backend. They use elasticsearch for text based queries, RabbitMQ, and memcached for data caching. They have Neo4j and MySQL as their database engines. Exciting work right?
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  • 4
    They use gay developers for all of the straight porn and straight developers for all the gay porn. That's how they can look at the codebase and not the 'assetts.'
  • 1
    @sisakmarton try testing the "sync with toy" feature with that. No thanks.
  • 1
    @fuck2code I've seen a few of them in passing 😅. But I don't own (those) toys.
  • 1
    It's a tortue, it's not a job!
  • 4
    Probably they can write code using just one hand. 😉
  • 0
    @superuser that's super power!
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    I guess pornhub makes sure all employees are in a relationship.
  • 2
    @billgates Right. Because no-one who is in a relationship watches "nature films".
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    @Charmesal well if you want to get into the details... the way porn vids work is they fantasize sexual experiences and make you think "man I wish I could do that". But after you've done it a few times for real, you don't get that turned on because you already know what it's like.
  • 0
    @billgates Not really though. Most commonly watched video's are things done in a ton of relationships anyway. Of course there are exceptions to this.
  • 0
    @Charmesal but it seems those in a relationship that still watch a lot of porn means things aren't going that well...


    Idea is the same with tech/consumer marketing... People without iPhones see the stuff in the ads/demos and want one. Those with iPhones still want to upgrade when a new one comes out.
  • 1
    @billgates "Good relationship satisfaction, for both men and women, reduced the connection between perceived lack of control and frequency of use, suggesting that porn use is not as likely to be destructive for satisfying relationships. Lower sexual satisfaction predicted more frequent porn use, as well as greater perceived lack of control."

    Things like this are true and I'm aware of that. If you need to watch porn for a few days a week you don't get enough satisfaction in your relationship.

    But look at the words they use and the correlation. It's words like "less". they don't stop watching altogether.

    I didn't mean to say it's just the same as being single but a lot of people still often enjoy a video every now and then.
  • 1
    True so if these types of people are working for pornhub, then there is no real problem bc at most it will just give them an idea of something to try back at home.

    There's also the fact that they probably get used to it on the job. Naturally we just want things we can't have. If you have unlimited access to something, you won't value or desire it that much.
  • 1
    @billgates I totally agree on that last part. Eventually you'll get used to it and it'll be normal. Like seeing Breasts in a movie.
  • 2
    @fuck2code sex scènes can still be awkward with you're parents after many years 😅. Unless you have the sort of parents you talk with about sex.
  • 2
    @fuck2code "aww honey, doesn't this just bring back memories of those days and now look what come from it"

    *parents look at you*
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