Starting dark mode on apps like...

  • 16
    @Alice if you'd want to just use the one in the OP or somebody else is interested, it's this one:


    there's also another one, that imho looks even prettier: https://codepen.io/bnthor/pen/... (and not as aggressively animated)
  • 6
    #2 is better for sure @JoshBent
  • 5
    @Floydian I actually got a lot of clients recently asking me to be hired permanently, but I feel I am just much more free working as a freelancer, especially because I can just learn all things, use new technologies, most of the time not having to deal with other peoples code or failures, work anywhere in the world and just relax at home too
  • 2
    @Stuxnet heh, it's really beautiful and smooth, I know, I stumbled upon it when I searched for the first one back then
  • 4
    @JoshBent Seems like you're an above average coder. Is your income close and as stable as if you worked a normal job?
  • 3
    @Stuxnet that's very flattering, thanks! but it's hard for me to always position myself into the "dev spectrum", so to say - since I know a lot, but I miss a lot too, especially when I compare myself to others on here (which I feel is a great thing, because I can always learn from those people and get better)

    I might be able to have a more "stable" income, if I'd work for one company only, but it just feels like being jailed to me, especially with all the things mentioned prior and I would have to jump ship a lot, similar to @Bitwise 's situation, to replicate what I have.
  • 2
    @Floydian I like to keep my nationality away from devrant/internet, for personal reasons, but if you'd go through all my comments (heh, good luck) - you could get a remote idea, even though I know three languages, so it wouldn't be a definite hit.
  • 3
    @JoshBent @Floydian Maybe write a script that scrapes through his comments for a set of trigger words? Lmao
  • 2
    @JoshBent Yea I understand. If I end up being a dev, the. I'd prefer freelance/work from home vs being in an office. And side projects/right to freelance is a must for me.

    But it's all a big "if" for me now.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet you'd need a freaking good AI to do that lol (or just a "couple" of ifs, huh?)

    yeah, I feel freelancing offers just much more, if you can actually make a living out of it, which often is the main barrier

    also WOW, my newest script just saved me twice from accidentally losing my entire comment lol!
  • 3
    @JoshBent A "few" ifs should do the job lol.

    And true. You can pick and choose what you want to make, if there's plenty of available jobs.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet exactly and what I also didn't mention, what you reminded me of is: if you feel like doing php today, you pick up a php job, if you feel nodejs - you pick that, if you feel like just doing some quick jobs and then relax, do e.g. some landing pages, want a bigger project with higher pay per milestone, so you can relax for the rest of the month? there's that too, it's really flexible.
  • 1
    I see boku no hero I ++
  • 0
    @Floydian Might as well be a brit then, huh?
  • 1
    Reminds me of my cookie slider 🤔

  • 0
    @Meta oh shit, only noticed "my [...]" after coming back to the tab again, looks nice, good job
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge in which of those mentioned? also in what way unnecessary, that it's all "that" just for a slider? 😅
  • 0
    @Alice the good one or the meh one?
  • 0
    @Alice ain't that both? 😅
  • 0
    @Alice good, was worried there for a second, show us the results later, that's awesome! 😊
  • 0
    @Floydian but the moon is pink, its just our atmosphere which changes its color /s
  • 0
    can we have devWeabs? 😂
  • 0
    @Alice sounds strange, how are you setting the cookie?
  • 0
    @Alice sounds like the expire isn't set, firefox has its weird quirks
  • 0
    @Alice idk then, we'd have to see, to check further
  • 0
    @Alice that's what github is for, we can help out, don't worry that much
  • 0
    @Alice before I dive into anything else, well done on the svg and animations!
  • 1
    @Alice Did someone say cookie?

    Since I made CookieBox recently, I pretty much consider myself proficient enough in terms of cookie handling 😊

    I'd be glad to help once I'm home later.
  • 0
    @Alice I worked on seperating the button and the cookie logic, then decided to download the source again, just to have both just your thing fixed and maybe suggest the seperation, as svgs imho shouldn't set any cookies, but rather only display the data from parameters

    here's the catch though, either I didn't test it locally and only on your demo site, but it doesn't work locally, even if I fetch the source from your demo site (demo works), adding CDATA to the svg javascript doesn't solve it, nor is there any errors in console, wonder what happened

    I'll continue later
  • 0
    @Alice good job! will check in a sec :)
  • 2
    @Floydian I liked how AM = light theme, and PM = dark theme. 'Murica things, ya know. 😂😂😂🤷
  • 0
    @Alice seems to work, great job again! and sure no problem, in the end it was you, who figured it out! 😊
  • 1
    @Floydian smooth animation and looks
  • 1
    @Alice object tag ☚ī¸
  • 2
    I love this thread, transition from admiration - - >curious - - >inspiration - - >attempts - - >helpful people etc.
  • 1
    @thekaleidoscope devRant 🙂
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