Would you connect with people you don't know on LinkedIn? Why or why not?

  • 3
    I connect with a lot of people on LinkedIn mostly Developers. I'm trying to make friends and get better work opportunities. I came across a lot fake people too. Please careful.
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    I get a connection request about once a month. And I accept all of them. Usually it's a recruiter offering a job I can't take. But when I do need a job in about 2 or 3 years, I'm already connected to recruiters galore.
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    Depends. If it is a complete stranger I don't see the point. If we have something in common but I don't really know the person, then sure.
  • 3
    I don't really worry about who I connect to on LinkedIn. Just seems like some recruitment platform to me, so I don't take it very seriously. Maybe that's my loss.
  • 1
    Depends, recruiters I ignore (dont accept, dontt decline). If you ever need them I can easily accept and request their time.
    Unless its a recruiter that wants to a drink something with me, then we will meet and I will accept them because those recruiters are the ones that care about you, your time and have more knowledge about what we do.

    Complete strangers I will decline and colleagues that I dont know I will accept.
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