I am working on another developer's PHP code, and I found a new way that he done the redirect after the login with PHP!

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  • 8
    Sure everyone has done silly stuff like that when learning.
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    when a front end developer just goes for it lol
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    Needs more jQuery 😂😂
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    also setting true as a string
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    I'd guess the headers are already sent and he can't redirect with header()
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    This is gold, Haha :)
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    Also, language="javascript"?
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    @juzles ob_start would handle that
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    This makes me smile 😂
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    there there!
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    I'd do some React, redux, components states, babel, es6 and what not.
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    @sgorneau I didn't say he is right just tried to guess why he would do that ☺
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    well .. i'm still a newbie to the backend development ... and I still use similar code ... what's so weird about it btw??
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    @Jovial PHP generated a javascript snippet for redirect, when PHP is already able to perform redirect alome.
    The problem is that if a user has javascript disabled, he or she will see only a blank page
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    Ohh sorry.. I missed the point ... I thought their b something wrong with the "Logged In" conditions 😂 ... Thanks @crisz
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    better JavaScript than PHP, lol
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    That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.
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    Guess I'm not the worst developer after all :)
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    He is legend , he silly mistakes brought smile on others face ✌
    Be like him
    be a silly developer 😂
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    @huszerldani where are you man?
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    This has made me feel better about myself :)
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    You cant use Header(Loaction: ); when you already have printed stuff to the Frontend.

    Thus this method is usable. Shouldve added an "If your browser doesnt redirect you click here"
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    "another developer" - are you sure it is not you 6 months ago when your boss is breathing down in your neck?
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    But why?
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    I also found that shitty redirection method on one of codecanyon php script that I've tested lol.
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    @Jovial you are basically telling php to render and use excess resource before redirecting and also this will be a problem if js is turned off lol
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    @palonE yes you can, ob_start()
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