
I made an account just to rant about this:

Currently working for a multi billion dollar company and this is the code some wanker decided to write! Now I get the pleasure of reading through and debugging it :D

  • 14
    Wow so readable. I would die
  • 7
    and self explanatory
  • 12
    Single character class names....fml
  • 19
    barely any need to obfuscate it! that's one way to achieve job security...
  • 5
    Welcome to devRant!
  • 2
    It looks like some of the examples you see when you google for the hard issue help...
  • 5
    Time for some "find and replace" magic!
  • 0
    good one....
  • 0
    😓🔫🗡 a worthy reason to rant
  • 1
    As someone who doesn't speak this language, what's he doing wrong? Not naming his classes appropriately? Nesting if statements? Or both (and possibly more)?
  • 0
    @molgamus he used very 'descriptive' names like a, b or c. it's not even close to being readable code
  • 1
    find the guy who wrote that and punch him in the face 💪💪😂😂😂
  • 4
    @juneeighteen good luck finding and replacing "a" :D
  • 1
  • 0
    And I thought i suck at choosing variable,method names.
  • 0
    I'm under the assumption this is Microsoft
  • 0
    Time to Refactor > Rename Property that shit.
  • 1
    Wanker? I think that is too polite, 'retard' may express it a little better. I would fire this person as this code is not acceptable.
  • 0
    I wish I could ++ this twice!!
  • 1
    This is why mallets and git blame was created!
  • 1
    holy shit! And I used to feel my variable and class names weren't good enough.
  • 0
    @b--x Is this java?
  • 1
    @molgamus I'm not quite sure, could be, but I'm tending towards c#. it's been a while though, so I could be wrong
  • 0
    @molgamus yep Java :)
  • 0
  • 0
    Mmmm alphabet soup 😄
  • 1
    if (a < b) c(d);
    Ain't that clear enough?
  • 0
    Definitely someone with a PhD who wrote that :-P
  • 2
    Just being the devil's advocate: he made some good piece of code, but without committing to VCS. Then something bad happened, he lost all the source code, and only left with the binaries. Deadline was approaching, so he decided to recover what's possible from the binaries using a Java decompiler. During java compilation most method and variable names are stripped out, that's why the decompile looks obfuscated. Luckily for him, the program still worked. He delivered, then he ran away from the company before someone realizes what happened. You might be that someone...
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