O hey, another devCaption challenge!

Caption this with the best capption that fits this image possible, winner gets updoots

  • 9
    For the FP cultists:

    « So you don't care about immutability? »
  • 3
    When the Travis build fails without explaining, then you have to take your kid to school
  • 4
    You don't use Git, say that one more time motherfucker 😎
  • 14
    "I use Arch Linux"
  • 11
    When someone deploy on friday
  • 9
    He/She : My code doesn't need comments or documentation. It is self explanatory.

    Me : *image*
  • 1
    when somebody logs out of my accounts
  • 4
    idiot: i use tabs and space in the same document. it doesnt matter. you can sort it out uf you care.
  • 5
    When you ask a question and leave the thread without explaining what you found!
  • 2
    When somebody tells that your codes doesn't look like theirs.
  • 5
    When they label your python code as pseudo code
  • 5
    I'm a software fucking engineer, not gonna fix your bloody printer.
  • 2
    Debug time
  • 1
    Me finding a bug caused by limitations of the framework or the language itself 😤🔫
  • 3
    "I don't need a mouth, I let my Glock speak!" *clack*
  • 1
    When my non tech manager tells me that architecture refactor and unit tests should be divided in two separate sprints because they are not related.
  • 1
    "I can't stand all these SJW and their bullshit. Cis white men are are losing their jobs...blah blah blah"
  • 1
    When the test takes 5 minutes and you missed a semicolon...
  • 1
    "it's ok.. The gun isn't working... It had bugs, haha, yeah.. Everything doesn't work.. Everything is buggy.... EVERYTHING! So I can totally point this at my head and"
  • 2
    @rant1ng * X:\Shared\WIP\Resources\Sounds\Uncompressed\Gun_Shot.wav *
  • 1
    @davenall it's supposed to point to file named Gun_Shot.wav in folder where testing sound resources for games are stored
  • 2
    <audio autoplay src="/files.php?file=/var/cloud/data/linuxxx/comic.gunload.min.mp3" style="display: none;"></audio>
  • 3
    The client wants WordPress.
  • 2
  • 0
    Me when I realized that the server was working, but the firewall was not set up properly... 😢🔫
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