This is how you'd imagine a sysadmin.

(Stolen from Reddit)

  • 15
    The wizard's hat and crystal ball are missing from the image.
  • 19
    The Copper Throne, forged with Firewire from a thousand cables.
  • 16
    I've gotta say... VERY accurate
  • 6
    Are you telling me this is NOT what a sysadmin looks like? I beg to differ.
  • 4
    @Benwager12 don't know, I guess we should ask one @Linux
  • 3
    @nukasev you mean headset and a coffee mug, right?
  • 21
    All hail Earl Bjorn Pentiuminside of Cablegat, Son of Codin, First of his username. Guardian of the Root force. Unocker of the locked accounts, Legend has it that if you do not offer him a sacrifice of blood, he shall bring about death and destruction in the form of failed updates and patches to your servers.
  • 5
    In two days I start at a client where 3 on 5 days is programming (.net) and the other two physically installing servers + config. I'm going to have to do quite some studying for the second part as I have to start from zero...
  • 2
    I need to borrow 50' of Cat5 please. By the looks of it you won't lose sleep.
  • 2
    @nukasev wizards have crystal balls??
  • 2
    Manly sysadmin
  • 5
    @nanos has officially won the internet xD
  • 2
    @rm-rf-root sysadmins probably carry these for the times when the mortals whine "I got an error message" without any further useful input.
  • 3
    This rant and comments is gold! 😊😂😂
  • 1
    Apply Kircchoff's loop rule! ;P
  • 0
    Maybe that's why people lick their ass so much, coz that's nice and "fried".
  • 2
    I expect those cables to be plugged into him too.
  • 1
    He sits on a throne of “lines”.
  • 0
    My Loord, my looorrdd..
  • 0
  • 0
    I'd never imagined this rant getting over 500 ++ 🤔🤔

    Lesson learned: stolen memes work.
  • 0
    He must of eaten all the servers because they’re gone
  • 0
    Hench as fuck, bro. Respect.
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