In the Year 3018,

"Can we all stop existing? It offends me."

  • 27
    Is this shit for real? It must suck to be that much of a beta male.
  • 18


  • 15
    @AleCx04 sometimes jamal allows him to play on his ps4 while he takes the dudes wife on a date
  • 20
    @AleCx04 NONONONO that's a display of toxic masculinity.

    You can't be proud to be a male. Especially if you're white. That's wrong and the root of all evil.
  • 4
    @ganjaman I nearly dropped my phone spit my gum out after reading that 😂😂
  • 7
    @ganjaman for real man. The betaness is all over his twitter
  • 2
    @Frederick might eventually be one of the only things we can do judging for the current state of things
  • 20
    what about motherboards?
  • 5
    Just because slavery is bad doesn't mean we should have to get rid of the words to describe it.
    Maybe a different issue with black-/whitelist but I only ever associate white with on and black with off, not with actual skin colors...
  • 4
    We can just use the language of other programmers:



    काला सूची में डालना
    श्वेत सूची
  • 11
    @AleCx04 meanwhile me: *uses n-word as dummy data*
  • 13
    It all boils down to: "We all need to talk about how to stop thinking of pink elephants!"

    Except you cannot help but think of a pink elephant when someone talks about one.

    Seriously, they invent racism where there is none. Also, them talking about how words might potentially be considered racist makes them sound racist. The more they talk about racism, the more people think of the differences between races, and therefore the more racism there will be.

    Talking about racism where it does not exist only encourages racism.
  • 13
    Primary/replica doesn’t really seem to correctly fit with Master/Slave tbh
  • 4
    @JohanO let’s call it parentboard
  • 3
    There was a struggle on my end, deciding whether to upvote because I agree with poster, or to downvote because the content irritated me. I settled for neutrality in the end.
  • 5
    the last 2 got me.
    1. beloved lmfao wot
    2. primary/replica isn't the same relationship as master/slave semantically so it doesn't even make sense
  • 2
    i hope he was making a joke
  • 3
    @Yahoo Based on previous comments on this rant, this cuck is being dead ass serious.

    Humanity is fucked man.
  • 2
    What about bullet points?
  • 1
    Your good at something you re killing it.

    Hu i mean your living it.
  • 4
    Whats next? Getting angry about how OOP programmers treat everything as objects?
  • 0
    @ewpratten The problem is they don’t understand the domain and take issue with the superficial arrangement of letters because there is more than one definition and at least one of those definitions has a negative connotation.
  • 3
    @bkwilliams as far as I can tell, the word slave is only considered racist in and of itself in America, and only by the SJW movement. the rest of the world recognizes that it's literally just a word with a definition lol
  • 3
    @Root the problem is: SJW's don't want to realize that they're a (pretty big) part of the problem themselves

    Yes, racism is a very real problem, but radically trying to remove it only makes it worse. Even then: people are assholes, they'll find new ways to insult and discriminate others
  • 3
    @Krokoklemme That's definitely true.

    Honestly, though? I haven't seen much racism in my life. A few isolated incidents, but a few in 20+ years is very very little. I realize I'm not African, Jamaican, Indian, Korean, etc. but I've had quite a few friends from these races, and I hadn't seen any racism towards them either.
  • 2
    @Root yeah, in reality, the VAST majority of people are not even a little bit racist. the media makes the problem seem way bigger than it is to scare people.
  • 1
    @Krokoklemme I also make the same argument with personal protection. Outlawing weapons for self defense causes only outlaws to have weapons. If it's impossible to get a gun, they'll use a knife, or an axe, a machete, or a brick. If they want to hurt someone, they will find a way. Reducing access to weapons is ineffective because anything is a potential weapon.

    Without imprisoning everyone, it is impossible to prevent violent behavior. However, you can significantly discourage it by arming the potential victims and the passerbys. No one will rob a military base or a gun store, shooting range, etc. because they'll be shot. Robbing hunters is unheard of because they carry guns or bows and usually have friends, and they're great shots (and trackers). Likewise, nobody will attempt to rob a martial artist.

    People rob others because they see it as a high reward:risk ratio. If you increase the risk, there will be fewer attempted robberies because they still value their life more than the potential reward.
  • 2
    @mjones44 the Python committee voted “master/slave” as unacceptable terminology. The SJW control who is in the committee via the CoC. Any software that is controlled by committee will stop focusing on software and move to to SJW talking points. I fully expect C++ to change language now that Python, Linux, and other stacks have fallen.
  • 2
    @bkwilliams yeah, it's bullshit. the SJW movement is willing to go so far as to stifle innovation in favor of "political correctness" and protecting the snowflakes.
  • 1
    Though I do agree with blacklist and whitelist being changed to allow and deny.

    I mean we are living in a black man’s world after all.. it’s horrible to put them up on a pedestal like that
  • 3
    @growling except the origins of the term are not at all related to race in any way.
  • 2
    @mjones44 oh I see.. I thought it was giving more power to the black men than they already have in politics, government, and tech advancement.. good reference!
  • 0
    Oh my gosh, python is opensource, if you don't like what is comitee is doing, fork it and embrace your own standards.
  • 0
    @mt3o python, like Linux, is probably too big to be forkable successfully at this point. It would just be a major pita when dependency issues arise
  • 0
    @taigrr i'd disagree. The thing is just about naming convention, a simple regexp is enough to make things right. In both ways.
  • 0
    @mt3o submit something with the number 0xb00bbabe and see if it is accepted.
  • 0
    @bkwilliams or prefer 0x00c0ffee and 0xdeadbeef. However it's a very long time since I have done anything with direct memory, so, well, you know, I won't. I see no reason to. If there were any reliable cause to use that exact value, it would be used. But there are no reasons. So stop being a duche.
  • 1
    @mt3o he was making a joke so chill?
  • 0
    I see enough "conservative justice warriors" every day. I have almost-fascist government. I have statues raised for guy who was failure as a president but is proclaimed as great hero only because he (and plenty of other people) died in a plane crash. I won't chill.
  • 0
    @mt3o but it was a joke tho
  • 0
  • 0
    @mjones44 Why don't you make jokes about, i don't know, jews and holocaust?
    Jokes should be fun for all the parties involved. Not only you&friends, and hurting someone else. Do such jokes in your own playground, not in the public. In your pet project, not for the client.
  • 2
    It is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it.
    G.K. Chesterton
  • 0
    I agree with that tweet. It's a natural progression, we went from niggerlist to blacklist, now it's time to change it to denylist.
    Stop being so close minded!
  • 0
    @taigrr it's @mjones44 right. The saddest thing is that we'll never know how much are we delaying the technology advance with this shit.
    And it's technology that is making life much better for humanity. These fuckers have no idea about the level of complexity on which modern society relies.
  • 0
    @mt3o nope. That comitee is made up by humans, and those humans are wrong. Plus, they don't own python, python is as mine as theirs.
  • 0
    @geronimo no, it's not yours. In any extent. Unless you fork it, download your copy. Then - you can do with that copy whatever you want, to the extent limited by the license. You have mistaken open source with some kind of "ownership by people", like in "Peoples Republic of China". Open Source is not communism. However you forgot, they in both cases, single person can't do a thing. With communism its even worse, because the party comitee controls everything, not just naming conventions.

    Please educate yourself, read the GNU license and "the cathedral and the bazaar" essay by Eric Raymond.
  • 0
    @mt3o while I'm reading your recommended bibliography, you should treat your autism.
    See, you stick to an extremely technical meaning of the term 'mine'. When I say mine, I'm not talking about the code itself, I'm saying that I'm part of a community which decides as a whole what's the best way forward for the language. And, in this case, I think it's obvious that the PSF is not align with what the community thinks.
    But again, I wasn't aware of your condition. If I was I would have taken the time to explain myself better, so you don't have a temper tantrum and start lecturing about communism.
  • 0
    @geronimo thank you for the diagnosis. You are indeed a great man, having a degree in psychiatry and being important person in Python community. Its a pity that those idiots in the comitee are ignoring your, such important and qualified, voice in the discussion.
    However, I have to inform, that I'm autism-free, despite being vaccinated in my childhood. I've indeed a condition, but it's far different than the one you diagnosed. It's depression backed up by adhd. Thank you for your time, sir doctor.
    I could play along with you a little longer, but I prefer playing with my kids instead.
  • 2
    @mt3o lol that's not even a little bit the same thing but ok. also jokes do NOT have to be fun for all parties involved. the risk of being offensive is half of what makes comedy funny.
  • 1
    @mt3o should I feel sorry for you because you have depression and adhd? (the last one is a made up condition, by the way).
    Since you gave me the reading advice, I'll give one to you also: stop insulting people if you're going to run after a little heat!
    Now go play for a while, it's good for you 😀
  • 0
    @geronimo so you do have a degree in psychiatry 😂 tell me that vaccination causes autism 🤣
    I wanted to tell you that i don't want to spend time on you, there are better things to do.
    Unfortunately, they felt asleep after the dinner.
    Spending time with the kids is always the best thing you can do. Perhaps you'll learn that someday.
  • 0
    @mt3o vaccination? Oh, you are referring to that myth... No, didn't understand (again). I'm calling you autistic in the Rainman way 😅
    If your children are asleep I have a riddle for you, so you don't get bored: who's on first??😂😂😂
  • 0
    @mjones44 i get your point. But try looking fun different point of view.
    I must admit, that I love jokes that are insulting, sex, secual orientation, religiin, nationality, all kind of things. But if you like such jokes, you have to choose them carefully. Just like comedians and standuppers do. They can't go out and start saying insulting jokes about, let's say jews, in front of conservative jewish public. And the broader the public is, the more careful you have to be.
    Look at the movies for kids. They have jokes that are transparent if you don't know where to look. Those are good kind of jokes. On the contrary artist that made Coca-Cola poster, put a blow-job silhouette in one of the ice cubes. He was sued by the company and lost in the court. Many years after the poster was done. That was a bad joke.
  • 0
    @mt3o why do you keep bringing up Jews? I said nothing about Jews. maybe YOU'RE the antisemite.
  • 0
    Because I can't any examples that are more obvious. Are there any?
  • 2
    @mjones44 it’s a way of not invoking Godwin’s Law or being accused of Reductio ad Hitlerum. But overall "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
  • 1
    Please make it stop...

    Ffs. It's raceless genderless technology we create. We can talk about it however the f the want.
  • 0
    I can only agree on master/slave one as I confuse it so many times as I am not talking English natively
  • 0
    Who the fuck does "killer" offend??!
  • 0
    @115105109 probably the victim or something. Dunno.
  • 0
    @hasu Can't offend someone who is dead 😋
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