
I suck ass at competitive coding.
What to do?

  • 6
  • 13
    Have you tried coding instead of ass sucking?
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    Write a algorithm e-book
  • 4
    It's simple:
    stop beeing bad at it.
    It's a choice! It's the same with being poor. Just stop.

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    @Humanoid- 🤔I was starting to notice that too.
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    Who the fuck takes conpetitive coding seriously
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    Have you tried coding for fun instead?
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    hey cst1994 is that a portrait picture of you?
    (Mumbai CST)
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    Get better or stop competing. 🙂
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    Practice more!!
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    @ganjaman it's a major requirement for placements from college (and entry level big company jobs in general) and job interviews, pretty much necessary if you want to get a decent job at a place that's not a startup or something.

    @cst1992 a community really helps, if you have a bunch of friends or acquaintances who can encourage each other, give feedback, provide friendly but serious competition, and most importantly discuss stuff, it can do wonders.
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    Don't code competitively and instead focus on your strength, not everyone is good at everything. Imagine how much suck that would be.
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    Idk, I'm not an expert in ass sucking. In fact I didn't even know it's a thing!

    What to do..? Umm.. Well if this habbit/fetish of yours gets in a way lately, try talking to psychologist.

    If it's only compett coding that turns you on and you like it - try doing more compett coding obviously..

    See, it's hard to give any advice since your question is too broad. Well that and the fact that I have no idea how it's done...

    Just curious, are there any types, flavours [?], genders', sizes, etc of asses you prefer for you sucking fetish?
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    @RememberMe Good advice!
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    @netikras I'm crying from laughter on this.
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    Add some salt to it! You instantly gain 100+ Sr!
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    Practice a lot more! Have you tried www.leetcode.com ? You can get a lot of practice here!
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    you are trying way too much, i think (otherwise you would not ask), try it without any pressure to solve it... if you solve it or not nobody will care, remember, you are doing it for fun
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    @KorDarei no I don't think he's doing it for fun. He has watched this video on YouTube of a narcissistic millionaire on how to become rich.

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    @Nanos nope
    First they have selection rounds in which everybody is given the same set of questions to solve in say two hours, usually using an online competitive programming/hiring portal like Hackerrank or something. This round is used to weed out most applicants because pretty much everyone gives the test but very few go to the next stage. This is purely competitive programming based.

    People selected this this round go to the interviews/more intensive test stage, where they go through multiple stages of interview, generally starting with tech interviews (in which they usually do ask competitive type questions or puzzles or weird stuff to see how you think), then to other stuff like projects and opinions and HR and all.

    External job applications sidestep that first stage but they still go through tests and technical rounds. So yeah. In many cases competitive programming is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for this kind of job.
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