Hey folks
Do u prefer Mac or Linux laptop for programming?! Why...?!

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    OSX Or Linux? In that case Linux
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    Linux - no proprietary stuff whatsoever
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    @ScriptCoded why? I heard most of the guys in Silicon Valley prefer OSX
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    I installed Arch Manjaro on office mac.
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    @asgs As far as I know, OSX makes u more productive...could u explain more?!
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    @sandeepbalan wow! Guess u r a linuxihalic!
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    @Co-founder well then we all should get macbooks I guess! Bcz they prefer them in SF, right?


    I prefer Linux. Gnu toolset, posix compliance, complete freedom, foss, portability,... You name it!
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    @Co-founder I dont know what that word means to be honest. I saw this OS somewhere and i got to see a mac on someone's desk. I kept it for a long time for enquiries about the missing system. None received. So i did it anyway.
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    @netikras well one of them joked and said : " life is more than recompiling a kernel to install web camera driver "
    U know, he means that linux will take u more time and less work to do
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    @Co-founder you should "hear" less and think more imo.

    Not once have I compiled a kernel. Been using linux for over 10 years.

    Last time I had to compile smth linux'ish was a pidgin's libpurple plugin. Last year. Because there was a bug and I needed it fixed right away
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    @Co-founder last time I installed linux mint it took me 15 minutes. For all of it. Downloading iso, making boorable usb, booting, installing, rebooting into a fully working OS w/ almost all the sw I might need already preinstalled.

    Linux takes more of your time you say?
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    @netikras compared to OSX which everything is ready, i guess my answer is yes
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    @Co-founder Yeah, and I don't work in Silicon Valley. I don't support Apple, and even though they actually make good hardware I'll probably never put a penny into their horrible business. OSX is okay, and it's touch gestures are pretty neat, but I like the flexibility with Linux. It's also nice to have as little difference between production and local as possible.
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    @Co-founder compared? what's ready in osx that's not ready in linux mint?
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    @Co-founder That thing about it taking time. If you buy an XPS you can get it with Ubuntu pre-installed. The thing is, the only reason OSX is "quick to set up running" is because Apple manufacturers their computers with it pre-installed. If Linux was generally available as an OEM OS it wouldn't be hard at all. And actually, when you compare it I think Linux installs faster than OSX.
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    I put them equal. If you don’t have the money, not willing to spend on Apple hardware or not using Xcode then go for Linux.
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    Linux because I'm not a fan of Apple.
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    @Co-founder I don't know why you think OSX is more productive.

    If anything, Linux is the most productive system I have ever used. I personally like it for a lot of reasons - free, open source, continuous development, universal support, absolute freedom, amazing list of distributions, and last but not least, making attitude adjustments to Microsoft ;-)
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    Linux because docker actually works and I don't need a 10To ssd
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    Linux, dont like apple's ui
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    @tekashi whaaaaaaat? You prefer Linux UI over Apple?
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    @netikras well I haven't used Mint. But when apple uses a powerful hardware and an OS with perfect UI and UX , what else do we need! I mean if we pass the OS thing, how about it's powerful hardware?! Although it's expensive...
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    @ScriptCoded i mean by installing apps and developing ios apps..
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    @netikras tnx for ur advice about thinking more and hearing less, but I just made an example from silicon valley because we can probably find top developers there, although I totally accept ur word
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    Use what makes you most productive. All people can give you here are opinionated preferences. I for one hate MacOS, had to work with it for 2 years, and it just got in my way. Esp. the window manager drove me crazy (spectacle for the rescue) and homebrew eased the pain.

    If given a choice, I chose Linux anyday.

    If I need to program a iOS app, I'd use a Mac. If I need to program something for Windows, I'd use Windows.

    Get the right tool for the job. It doesn't define you.
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    @k0pernikus @k0pernikus yeah of course I'll make my choice on my own, but I just wanted to hear other opinions too, and thanks alot about ur experience, i prefer Debian linux, but haven't worked with Mac a lot
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    @grumpyoldaf yeah, xfce to be specific. Its simple and doesnt get inthe way.
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    Never used Mac, so I'd say Linux. BUT, you can only develop / debug apple apps or websites for safari with an apple device.
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    I mostly use bash, IDE and web browser so whatever system provides those three is good.

    If I need to compile ios app mac os x is only choice so maybe that’s why I use mac - just to be able to compile everything ...
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    @Co-founder then how come you are comparing it if you haven't used it nor have a clue what's it offering? :)
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    @netikras I've used in VM but couldn't taste it well with apple cups.
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    @Co-founder so you HAVE tried it but can't say what's it offering nor how different is its offering from osx, although you are using that difference as an argument?

    They use all sorts of sw in silicon valley. For instance I know for a fact they were using ubuntu in project Loon. This has also been captured in one of their videos.

    But it doesn't seem you need this info as this thread is starting to look very much like "apple iz da best, fight me!".
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    Windows 😎
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    @netikras I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to notice this
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    Use OSX at work, Linux at home. I like both.
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    - Linux for Servers
    - OSX Hackintosh

    oh and this can all run on..... WINDOWS

    seriously can we stop the OS circlejerks?
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    Osx is practically like Linux in the CLI so we have all of those advantages.
    Also osx is super stable compared to Linux.

    If you can afford it, osx is amazing.
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