
Our manager is not a developer and he has no idea of what we are doing most of the time, but he thinks that stand-up meetings are the coolest way to control us.
Sometimes coworkers joke about his lack of knowledge and today I think we reached the highest jerk level: «Yesterday I opened a new branch on the git repository and today I'll continue on this task».
I struggled to stay serious on my turn.

  • 11
    Oh fuck, I would have broken down in laughter.
  • 3
    Well, I know some companies who have stand-up meetings in the morning for about 15-20 minutes and they do quite well. Maybe it's your attitude which is wrong?
  • 9
    @AndiLeni we found the manager
  • 0
    What a tool.
  • 0
    Coughing (as if you have something to say), each time an important point is about to be made, works wonders to annoy the shit out of people.

    Also, interrupting the punch line of jokes causes them to fall flat and ruins the momentum of a meeting.

    It's an excellent way to hurry along pointless meetings.
  • 1
    What are stand up meetings?
  • 1
    @chagai95 brief meetings where you don't sit down
  • 2

    It’s your 15 minutes of daily hell.
  • 1
    @AndiLeni Meetings should be frequent enough that for each of them there are several news on the level the manager understands. If the manager is technical, brief daily reports make sense. If they aren't, the meetings are pointless, a waste of time and can even be exhausting or demoralising for certain personality types.
  • 1
    Oh shit, is this rant from 2019? Algo wtf?
  • 0
    This week a project manager asked me what a PR is. I gave a great explanation, she then went and on a public channel told the client to please look out for them PR’s happily explaining to a slack channel full of devs what a PR is. I just made popcorn and watched the emojis and gifs fly.
  • 0
    Also, jokes fall flat and the meeting loses momentum when you cut them off before they reach their punch line.
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