
Honestly Fuck JAVA,

Don't have anything else to say now...

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    I will never understand you and your kind.
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    fuck <insert language>

    and this would still work.

    Also note that <insert language> will fuck you too
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    @c3r38r170 yeah, coz we r not masochist like you...
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    @n3m0 I dunno. I feel like Java is a pretty straight forward language. Why do you not like it?
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    @rutee07 @-red
    It's not fair you guys are getting plus pluses using my name. I want a cut of the profit LoL
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    @n3m0 Been using it for 20 years, amongst other languages. Don't agree with all of the design decisions, but it's certainly... alright as far as I'm concerned. I can name other languages that back me off way more.
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    @n3m0 been using java for 4 years. If anything I like it more each day. Especially when it comes to performance! [i'm a perf engineer]
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    Haven't touched Java in ages (15 years, give or take) but I share the sentiment. So verbose even compared to, say, C++.
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    If you are a true programmer and used a programming language long enough, sooner or later, doesn't matter what language, doesn't matter how much you love it or how many successful projects you've delivered using it, you'll find at least one inner implementation detail that annoys the fuck out of you. Relationship with coding is always a mixture of hate and love.
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    What's the major use cases for java nowadays? Server side mostly? I know some desktop apps use java but it is by far not a large percentage of desktop development.
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    @BobbyTables aren't android apps Java based as well?
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    @BobbyTables server, android, enterprise, data science

    You know, like 95% of all software
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    I'd rather not fuck Java when there are much sexier languages out there.
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