
I ranted about this back in 2018, now it’s reality.

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    I only have you to blame right now 😏

    Fact Check: https://devrant.com/rants/1451056/...
  • 13
    I Bet the Simpsons did it first
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    You couldn't just keep it for yourself, could you! You H.A.D. to put ideas in their heads, hadn't you!

    Alright. THat's it! This one is on YOU! Another semi-decent tool is about to be spoiled and probably left to die my MS, and you are the one to casts rocks at!

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    @dontbeevil lol. Or stopping people from properly accessing it. I am an example of a person who now hates github because ms literally ruined it. Didn't need private repos, needed less intervention with everything.
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    @NoMad I'm curious, I use Github daily and have seen no impediments to my access, please explain.
  • 4
    @stonestorm that's the thing. You use it daily.

    Aside from those I've ranted about... Honestly, I don't want to think about all the pain microshit has caused. Just google for recent issues wirh github and you'll find similar stories.

    If you're a fanboy or you work there, I'm sorry that you do.
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    @stonestorm she has a problem with passwords.

    @NoMad have you still not changed it?
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    @C0D4 did, but they caused other issues. In any case, I'm happy with gitlab now.
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    @NoMad in that case, here's a cookie as a welcome gift, the private repos and ci/cd alone was enough for me years ago.

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    P. S. REALLY SPECIAL THANKS TO GITLAB for providing an alternative and having the easiest migration option I have ever used. And for having other tools I've found super useful.

    I ❤️ gitlab!
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    @NoMad to be fair, as much as you shit on people who use GitHub daily (probably because what ever they are working on is already on it) and call the fanboys, I think you're the same way to gitlab.

    Don't get me wrong, gitlab's great, but they have basically the same feature set and I've only heard of access issues coming from US legal barriers.
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    @william341 not shitting on people who use it daily, but that's a ms thing that if you use it everyday, it works well. (saying that based on experience of before and after switching from windows products)
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    @william341 also, no. Gitlab has more features. Unless github has started to copy gitlab since I left it, but back then gitlab certainly had many more features and it has added to them since then as well.
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    At the company I work for we had to decide between gitlab and GitHub. In the end everyone said "I don't fucking Care" because the feature Set was almost identical at that point but we figured new devs would be more familiar with GitHub than GitLab. So it was basically a coin toss.
    Edit: This was Back in december
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    How many times live coding has saved me from someone else overriding my shit? Many many times.

    How many times I've used the time tracking? Many.

    How many times I've uses the time estimations and breakdowns? Also many.

    Tho, I'd love it if they'd integrate jira-like kanban, since jira isn't really free.

    Edit: sorry for drifting. Relative to the discussion, I know many open sources have traditionally used github, but it's time for a change. Not because of github itself, but because the company behind it is up to no good. I was down for sticking with github if they wouldn't sell their soul.
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    @NoMad While I'm not a fanboy, I find it a shame you felt the urge to attempt an insult.

    Enjoy having your work deleted by a junior because backups are apparently for chumps.
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    Ok, now stop it pls, its getting out of control
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    @karma *puts sticks into the almost non-existent fire*
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    @dontbeevil I wasn't worried about it being "ruined" in the way you're describing but for some people its about other things.
    Microsoft is (according to the snowden leaks from 2013) integrated with at least one massive mass surveillance program so whatever they acquire might be integrated as well.

    Another argument I've heard a lot (and which I definitely agree with) is that when you develop foss software on a platform and thus in quite some cases providing alternatives for proprietary software and/or not-so-privacy-friendly software which is then bought by a company which doesn't care much about it's users (privacy and freedom), then I'd definitely be fucking mad, yes.
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