I bought an iPhone. Am I going to hell?

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    everyone is going to hell anyways
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    You horrible monster! How dare you not own a droid! I damneth thou
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    Yes, here's a fluffy cushion I've been saving for you.
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    @r20408e122449d or in a region with 5G that isn't supported by Apple.

    Not all 5G is equal.😔
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    You are already in hell. Might as well own an iPhone.
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    You've already been there since you bought it.
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    @r20408e122449d That’s the last reason I’d buy a iPhone 12, but we do have 5G in the city.
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    If you are, consider that the best musicists are there... And so is pythagoras and other cool guys, so I'd say it's better like this.

    And if you read Faust you should know God is a controversial figure and that heaven is a monarchy :^)
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    Congrats! Welcome to the club.
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    Most definitely. Congrats! ;)
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    @r20408e122449d I don’t care about none of that. Except apps crashing, which is the main reason why I went to iOS from android. Android crashes a lot more for me at least, additionally, the updates still aren’t that great and rooting it to something newer just makes the UI sluggish and I really don’t care anymore to do this kind of stuff.

    The most important time when I need my phone is when I’m in a hurry and Android is always a sleeping in that situation.

    And I also have two Android phones here... Because I work with App developers of both platforms. I also never bought any phone new and the iPhone is the only Apple Gadget I will personally ever own.
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    well, you're already here
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    You're not going to hell, but your Bank balance is
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    in short:

    did ms mobile die? Yes.

    is android shit? Yes.

    is iphone shit? Yes.

    All suck in their own way.

    Are there alternatives? Not really.

    At least not in a way you would expect.

    Sailfish / Jolla hasn't completely died.

    Librem is still thriving.

    KDE / Gnome still throwing shit at each other but at least progressing forwards to a mobile experience.

    As long as not a magic fairy pops up and combines money with knowledge and passion (that's what went wrong in the Ubuntu corner...) there isn't an alternative.
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    You have forced yourself to be using iPhone for the foreseeable future.

    So yes. You have sent yourself into hell.
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    @kiki And you consider yourself superior?
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    @bagfox I use a custom rom and I don't have any of the crashing or sluggish ui you mentioned. You just have to be very careful to not buy one of the many bad android phones. You must buy it only after it's proven good – otherwise it's a gamble. But in my books, you automatically lose the game if you go with an iPhone.
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    @c3r38r170 than everyone who ever lived? Probably not. Than you? Yes, totally. Objectively even.
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    @kiki Mucho texto.
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    "did ms mobile die? Yes.

    is android shit? Yes.

    is iphone shit? Yes."

    implying that ms mobile was pretty nice which I wholly agree with at least from a purely user-centric angle.
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