What the f***?

  • 16
    Say to them, “you need to pay me, because you can’t pay rent ‘exposure’”
  • 20
    Possible payroll in future, not do bad.
  • 3
    What a nice job post lol 😆
  • 9
    Ask them for stocks (for free of course).
  • 19
    3 years experience to go work for nothing?

    wut the wut wut?
  • 16
    @N00bPancakes Yeah, you have to have at least 5 to go work for free.
  • 6
    Seriously? As an early stage startup, wouldn't you just farm this out to a contractor company? If you don't have the money to pay for this service, then you clearly don't have the money to bootstrap onto a real cloud provider properly.
  • 12
    Someone should reach out to them and offer to buy their product for $0 'for the exposure'.
  • 3
    @N00bPancakes if you have no experience, you have to pay them.

    OP, can you ask for them job so that you pay them?
  • 3
  • 0
    @electrineer no..... I am not paying them any penny.
  • 2
    @electrineer Ooof, what a place that subreddit is. Like the cousin of /r/EntitledBitch.
  • 9
    This is extremely common in the artist/design world, and people always use that same word, too: “exposure.” It’s like they took a beginner’s class on conning people into working for free.

  • 3
  • 7
    Part of me is tempted to apply to those roles just to screw with them and waste their time.

    ...then I realise I value my time way more than that.
  • 2
    @johnmelodyme looks like you angered some Malaysian god with your luck streak
  • 0
    @d-fanelli apa hal?
  • 3

    Might be worth it if some YouTuber did it for a video ;)
  • 13
    I think legally you have an obligation to:

    1 - Create a fake profile that checks all their requirements and beyond. They are for sure too clueless and cheap to do a full background check.

    2 - Schedule an interview with them

    3 - Not show up, tell them you had a real emergency (SO or parent at the hospital or something) but schedule another interview, because they really need your expertise

    4 - Still not show up to the second interview

    5 - Send them an email that they are cheapskates, you voluntarily did not show up to troll them and that no one serious and competent would like to work for a crappy company like theirs.

    Yes this is evil.
  • 3
    Meh, you're just overreacting.

    I mean, you can just wait with paying your bills and having bread on your plate until the business becomes profitable right?
  • 2
    It's not terrible if you can afford to not make money for a while, good line of sight into the CTO position
  • 7
    @anolis The company will not survive.
  • 3
    I love how it says POSSIBLE payroll when the business becomes profitable!
  • 2
    Haha, reminds me of this one: http://www.27bslash6.com/p2p2.html
  • 1
    @webapp hahahahahaha
  • 2
    @PepeTheFrog let's create a group to spam these bad recruiters. If all of us at devRant do it, we might just be able to scare spammers off of posting shit
  • 1
    I would make all my work, email communication, recorded calls and other stuff public just to make sure I have the right "exposure".
  • 3
    I hate slavery 🤮
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