
Should we get rid of the name JAVAscript and start calling it EcmaScript or smth to avoid confusing recruiters with Java?

  • 6
    No, I like to watch the world burn.
  • 2
    Typescript kind of solved this as a workaround.
  • 0
    i dunno but I have no idea who else even implements ecmascript in the first place, its just not catchy is the problem

    doesn't market a half formed shit language as being cool enough for people to use it because you picture a big hot steaming cup of caffeinated goodness that keeps you going at your job.... god i want to weep.
  • 0
    I miss there being a purpose to life ! being driven by the belief that there was a better future and that people werent all bad everywhere and that innocence feeling of motivation when I was working years back before this time period was poisoned by endless inhumanities and suffering and barbarity i had to endure and the responses I had to engage in to stop it at one point !
  • 0
    I just want to sit in a comfy clean office and sip coffee and live mildy, go see a girl every couple weeks and nestle between her big titties, and go to the gym a few times a week and focus on my own ideas and hobbies instead of the alternative which is being so stressed over at the pointless inescapable reality that people are shit everywhere, and being driven towards shutting down over and over while having devil sluts try to lure me in for god knows what purpose.

    I like my devil sluts ordinary thank you very much ! I don't like ones that want to sacrifice virgins, goats and babies to whatever fucked up cause they serve !
  • 0
    Its funny how the worst my generation pictured was pretty pedestrian compared to what was really going on.

    And how do I define a group who believed a certain set of ideas, saw facts, but didn't see all of them and were relatively normal ? as opposed to generation, which was at least half fucking loony ?

  • 1
    @AvatarOfKaine You are right on the name. Lets call it SexMaScript. Everyone will be doing it. I sexmascripted all weekend!
  • 2
    Just call it coffee script :)
  • 0
    Call it the Twitterscript .
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    @Root not to be confused with coffeescript?

  • 1
    @C0D4 The point is to confuse them. Also, coffeescript is dead, isn’t it?
  • 0
    @Root could be, I only used it in my atom.io days to skrew around with plugins.
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    Java First appeared May 23, 1995

    Javascript First appeared December 4, 1995

    Java wins this fight, Javascript is just a shitty knockoff we all got stuck with πŸ˜”
  • 0
    @Root i seem to remember a tech of some form they called latte once upon a time. stay tuned.
  • 1
    @root ok... a few things... but they're likely all obsolete.
    we could call javascript latte
    because it sweet but terrible for you and gives you diabetes when you sit on your using it all day :)
  • 0
    @BixelPitch i had toptal give me a programming problem from high school and watch me do it on a timer that was like 20 mins compared to a whole high school period. and they called this a test. and these are supposedly programmers. so I'm sitting there trying to remember how to do something which noone does anymore and wondering if I'm being fucked with.
  • 0
    I hate my life.
  • 1
    Why stop at renaming when you can remove?
  • 2
    Recruiter: 𝘀𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢 𝘡𝘺𝘱𝘦
  • 0
    @BixelPitch i think they're fraudulent
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