Fuck you, I Quit

  • 79
    Jesus fucking Christ!

    That's a get the fuck out and run for your lives message if I ever saw one.
  • 53
    Why doesn't this work both ways, when they have mass lay offs?
  • 36
    Name and shame - who is this?
  • 50
    Oh Reddit, how you bleed into my Devrant...

    Btw this email is *very* illegal in most countries that have any semblance of labor laws.
  • 16
    Sounds like a vindictive soccer mom/dad.
  • 13
    Since when karens can be approved managers?
    Oh wait, America is free with all the bullshit, true.
  • 9
    Slavery is long gone but mindset of Slavery is still there with some people, moreover it sounds like that you should be thankful that we're paying you instead of beating you to death to do the work. Fuck it. How are they still in business, hiring people. Guess they enjoy paying meager wages to desperate people for hefty work.
  • 11
    What a cunt.
  • 8
    Labor laws apply to any worker they can apply to.

    Usually forcing employees to stay longer than they intend is frowned upon and is borderline enslavement, sooo....

    IANAL, so take this advice as just that. Do your own research for your state, province, or country.
  • 11
    "I expect full cooperation from this team moving ..."

    pure idiocy

    they're PEERS at a company you work at, not slaves to do your bidding

    can't beleive some managers have the absolute audacity to act like kindergartners

    I hope they lose everyone
  • 6
    Either they are unable to control emotions and that’s a sign of poor leadership skills, or worse it’s just an excuse to lower wages. Disgusting.
  • 13
    Yep, that is a confirmation that leaving indeed is the best option.

    I am absolutely sure, that the three leaving aren't actually leaving for the pay, but because of a toxic work environment. I once played the "It's the opportunity of my life, so sorry, but i have to go" card too. It just is the least confrontative way to quit.
  • 2
    wait you're serious let me laugh even harder
  • 5
    So what would happen if you would just stopped coming to work after this horrible email and move on to the next.
  • 12
    Funny thing is that everything he pointed out are his fucking problems!

    People are leaving? Let's make it even worse for the ones that are staying!

    This person is a joke!
  • 10
    I almost want to apply and interview just so I can reject them and waste their time
  • 5
    So they call into question the better opportunity, but don't address the fact that if three separate employees lied about having a better opportunity then there must be some terrible mismanagement going on.
  • 2
    In some countries the employer can reject the notice and deny any final payment in case of a mass-resignation wave. This still doesn't prevent people from moving to a better position elsewhere, but it mitigates the fallout for small businesses that can go bankrupt even just from the process of hiring and training a substantial portion of their crew at once.
  • 2
    *anxiety noises*
  • 12
    Punishing the employees who didn't quit is definitely a great idea that couldn't possibly backfire and cause more resignations. I'm sure this will go swimmingly.

    Also this is illegal in a lot of places.
  • 3
    @EmberQuill I mean, tightening the belt is normal in dire situations, but these changes are visibly introduced out of spite and when combined with this rant they definitely indicate a very dangerous manager.
  • 4
    Expecting the next mail in a few days..weeks: "Why ist everybody leaving without giving any notice?"
  • 3

    1. Give notice and have lower pay and more issues negotiating with next employer.

    2. Just stop coming to work after you get new job. Time it with latest pay period. Maybe time it with vacation or something.
  • 3
    @prodigy214 As an employee you can just not come to work next day
  • 4
    Employee handbook does not stand above labor laws and if you don't have those, then it also doesn't stand above employment contract. Your notice is what it says in contact. If it doesn't say then you don't have notice period. So don't worry and look for a job with someone who isn't a clear danger to himself and surroundings.
  • 5
    @prodigy214 what are they going to do if you say "I'm quitting in two weeks", thereby not giving a three months notice? will they sack you immediately for quitting too fast?
  • 2
    @JsonBoa I would tell new employer. I expect to be able to work within 2 weeks. If my current employer takes the news badly, then immediately.
  • 4
    Sounds like written exhibit for a future lawsuit lol
  • 2
    @PepeTheFrog Good point, although this screenshot can be used to take legal action in some countries. Backfired!
  • 1
    Yeah, who did this?
  • 6
    The beatings will continue until morale improves.
  • 1
    @C0D4 yeah that's just terrible. At the company I used to work for we I was given a farewell.
  • 1
    Even though I think that a two weeks notice is really short and normally it is professional to leave things wrapped up. I don't think these where normal circumstances in the first place. 3 months is ridiculous and a contract can't just be changed that way.

    Hey the fuck out as soon as you can. Don't forget to use your leave. Do your colleagues a favor and forward that email with the above to go anywhere else. Think of the children that are going to be owned by the company in the next contact change. Save them!
  • 1
    This cannot be real. Wow.
  • 1
    Just wow
  • 2
    I would not sign that new employee book.
  • 3
    Fuck this dude or dudette sideways, while his or her nipples are electrified, his or her arms are together with ropes and hot candle drops or burning cigarettes are burning on his or her back, in an aggressive way.
    This shit is making my blood boil.
  • 2
    All need to quit that company! I mean it.
  • 1
    What the hell, is that even legal?
  • 1
    It’s awesome that that little tirade is in writing though. It’ll make life easier for those poor souls staying when it comes time to NOT sign the employee terms amendments.
  • 1
    Quit, don't tolerate this bullshit.
  • 1
    Toxicity combobreaker
  • 1
    Aside from all the remaining bullshit let me do the devils advocate a bit here. Where I live it’s pretty standard to leave a 3 months notice and I’d argue it’s for the best. Firstly because the company has plenty of time to find a new hire and train them and secondly because you also have plenty of time to change your mind and prepare things up with the new company you’ll be joining. The transition is certainly long but smooth and unpaid times are almost guaranteed not to happen 😁
  • 1
    My company has a 3 month notice period ( non negotiable ). But the salary reduction is way too scary. Atleast i know i wont be suffering in the notice period if i was in it.
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