Developing pornographic / adult themed apps- would you be willing to do it? If not why, if so why? How does one become a developer for a platform like pornhub?

  • 8
    Would do.
    I guess that like any other job, you apply for a position. The interview would be cool.

    "Why do you want to work for us?"
    "I hope I can get company freebies".
  • 6
    1/3rd of all internet sites contains pornography. We don’t need more porn sites. Do something meaningful with your life.
  • 7
    @wackOverflow meaningful. So some generic startup that does fuck all like the other 91,838 startups? Or reinventing already existing software but with an ever so slight change but still just ad shitty as the existing ones?
  • 8
    @Stuxnet reinventing the way you jack off, in an environment friendly way!
  • 2
    @Stuxnet maybe find a startup with a product that actually makes peoples lives better. Maybe find work in the non profit sector and take a minor pay cut while still making gobs of money more than most people. Honestly, what could you do making porn sites that would have the same effect? A better UI/UX for watching people get railed in the ass?
  • 5
    porn is one of the biggest, shady and profitable industry out there. you can earn 10x the normal engineer's salary there. but i would restrain myself from applying for 2 reasons:

    1. society's pressure: it will be too awkward to explain the product of the company to people and relatives. people who work for cigarette or alcohol industry don't like to talk about their company either.

    2. morals : being a shady industry, it is filled with cases of harassment, tortures and rapes. i was reading a post from an engineer/some1 from some porn platform that he would go through 1000s of porn each day, most of them were real taboo and rapes, and had to filter out the content they would actually allow the sites to display
  • 10
    I would be ashamed to tell anyone that I'm developing in php...

    [I wonder how many will get the reference]
  • 2
    I wouldn’t mind working for the porn industry. At least people get enjoyment out of it. I personally wouldn’t mind sex being a an aspect of my work.
  • 7
    I wouldn't mind at all as long as the platform isn't for illegal material because I don't want a job that can get me a prison ticket.
  • 8
    First and foremost I don't have a connection with it. As I only work for companies that align with my interests I would say no.

    But I think this question is more about ethics and comfort zone.

    I don't mind porn stars, prostitute's or other expressionists. Wish there was more respect for them as they serve a very valuable purpose and could even be more valuable if done right.

    There is an inherent problem with the industry that makes it easy to exploit (especially young woman and children). Even without exploitation the stigma can make you regret you ever got pornograph content with your face into the world. This is normally a governing problem and not a platform problem (unless the company helps making illicit content) so @Fast-Nop should stay safely out of jail. Still the bad rep of the sex industry makes it "interesting" to bring up your workplace on birthday parties.
  • 3
    I read somewhere that they use placeholders in development of such adult sites.
    So i guess as dev, you just develop a nice experience to consume media.

    I would probably do it, if the offer fits my bill, like with actually nearly everything.^^
    We seriously need to break that stigma that porn and (as long as they don't hurt someone) fetishes are "bad", sex is an integral part of us and the depiction of it shouldn't be such a hot topic imho.

    Economically, it's probably the smartest thing you can do.
  • 3
    if it pays well, nothing wrong, and if you feel awkward putting it on resume, you can put it as video streaming service.
  • 6
    i don't care. it's a business like every other. i'd just make sure i'd have a positive impact, like _not_ supporting the shady side of the business.

    so - not working with some dubious company, but either with one that proactively strives to improve the situation, or in cooperation with individual artists. (btw: i'm already doing the latter in my side gig as (product) photographer.)

    and - even if you only look at the shadiest of businesses here, morally speaking it's still far superior to the finance sector, for example. stuff like high frequency trading, or speculating on food fucks the whole planet without consent.
  • 2
    @nitwhiz well, i'd argue that for porn to be successful, the depiction of sexuality SHOULD be a hot topic ;)
  • 5
    Hands down, yes.

    You would learn everything from security, e-commerce, video streaming, metric tracking, etc...

    It would be the best experience builder for any dev.

    The money is great too.

    As for the "moralists", fuck em. Nobody needs to know what my job is, and if they find out, fuck em.

    Just because you work in the sex industry doesn't mean you are an amoral psychopath, there's plenty of those in Congress.
  • 0
    Why not?
  • 2
    @sariel Yeah, the average sex worker is probably much kinder and humane than most of the fucks governing any given country.
  • 1
    I wouldn’t mind working for the porn industry. At least people get enjoyment out of it. I personally wouldn’t mind sex being a an aspect of my work.
  • 4
    I would have no problem.

    I think there are more “respectable” industries that do even shadier practices that don’t have that stigma.

    As long as the company follows the rules, it is well paid and it’s not a problem for my family that would be good.

    I would never work for weapon, alcohol, tobacco industries or any religious organization
  • 2
    yeah why not, i like working on stuff that i myself also use.

    "how does one get a job at pornhub?"

    they have contacts/career link in the footer of the site ;)
  • 2
    Of course i would.

    Sex is one of the physiological needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs and not satisfying that biologically hardcoded need leads to all sorts of mental symptoms. Providing people with toys or media helping them to reach an orgasm is helping the individual and the society as a whole.
  • 0
    I don't think so

    As others have said, you can put aside any reason one might have to have a problem with porn itself but the industry itself is still shady as hell.

    One cool thing I've heard though, apparently some them use nature pictures/videos for the non-prods so the devs don't get over exposed
  • 10
    People get paid millions to write drone software to help blow up Palestinian kids so working on something to get people off is really not that high on the totem pole.
  • 0
    @wackOverflow 🤷🏻🤷🏻 idk mate you just sounded extremely pretentious in your initial comment and it rubbed me the wrong way

    *ba dum tss*
  • 1
    @Burgundxyz reminds me of dudes proudly stating their work for the army (for a country that routinely invades others) during interviews. Yeah bro, thanks for your service. I'm sure Facebook or some other bunch of cunts will make you feel right at home.
  • 0
    @ostream yes!!??
  • 0
    @ostream ok sent
  • 1
    It would be hilarious, but probably wouldn’t be able to tell my parents. Also because porn is a major driver of sex trafficking, porn actresses and actors are abused quite frequently, porn promotes hostile masculinity and an unhealthy view of sex, and it is a drug that can ruin some people’s lives, I will never come close to that industry…
  • 2
    Just a reminder that this is a platform for the frustrated prostitutes of IT companies, who most often got mistreated, whose rights were abused et cetera....

    I'd make no ethical / moral difference as long as we're talking about "official" / "lawful" porn.

    ... though depending on country lawful is already a very questionable state, e.g. lack of sufficient minimum wage.

    But that applies to all jobs...:(

    Making a difference between companies, be it porn ... industry is in my opinion questionable in itself.

    After all, it's no difference - you're still just a programmer / manager / ..., as long as you abide by the law it's fine.

    Entirely different thing though is weapon industry or research in the grey areas (e.g. playing god / programming for weapon systems to increase killing efficiency / ... )

    Porn is just porn - as long as it's adult porn, it's made "lawfully"… it's just another job.
  • 1
    A web dev student of mine back in the late 90s (female, and yes web dev was taught way back then , I was one of the first profs in the city to do so) asked me the same ethical question . At the time, I had informed her that of the organization had some policy, proof and procedures of “ethical treatment” for workers in the trade then it _may_ be ok - this was before porn sites became aggregators of adult videos from around the world. Nowadays, a lot of “adult” stars seem to have come from the lines of some form of progression of increased social media usage and are thus doing so of their own volition. This would be their choice, and if in this case if they approach you to build a marketing website and a video hosting site then its really a business transaction at this point, you are building a platform for them that can host their own adult videos or cat videos if that is what they want
  • 1
    See look at @stuxnet virginal response. But yet we have probably thousands of office systems custom designed or implementations of SharePoint sql server and aspnet doing the same dumb thing in essence



    Developing the logic for a robot would be meaningful or the concept behind object recognition or mimicking human sensory behavior 99.9999% of devs will never ever touch this

    So it's mostly just the name of the company on you're resume wouldn't look good to other companies unless it was a well known staffing company that hid what you were doing
  • 0
    @djeddiej most without payment
  • 0
    @djeddiej sorry I find most people's willful or feigned ignorance amusing especially when discussing what would be a moral grey area or necessary evil under the best of circumstances almost all companies are unethical

    It's a joke
    And we do nothing to enable creation of anything better we just enabled pervert slavers and pimps to breed ruin and sell literal slaves that would snatch kids off porches if allowed

    Ethically she'd be designing a site that displayed adults engaging in what appears as consensual sex for individuals to masturbate to prior to hiring a stripper or hooker or hitting the dating game even harder

    It's a horribly grey area these days
    Especially given the various movements of trouble makers starting circa 2010ish from my memory that willfully and knowingly ruined adult interactions everywhere and that companies supported
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM your answer is very close to truthful
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine maybe my comment was misconstrued, but what I was offering was context in the hope that it would help the OP formulate an answer that they were looking for.

    We are all bound by our experiences, and the question posted is also related to issues of ethics , the current laws of the country, and personal morals.

    Aggh controversial topic for sure

    Now I’m just ranting , but hey that’s the purpose of the board in part - to rant. Going to get coffee .
  • 1
    @AvatarOfKaine it really just irritates me when people sound pretentious and thinks whatever shitty software theyre working on will change the world. Like give me a fuckin break
  • 1
    @Stuxnet oh I hear that
    That's what I was saying
    It serves a purpose but so does installing a door in a house
    We're not really working on skynet so it doesn't matter excepting the resume issue if you work on a porn site

    What's the major difference between that and other web dev really ? On a decent site all the same components with an anti leeching mindset and likely all the video handling components are already done so the challenging thing is gone developed by some massive 3rd party
    Pay portal too it's just another e-commerce site

    Business applications are more thorough if there is a lot of logic and data being collected but really it's all the same repetition unless it's your own personal baby like my direct.mail and publishing system was
  • 1
    @AvatarOfKaine some of these weirdos look at programming as their life. To me its (currently) a hobby and eventually just a job. Like im not finna be a neckbeard ass loser that makes it my personality.

    That being said, it’s literally just s job. Clock in. Do my tasks. Get paid. Go home. Nothing more, nothing less. Whats the fuckin difference in making some shitty blog or a porn site? Hell at least people will actually use the porn site lmao
  • 1
    @Stuxnet well its good to be theorhetically interested. but i can tell you when i work 40+ hours a week doing it its all strippers, travel, and nowadays it would be exercise for me.

    I don' t touch code after hours most of the time when I do it all day.

    though i should work on little things here and there. and not game aimlessly like i did.

    right now I walk miles and miles when I feel frustrated or pent up in part. and thats a good PART of a coping mechanism for boredom rather than drinking and gaming and watching movies constantly
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine I couldve worded that a lil better lol. side projects are the shit if you can have the desire to do a little here and there for shits and gigs then do it.

    But some of these nerds make it ALL they do. Like go outside. Touch some grass. Get a lil puss. Find a hobby that isnt your job.

    But ya i feel you completely. Im working in IT right now so when i get off the last thing i wanna do is fix a laptop or fix a broken computer, y’know. Tend to just play xbox, get drunk and watch (and bet on) sports. Sprinkle in some shooting guns and concerts and that’s basically my life.
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