
How many hours do you guys usually sleep everyday?

  • 2
    3-6 hours weekdays
    6-8 weekends
  • 1
    Around 6
  • 3
    6-7 on weekdays,
    9-11 on weekends
  • 3
    6 - 8. It's usually more around 6,5 or 7.

    I feel like I sleep very little but you guys seems to be doing just the same. Is it a common developer's trait to not usually oversleep?
  • 1
    7 hours on work days

    8 hours on holidays
  • 6
    7+ hours daily.

    It's a must, as it as proven by countless researches that sleep is necessary for memory persistence, memory recall, attention, creativity and mood.

    you can't pay your "sleep debt" later, the memories you lost are already gone at that point. which is why you should strive to sleep at least 7 hours a day for max performance while also feeling the best about your work and day. and it's not a small difference either. The current position is that sleep is as necessary as food or water.

    I highly recommend the book "Why we sleep" by Matthew Walker for everyone, everywhere. But really you just hop into scholar.google.com and look for "effects of sleep deprivation on memory" or "mood", "creativity" and "ethics". people with SD were overall rated as worse colleagues and worse managers, despite managers and bosses always pushing for people to work longer hours. Ironically that lowers performance by a lot on costs a company about 2000$ per employee with SD annually
  • 2
    @no-oxygen Yea a big chunk of us is like that, the thing is alt least for me I would like to sleep more, but.. there is so much to do and so little time

    I'm not talking about a job, recently I started working 30 hours per week instead of 40, but every day I end up staying awake for "too long" as there is so much I can do - side projects, hanging out with friends, partying.

    Most days I go to sleep at around 3am and wake up at 9am, so average of 6 hours for me.

    I would want to go to sleep early but my brain is way to motivated to do stuff and sometimes I even end up working on my game engine until sun comes out and then this happens every fucking time

    *coding and listening to music thinking is like 2am*

    *looks out of the window and sees light*

    Me: Fuck not again :/
  • 2
    You guys sleep?
  • 1
    1-2 am to 7 am. That's 5-6 hours. Regardless of the day of the week
  • 3
    @nemetepst Ye, I have the same problem. I'm strictly a night owl and I get the most focused and awake at night between like 8pm and 2am.

    Luckily I found a job with flexible working hours so I work since like 9am or so, so even going to sleep at 1am is still giving me plenty of sleep. It's generally accepted by sleep researches that the "early bird" society is retarded and we should accommodate people and jobs based on their individual circadian rythms. NASA was doing this since ever, Google and Nike followed suite since the early 2000.
  • 2
    8-9 hours. wake up around 8-8:30am, go to sleep around 11pm-12am
  • 3
    @Hazarth "It's generally accepted by sleep researches that the "early bird" society is retarded"

    You just made my day with this statement, thanks :p
  • 1
    In the day? 0
  • 2

    Yes, I'm lucky bastard.
  • 1
    5 Hours for weekdays
    8 hours for weekend
  • 0
    Plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead brah
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