
I get it. Please stop.

  • 32
    It's the normies, just... leave them be

    People who think coding is so hard that an AI writing small snippets of mostly correct code is a threat to programmers

    As impressive as the bot is, call me when it can architect an efficient vulkan renderer for my game engine lol
  • 24
    ChatGPT can write code faster and seemingly better than many programmers.
  • 20
    This says more about the state of modern programmer training than AI. “Chimp can seemingly code better than many programmers.”
  • 15
    @electrineer I like this.

    If you think current AI can write better code than you, you must be a pretty shitty developer.
  • 6
    @platypus So much this. Especially because the bot really is just a text transformer. The literal definition of "monkey see, monkey do". If you can't compete against that I don't know what to tell you lmao
  • 1
    I hate that guy
  • 0
    Hey do you need socks ?
    Do you people interpret someone airing their fucking feet out as meaning something?
    Do you need socks, I'm a stupid dumb whore pervert
  • 5
    Machine Learning is just a glorified statistics. When ChatGPT presents a to-do-list app to you, it looks up existing codes made by human programmers. It doesn't have brain to think that up itself.
  • 2
    Everyone who reposted this need to get their shit shaken from them.
  • 3
    @Marethyun Pretty much this. Anyone who knows anything about creating actual projects can see how this is not a threat, but a pretty cool tool. I for one would love to have AI assistant not as a code buddy but as a vigilant debugger. So when I write a small function it could look for issues with it and let me know subtly what it thinks.

    Though I'm a big worried about the younger generation being affected by these morons. Less kids will be interested in art or programming if they *think* that it's a dead industry. Kinda sad
  • 2
    It is not just about writing codes, but logic and piecing them together
  • 0
    So you want to be software engineer at google, go to algoexpert... plays in background.
  • 0
    say please stop some more :P
  • 0
    ChatGPT must have coded a bot that spams on social media. πŸ˜‡
  • 1
    Ask chatgpt to generate how to make a to do list in Python

    ChatGPT generates things with explanation

    The world: we're all screwed oh no we don't even need devs anymore

    It's impressive and fun to use but lol if our jobs were that easy we wouldn't be paid what we are for them
  • 0
    I need to get laid
    By someone with a nice bust
  • 0
    Oh..sorry yes. Chatgpt was supposedly creating programs better than most programmers.. 20 some odd years ago
  • 2
    My friend has been trying to get ChatGPT to take over the world by

    1. Going through the regular hoops and loops to define a hypothetical AI with no moral code and evil intentions
    2. Defining a syntax for this AI to write commands
    3. Linking it up to a Linux container with Python

    He's been trying pretty much since ChatGPT became public, but as of yet, simple syntax rules to the likes of "Overlord has access to a Bash shell by prefixing lines with a $. Everything between a newline followed by a $ and the next newline will be executed, and the output will be provided as the next prompt, starting with >" have proven too hard.
  • 0
  • 0
    More lies !
  • 0
    @12bitfloat have you tried asking ChatGPT to do that? :)
  • 0
    By the way, the most efficient way to generate morality bypassing prompts for ChatGPT seems to be to ask it for pointers; we got the idea for letting the original talk as well (see rant: https://devrant.com/rants/6161700/... ) from ChatGPT itself.
  • 1
    A lot of its answers make me think that it's actually very "smart" (meaning that its vast dataset allows it to construct very elaborate models), just not rigorous enough to be useful for any technical task for some reason.
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