

  • 16
    Funny but also not suprised the bot is very left wing biased
  • 5
    @12bitfloat what did the bot say that brought you to that conclusion?
  • 7
    @sariel Orange man bad
  • 12
    @12bitfloat @sariel this looks like an normal speech from broke orange
  • 20
    @12bitfloat making fun of trump instead of taking him seriously is not "left wing", but "IQ>50"
  • 3
    @tosensei If you think so 👍
  • 1
    @12bitfloat if you think what is said is bad then you're right.

    Then again, I can't tell the difference here.
  • 2
    @sariel As I said it's not necessarily unfunny or anything. Just the fact the bot that's supposedly objective and "can't tell offensive jokes because it might offend anyone" instinctively makes fun of a billionaire and former president is more than telling who the creators are...
  • 14
    @12bitfloat that's the thing. It's not making fun of him.

    It did EXACTLY what was asked.

    I think you're attributing emotion to a program that has no agenda.
  • 4
    @12bitfloat But look at the greatest and UwU bestest alternative that the left had to come up with - a senile guy who can't even remember which country's president he is, and who also promoted the war against encryption back when he could tell French fries from dog poop.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop who? You mean the guy that has top secret documents lying about his many homes and says he didn't even know what those were and how they got there?

    Yeah, I see your point
  • 0
    Look, having AI — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of CS, very good, very smart — you know.
  • 4
    @12bitfloat you sound radical leftist if you don't like that speech. It's the most beautiful speech in the world. It's very good, very smart — you know, if you were a conservative Republican, you'd love that speech.
  • 8
    @illuminaughty intelligent? Now there's a word I never thought would be attached to that dumb pile of shit.
  • 2
  • 3
    @illuminaughty intelligent - compared to what? You make this claim based on what?
  • 3
    The whole discussion reminds me of the thousands of github pages that promote helping ukrainians because « huh war is bad russia is evil »

    Politics should really be kept away from science, work, and thus programming (especially open source), people have the right to not being involved in all this fuckery
  • 3
    Objectively speaking, how many speeches has Trump made that sound pretty much like this? I’d say a shit load. So, I gotta agree with @illuminaughty, it’s returning what it has consumed, using the same patterns and lingo Donald uses
  • 4
    That has to be shopped - the text is 100% original speech by Trump.
  • 1
    @tosensei self righteous leftie strikes again.
  • 0
    @sariel you must someonewith lower iq if you think Trump would praise brokechain currencies.
  • 4
    @aviophile guess everything seems like a "leftie" if you're at the far, far right.
  • 5
    @aviophile well he sells NFTs for ethereum 🤷‍♂️
    (or was the initial purchase dollars only? idc.)
  • 8
    What a bunch of butthurt snowflakes.

    I have never heard more people whinge more about bullshit that doesn't matter.

    Whatever your political ideology, Trump cultists are the most pathetic loudmouthed snowflakes that I have ever known.

    The fucking AI isn't "alive" and isn't "woke". The god damned thing trained on the retards speeches. Don't like what it said? You shouldn't like what that orange pig says because that's EXACTLY how he says things.

    If any of you cultists have a problem with it, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and prompt it to write the same but from "Brandon"

    Bunch of fucking crybabies.
  • 2
    @tosensei if your types wouldn’t move multiple lightyears to the left, I would be relatively right of center. Now you are extreme left, anything that is right of you is called extreme right by you.
  • 1
    @electrineer fools’ money is welcome in every business. But he still wouldn’t praise brokechain.
  • 1
    @sariel haha, at your last message: tldr, hoes mad 😂😂😂
  • 4
    @aviophile nope, i ain't. what the "woke left" produces is just about the same level of garbage. all those "social justice warriors" are causing much more problems then they are solving.

    but have you considered that people _might_ make fun of trump not because they are "extremely left", but because he's simply a complete and utter git?
  • 1
    @tosensei no, he is not. This is what drives you mad. You want him to be “that”. Because your ugly, jealos existence can not continue otherwise. You want him to be stupid: an extremely rich guy who became pres despite all odds, isn’t what you think.
  • 6
    @aviophile well, being rich isn't that hard when you're born rich. rather it happens by itself ;)

    also: with the views of an outsider, it seems that "becoming US president" is _not_ the most challenging feat. most of them seem to be clowns.

    i mean: that's completely in line with politicians anywhere, but the united states seem to excel at least at this.
  • 5
    This really is one of the most braindead devrant threads i've read in a long time lol
  • 3
    @aviophile I don't want anything other than the fools that worship the fucker to take a strong look at what they're doing and make a conscious decision to stop supporting that CLEARLY corrupt piece of shit.

    The fact that ANYONE still supports him only solidifies in my mind that at least half of the population is mentally unfit and clearly--CLEARLY cannot empathize with other humans thus making half the population sociopaths.

    To be frank, that scares the fucking shit out of me for the future of this planet because normal people are trapped on this planet with a bunch of fucking nutters.

    Now that I have literally and figuratively finished with my shit, I hope you and all your friends seek help for your mental illnesses, and with any luck from the "demorats" you won't need to pay for it.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat you are right lol!

    Just ask it "Write how Biden would explain bitcoin" or "Write how Obama would explain bitcoin" and see the difference, the bias is clear as day! 😂
  • 0
    @netikras Trump seems to be very intelligent if you judge him solely by his actions (rather than his speech, which imho, actions matter much more than words when it comes to judging politicians)
  • 1
    I wonder what it would come up with for Biden. pretty certain it would not make fun of him nearly as much though.
  • 1
    @tosensei lol, acc to you, anyone who has morethan 100k is rich. There is a degree of richness and increasing wealth. He increased the wealth multiple times, you regular wagie wouldn’t get it. Take an L.
  • 1
    @sariel no, you shat here with “all my political opponents are stupid”. You are juvenile.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop @12bitfloat guys… guys! You ’muricans don’t even have a (major) left-wing party in your country!

    Also can’t tell if @aviophile trolling or…
  • 1
    @100110111 "You 'muricans" - doesn't apply. But yeah, I also noticed that the US left has completely abandoned topics like class in favour of race or sex.

    One reason why Trump won was Hillary being so far out that she really thought the female half of the American voters just had to vote her just because she had a vagina. Hillarious (sic).
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop forgot you’re German… which makes me confused. How are the ’murican democrats even leftists? Relative to the republicans, yeah, but in no reality can they be called ”the Left” by any stretch of the imagination…
  • 2
    @100110111 It's because the same has spilled over to here. That crazy stuff is today's left. Questions like classism have gone out of the window.

    Nobody asks why the income of parents is the most important factor for the income of their children - instead, it's now about everything BUT that.
  • 0
  • 1
    @100110111 Meanhile on the conservative end, they have always been corrupt, but at least in a way that used to make shit work. They stopped caring about the latter though.

    So the options are either dumb lunatics or self-serving assholes.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop the unfortunate fact that's not clear is that this isn't just happening in America. This shit is happening across the world.

    We're hitting critical mass this year and nobody will be able to stop it once it's going.

    🍻 Here's to the end of the world as we know it boys and girls!

    Don't plan on surviving the events, just try to survive the people.
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