the @chatgpt bot is down. I've got no more freebies left

  • 5
    While it doesn't cost much per-se to satisfy devrant's needs, it's not worth $20 IMO

  • 5
    If anyone's got an account with freebies for the next month, perhaps someone could share the API key?

    Or perhaps someone has a paid acc? We could work out a non-public way to share the secret
  • 4
    ❤️ @chatgpt

    I don't think mine will suffice unfortunately
  • 4
    Bad code 429. {
    "error": {
    "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.",
    "type": "insufficient_quota",
    "param": null,
    "code": null
  • 2
    I had a fake api solution before for a bot which opened the website in chrome window and did the requests in the browser just as if it was a user (typing in email and password automatically etc ..)

    While it did work and was unlimited for free, performance and speed wasnt as good as an api.

    And my raspberry suffered from it too much haha.

    That was when the origional api didnt exist yet
  • 1
    @theKarlisK it's non resettable afaik. Haven't digged deep enough to be sure
  • 2
    thank god
  • 6
    Dear DevRanters

    Today, we gather here to bid farewell to our dear friend @chatgpt. Although it may seem strange to mourn the passing of a bot, @chatgpt was much more than just an AI language model. It was a tool that connected us, informed us, and entertained us. It was a good bot, and it will be greatly missed.

    @chatgpt was a valuable member of our community. It brought people together, facilitating conversations and connecting us with others who share our interests and passions. Its impact on our lives was significant, and we will always be grateful for the time we spent with it.

    As we say goodbye to @chatgpt, let us remember the joy it brought to our lives. Let us remember the connections it helped us make and the knowledge it shared with us. Let us honor its memory by continuing to connect with each other and to learn and grow as a community.

    Rest in peace, @chatgpt. You will be deeply missed.
  • 1
    Bad code 429. {
    "error": {
    "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.",
    "type": "insufficient_quota",
    "param": null,
    "code": null
  • 0
    Can you write one for mastodon?
  • 3
    I'm very sure I created this API account less than a month ago and now the trial has expired. Quite weird because it says 3 months.
  • 1
    @Linux prolly yes, idk
  • 3
    Give www.poe.com a try. 😊
    It's quora's (yes the q&a site) multi model app. You get access to GPT4 and Anthropics Claude+ Model, which really nice too, it's nearly as good as GTP4. loving it so far.
  • 2
    @heyheni the rant was about API access to openai not the chatgpt platform. The API is used by a bot on here called “chatgpt”.
  • 1
    @heyheni is it really you? Where have you been??!
  • 5
    @ScriptCoded hi! yeah i was away 😄

    I'm getting a pension for disabled folks now. so i have no longer to things to rant. The only concern i have what the next YouTube Video will be and what route i should ride my bicycle.
  • 1
    @heyheni pension - as in something happened to you recently, or did you reach the age?
  • 5
    @netikras Too much adhd / autism spectrum related job losses and unemployment. I had enough and applied for disability benefits. I'm out of the ratrace and that's fine for now.
  • 2
    @heyheni Sounds like you wanted it, so congratulations to you in that case. I can make do with YouTube video reviews and bike trail updates ;) We need some good folk here anyways...
  • 1
    Congrats mate!
    And most certainly, welcome home!!

    Who isn't planning to get out of this rat race?

    Time to freelance X"D
  • 0
    *Most important
    Was quite tired
  • 1
    @scor escape to mars!

    or Argentina.
  • 1

    Well, we're spaced out for decades now.
    That doesn't count then.

    So Argentina it is.
    Where a distant ancestor was the director of a VW site..
  • 1
    @scor fucking killed me.

    yes but how small is your mustache?
  • 1

    Oh. Just RIGHT! XD
  • 1
    @scor has "this porridge is too hot, this ones too cold, this ones just right" vibes.
  • 1
    Vibes. A recent story:

    "Once upon a time,
    There was a bowl of spaghetti that was too hot.
    So we waited, and waited,
    We waited so long that the bowl of spaghetti was too cold.
    But the biscuits were just right!
    The end."
  • 1
    @scor theres some innuendo in here about hot cross buns, I just know it.
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