With permission of @dfox
Hi everyone,
An mate and me are starting our own server hosting company and we are looking for some people that want to test our services before we officially release.

Some of the things we have are: Dedicated servers, Fully isolated VPS's, Container based app services and a custom build Status pages (https://status.mikote.net/).

if you are interested let me know here and send us a message on our site https://www.mikote.net/ (still in development)

All of the pricing will be custom and if you include "<!DOCTYPE devrant>" in your first message or email and you will get a custom discount of up to 90%

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    Good luck!
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    Looks good! What are you thinking price wise for a 16Gb i5 with 1Tb of storage?

    Also, just to be perfectionist, the emoji on your top section cuts the text off on mobile view, Chrome
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    @DucksCanCode What is your budget? and is a Xeon also okay, we also have AMD opteron systems with more RAM and storage for a bit cheaper than the Intel systems
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    The error mesage on the mainpage is not available for mobile, it gets cut off :) (info: 5' screen mobile, verticaly alligned ) for the rest it looks quite awesome
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    @resdac Thanks We will try to fix it :D
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    @inpothet if i didn't have my own server i'd definitely tried it
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    @resdac you can try our status Page to keep track of the uptime :P
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    @inpothet the monthly budget would be max £70 I guess? I like to check them out and see what the uptime, speed are like etc.
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    @DucksCanCode Can you join a chat on https://www.mikote.net/ so that my mate that goes over the servers can talk with you?
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    @Haxk20 Sure when you need one send a msg on the site with the doctype and we get it setup :D
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    Ugh, I was so into this idea untill I saw that headline
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    @nicholai I'm innocent it was his idea and i had no say xD
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    We can offer some systems
    An Xeon e3 with 4 cores, 8 threads at 3.2 GHZ and 2 Tb storage and 32GB ram for 50 Euros per month
    or an AMD Opteron 8 cores at 2.3 GHZ and 2 TB storage and 16Gb ram for 40 Euros per month
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    In which country are your servers?
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    @2nd2NULL Mainly germany but other countries are also possible
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    I am really interested! I cant request a quote via the website thou, button is ded on mobile
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    @Linux wierd it should work,
    If you want can you tell me what specs you need and what budget and i will tell the results here
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    @Linux you can also add me on skype "mhaazen" and just msg ur from devrant
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    Does not work on PC either.

    I am a simple man, a 2-5€/month is my budget. I propably only need it for MX relays
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    @Linux What wierd, What os and browser
    do you use
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    Windows 10, Opera.
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    @Linux im gonna downvote ur comment just cuz u use opera and not chrome 😜
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    I have used Chrome since it was released. Now it is too bloated and slow.
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    @Linux I agree, And thanks for the report i will test it later
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    @Linux Just installed Opera on my windows 10 machine and that chat works.
    What extensions do you have?
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    Oh. did not even know that there was a chat.

    The "Get a quote" and the menu at the top does not work for me.

    Magic actions for youtube
    Country Flags and Whois
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    I have a theory;

    Does tawk.to use blocklists and block traffic from IP's where there is an internal Tor relay?
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    Just commenting so I won't lose this rant!
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    Do you offer shared hosting?
    I'm looking to switch from my current hosting to something more reliable and expendable?

    For start would need like 1gb of space and ability to have several subdomains (at least 4) and mysql dbs to start with.

    Most of the stuff on the subdomains would be apis.

    Budget similar to what @Linux wrote (5-10€)
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    @Linux I'm not sure will check it out, And i will get my mate to open the chat on press of the quote
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    @gacbl We have some containerized systems and also dedicated VPS's and i have it setup also shared VPS's
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    @gacbl Also if the ports don't matter i think the container based systems would be perfect with 1 db container and some smaller containers for the api's
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    @Linux WTH having username as linux and using windows 10 sucks 😑
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    Not my fault that Age Of Empires 2 and Start Citizen is Windows only :(
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    @Linux VMware Workstation should run them both on Linux in an VM
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    Star Citizen? Nope
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    The site is currently down due to the datacenters 580 Gbit backbone crashing
    If you want a Quote atm please email me on marcel@haazen.xyz (still dont have my own work email @-tom )
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    tmw when you want to track the uptime of this but the status page itself is down too
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    @filthyranter I know right we had a perfect 100% and than the backbone dies.
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    @filthyranter everything is back up except the node with out site and proxies rip
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    And everything is back up and running
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    commenting to save
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    I can really recommend "iRedmail".
    Check it out, it would really fit your company
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    Chat does still not work thou :/
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    Anyway, sent you an email :)
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    @Jop- contact us on the site or msg me on Skype "mhaazen" or email me on marcel@haazen.xhz
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    Hey everybody,
    We listened about the website and done some edits to the tagline moving things and we added an community where we will be posting updates, tutorials and where we will be answering questions
    and its accessible by the link of the site and by the link https://community.mikote.net/
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    Well sorry guys we have to delay some things due to some bad shit happening (Thanks datacenter)
    We lost all our stuff and my mate lost about 5 years worth of projects
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    @inpothet What the fuck is wrong with this datacenter
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    @filthyranter they got a report about a system's CPU breaking down
    They take out our server (wrong one)
    They try to recover data of each HDD (raid)
    They almost wiped the data and than when putting the server back they find out that the raid controller died.
    O and they didn't make backups
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    @dfox maybe a weird request but is there a change you can change my op to include that or site is down to the datacenter breaking our main server?
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    @inpothet how is it going bro?
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    @inpothet @jpichardo everything still down, Tom my mate is taking it hard which I can understand as he lost a big part of his life
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    @inpothet damn, I can imagine
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    @jpichardo I feel bad for him that he has to rebuild everything but I hope he will keep backups as of now
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