
Dating apps sucks. I want to reinvent online dating.

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    so u can find ur dream partner?
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    @We3D No, so otherwise can’t find their dream partner without jumping through hoops.
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    Dating apps that work, make no money.
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    @Oktokolo Who says I want to make money? I said I want people to find their partners not me making money.
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    @Oktokolo $50 down, per year, use as much as you like. Once you find a partner, it manages things like notifications (go get the fucking milk bob!), and birthday reminders, etc.

    Also helps manage household expenses (because shouldn't dating apps help manage the things that normally *kill* relationships)?

    Upsell all-inclusive vacations for couples, and smaller micro-experiences to local businesses (say within state) based on shared interests.

    If games taught me anything with the kitchen-sink approach to features, its that niche apps need to not just be niche, they need to be the 'everything' app *for* their given niche.

    Not that I honestly think this whole appification-of-ever-aspect-of-life is a good thing. But hey, if we're on the poisonious-but-profitable ideas train, might as well ride it as far as it goes and see where it stops.

    It stops at skynet.

    Terminators destroying humanity is the last stop.

    All aboard the tinder lover train to the global robo-caust camps!
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    @Wisecrack also must have a couple therapists ( gpt 4 d win ( ppl either way tell the machines everything they fear telling other human beings ) )...

    then divorce advocating too and learning from its mistakes when re-searching 4 ur next perfect match ;}
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    @We3D and back to arranged marriages.

    we'll have gone full circle.

    and then the machine overlords will have us farming the dirt again for another thousand years.

    but hey, no more stand up meetings at least!
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    What sucks about Tinder?
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    @retoor so few of the people on it are real. its all just glitter and shitty sloppy BJs without swallowing.

    If I wanted that I'd go to a gay nightclub.
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    You would be better off reinventing humanity first.
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    @Wisecrack there is a Dutch dating site that matches you up daily and your pictures are blurred. How more you talk the clearer the pictures get.

    It's the opposite of Tinder
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    @retoor all good until the pic is clear and u realize u r chatting with a refrigerator...
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    @retoor that sounds absolutely lovely.

    But there isn't anyone on it that will whip me..or let me whip them.

    The last person I brought home from tinder broke loose and ran off on all fours and stole my last gimp suit!
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    @We3D I've paid for that app and that made it possible to see pictures up front. This app is not much used by beautiful people
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    @We3D "ll good until the pic is clear and u realize u r chatting with a refrigerator..."

    A few extra pounds is actually fine. Most girls are happy to work out together when they find out you're into that. After six months they're in way better shape, feeling more confident than before, and ready to move on!

    Fuck, was I a personal trainer for free?

    Does sex count as payment?

    I feel so used!
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    @Wisecrack Hmm, whipping is maybe just not a one night stand thingy
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    @retoor that's usually the case...

    I tried that when the net was younger, we even met @ her city...

    after an hour of an awkward silence it was all over...

    after that I just don't use such things b/c I wonder how to get rid of some of the girls chasing me...
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    @retoor No, it definitely is. There were people crazy enough.

    God bless em.
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    @We3D haha, girls actually chase you? I think many people using that app are socially not very strong hence the poor chats or using a dating app in general
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    @retoor guys do two things, see signals that aren't there, and miss signals that are really obvious. we do this all the time. I had an angel, in the form of a devout lesbian, teach me to notice the difference. It took a whole relationship to find out she was a lesbian though.

    Everyone i've known that uses dating apps seriously, isn't doing it for lack of knowing how to talk. Almost everyone I've known who uses tinder is because they're bored, lazy, or looking for something weird to spice things up.
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    @retoor I meant in rl, and that's why I haven't even thinking about such apps. I'm in a constant internal conflict should I part w/ my cur gf and try w/ one of the others, but currently most of them have bfs so I can breath more freely ;]
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    @Wisecrack Hmm, users are just bored instead of motivated to find someone? Would explain a lot of non follow-ups
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    @retoor "Would explain a lot of non follow-ups"

    Or ego boosts. Like collectibles. "Oh dude, check out this match I just made! They're a total smoke show."

    "what the fuck sam, thats not tinder. thats grindr!"
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    @kiki finding love in all the wrong places!

    koolaid man appears and burst through your wall for no apparent reason:

    oooooooh yaaaaaaaa!

    doctor: sir this is an abortion clinic!

    *koolaid man stands there, still smiling, his oblivious cartoon outline of a face still blinking slowly, stare as vacant and pitiless as the sun."

    koolaid man: .......oooooooh yaaaaaaaaa.
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    Be creepy enough. Any app would be a dating app then.
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    @Sid2006 will you go on a date with me?
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    @latisfeire Sure why not.
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    @Sid2006 she could be using tabs instead of spaces
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    lol just a tip block all the boys on the app so you could have all the girls 😂
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    @retoor Wait, you guys don't use tabs? You use spaces?
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    @Sid2006 u'll be even more surprised when u learn what we use... come joint the dark side ;}

    we program only in Whitespace =]
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    @We3D WHAT THE FUCK !! How do you do indentation in ur code ? Do you just bang away at the spacebar?
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    @Sid2006 just check it out, I promise it's a nice almost invisible lang ;}
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    @Wisecrack welcome to the club buddy
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    @We3D I'm questioning my existence at this point.. just WTF ?? Give me a link where I can read more about this abomination of a practice.
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    @Sid2006 the tab button just produces a few spaces
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    As a graphic designer: this statement is a hate crime.
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    Dating sucks. I want to reinvent dating.
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    @msdsk haha, what statement?
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    @retoor that tab is just a couple of spaces.
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    @msdsk haha yes, but the width of two spaces is consistent and the tab is not. Differs per editor.
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    @msdsk cool stuff you made on https://css-system-deploy.netlify.app/.... Small bug - if I select a value the document scrolls horizontal on android
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    @retoor thanks! I've been in a process of rewriting this, but the entire build process was literally based on a bug in webpack 4 so, let's say, it's been on a backburner for a moment now.
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    @kiki why does disco suddenly start playing when you come around?
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    @Wisecrack it's the boss music. But the boss is very very gay, so it's disco and not some norwegian epic metal
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    @kiki what are the degrees of gayness?
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    @electrineer I spit on hotdogs before eating them
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    FWIW in my case a payed version of OKcupid worked for me. Found the love of my life there, been a happy fellow ever since, three years together and expecting a baby by the end of octobre.

    Be specific, filter, be honest and polite and you might find your true one too. Go ahead and give it a shot.
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    @kiki You'd love Crypt of the NecroDancer
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    @Sid2006 yes sir, like a complete maniac.
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    @kiki "I spit on hotdogs before eating them"

    Put it on a t-shirt. Make a cool million selling them at parades.
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    @c3r38r170 everyone that I met that played it, loved that fucking game.
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