
So i'm a 14 year old, I love computers, and got into development through Roblox, it will be my first year in HS and i'm majoring in networking, i want to go into the airforce and do something with computers, was networking the right way to go? And what should I expect?

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    Hello! Welcome to devRant! And i met the first avgeek!
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    Hi, I'm an intern at Roblox! I absolutely love reading posts like this and sharing them with my colleagues at the office.

    My advice is do what you love and it's probably right. If you're naturally gifted at something and really enjoy it you can go so far. So don't worry about whether it's right, worry about what you're getting from it and whether it's enjoyable for you.

    What's your username by the way? I'd love to see some of the stuff you've done.
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    @Haxk20 what do you mean?
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    Hey dude, Here is the secret. Learn all of it. In networking knowing scripting (programming) is going to save you years of effort over your career. In programming knowing how networks work is going to make your life easier when you want communications over the internet.

    I.T is a very mixed in feild. The more you know about it the better you get at all aspects.
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    @Haxk20 i have no idea
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    @BradSharp I just like to build models, i don't have a cool game with epic scripts, and my account is find_X
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