
I'm genuinely curious: Is there anyone here who is offended by the use of the name 'master' for a Git repository 'main' branch? If we all moved to 'main' and never used 'master' again (for anything, Git or not) would that make a difference to you?

  • 5
    I mean, the wokes went after Math alleging it to be racist. What do you expect.

    If anything this was a very easy target to knock down.
  • 3
    actually. There was somebody that was offended by me calling him "master "+ his name
  • 11
    People who get upset about using master is a flag of people to avoid. I think this would be an interesting question to ask in an interview of the employer. Might be a way to avoid woke employers.
  • 4
    @iceb Mr. Bater is a sensitive person.
  • 4
    Imho it doesn't solve anything.

    Especially not regarding the imho pervasive extremists @SidTheITGuy mentioned.

    We live in a time where balance is completely missing ...

    .... and thus needed desperately.

    For fun I sometimes read the garbage of extremists... Believe me when I say that we should add haloperidol to the ground water as a mandatory measure, cause the stuff that they write - or better their manifestos / agendas - often involve a massive purge of anything unwanted.

    Sometimes going so far as genocide.

    You cannot "enforce" a mindset.

    Any scifi film with such a background explains it in various ways...

    The approach to evade any touchy subject brings us back to the medieval times, where everyone was happy as long as they did what authority told and no neighbour pointed fingers.
  • 6
    I'm not offended.

    I'm just annoyed that many things that just assumed master to be the default by convention broke because of such a retardedly justified change.
  • 2
    Based off the git mailing list https://lore.kernel.org/git/... it seems many folded as they had a noticeable amount of feedback, it did not matter how many % were offended. It was a "non-trivial number of people". If you normally just get 50 emails per week I guess it could’ve been as little as 100 emails that caused the change😔


    > From feedback I've
    received, I get the impression that "master", even though from a
    different origin, brings the idea of human bondage and suffering to mind
    for a non-trivial number of people, which of course was not the
    intention and is undesirable. I suspect if we were making the decision
    today, we'd pick another name, since that's not what we want people to
    think of when they use Git.
  • 4
    @jiraTicket Since I first started using computers and learning programming in 1986, I _never_ understood the word “master” to have a negative or slavery/bondage context. It was just not presented that way, either seriously or as a joke. It always did connote a hierarchy, but not one of oppression. Just taxonomical organization. The change of the connotation happened around 2015-ish and beyond when all of our normal meanings of words began to be co-opted by people who wanted the power that controlling the lexicon would grant them. In a lot of ways, it was faster and cheaper than a traditional political coup. You no longer need a military or election fraud. You can simply use the words coming out of another person’s mouth as a sword with which to decapitate them and gather the power they once had to yourself. As someone who has been interested in words and etymology since high school, it’s been fascinating (and frightening) to watch.
  • 0
    Definitely feels similar to how a lot of people had minor quips with ThePhD's keynote at Rustconf and when someone brought the subject up all of them suddenly remembered and voiced their concerns. This looked like major resistance so the executives decided to cancel the keynote, which was a terrible idea and not at all the conswnsus directive.
  • 1
    @stackodev I saw a lot of online discourse as to whether this is a step in the long march through the institutions, an opportunity for all communists to step forth and recognize each other. If it is, it's a fucking stupid opportunity, because a lot of people and organizations who would never join the revolution are incentivized to join in this step and at the same time a lot of people will be lured into the belief that they're in safe company when in fact everyone around them is just doing regular PR.
  • 2
    I find that nowadays "offended" voices are just voices afraid of the pervasive cancel culture in the "civilized" world.
  • 0
    @lorentz I have a bit of fear of the terrible backlash that is coming. I pray for my country and world when this happens. I think a lot of people who had nothing to do with this will be harmed.
  • 2
    @stackodev Yes, these mailing lists quickly establish that git is not based on the origin of a master-slave terminology. But seems they concluded it didn' matter. some complaints where people were "reminded" of slavery were enough to make them willing to change it. 😕
  • 2

    Sometimes I wish Putin or jingping would invade Europe already if only because they'd put an end to this whole bullshit *swiftly*.

    Sure, we'd be set for the worse, but sometimes I think the cattle just wants to be fucking herded.
  • 2
    @lorentz To me it has all the hallmarks of a cult: special language, submission, exclusivity, persecution complex, control, isolation, special knowledge, indoctrination, salvation, group think, cognitive dissonance, shunning, identity crises, and appearance standards.

  • 1
    @CoreFusionX Reminds me of this meme...
  • 0
    @stackodev if you change the meaning of words for those who know the secret language. Then you can speak treason and sedition openly.
  • 0
    @stackodev idk how this is exclusive, neoliberal discourse happens in the public media.
  • 0
    @stackodev I also don't see the persecution complex. Exclusion from the group is categorically not persecution, no one is obligated to be around you.
  • 1
    @lorentz To be accepted, though, as a functioning member of society and not rejected as a "nutcase" or a "rightwinger" or a "Nazi", you have to be part of the exclusive club of people who gain power and status (or who are simply allowed to be left alone) by using the special language.
  • 1
    @lorentz The persecution complex comes in the form of those claiming to be harmed by previously non-harmful words like "master" in the context of computing. Anyone who can show "standing" by claiming to be part of a grievance group uses a persecution complex as leverage to obtain power over enemies (real or perceived). It's fashionable, even, to have a persecution complex...as long as it's about "correct" things.
  • 0
    @stackodev You're mixing things that should be justifiable on their own for a cult to be recognized. A group you can belong to just by conforming to expectations of behavior isn't exclusive. It's like calling the group of people who hide their genitals unless preparing for sex a cult.
  • 3
    i just use whatever's preset. Not worth the effort to change it in my opinion.

    If the preset or the defaults change, that's fine, because it means no work for me. My future projects will then just use main. If someone's asking me to change that in an already existing project, i tell them to go fuck themselves. I'm not getting paid for nonsense like that. Like changing the CI and shit like that, no thanks.
  • 3
    Me who deletes main branch and creates master branch.
  • 1
    @KDSBest hello Darth!
  • 3
    @KDSBest Become ungovernable.
  • 4
    I'm just bothered by americans forcing their identity politics upon the rest of the world. 20 years ago they were pushing for conservative values and everyone was forced to follow, now they're pushing progressive values and everyone is forced to follow, tomorrow they'll come up with something else entirely and we'll be forced to follow yet again.

    As I'm not american, I claim the right to not give a damn about american issues, and yet...
  • 2
    @IHateForALiving As an American, I’m ashamed of our far left. And of the far right.
  • 1
    Master helps you deploy faster
  • 0
    It’s not something I can really get annoyed about, they could call it Satan’s Butthole for all I care. To be honest, that would be more appropriate for some of the projects I’ve worked on.

    It’s the whole big deal around the claim that people are actually making a positive impact on the world by doing precisely nothing that’s irritating.

    If these things stopped getting any attention, anything done purely for PR reasons would go away.
  • 2
    Honestly it doesn’t matter to me, just fucking change it to main who cares? Projects that are new use main so I subconsciously like it more.

    I feel like if u create a new repo and then u do an extra step to change your prod branch from main to master, then I think that’s just weird man. Programmers that apply political opinions and personal opinions to code is just weird…
  • 3

    Well, same could be said the other way. My git defaults to master, and that is how it gets pushed upon project creation.

    I find it retarded having to do an extra step to change to main 🤷
  • 2
    🎶 Metallica - Main of Puppets
  • 1
    @stackodev every time I hear any american talking about politics I cringe hard. It always ends up with both sides calling each other a pedophile for 2 hours straight, it's surreal.
  • 0
  • 1
    Woketards will never get master key, masterfully-made pieces of art, nor be masters of their skill... because of the bad meaning they themselves accentualize. I'm done with this crowd.
  • 1
    It’s Tokenism at best. We might as well eliminate “master” from all English usage.
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