
Almost no one seems to be online today. Most people have smth better to do but I don't.

I have upgraded the Ragnar anti spam service. It will:
- respond to spam in less than a minute like you're used to (a bit slower than before actually. The other system reacted in seconds but I decided that it's a bit overkill / not worth the resources.)
- use around 20 times less resources (instead of 20 bots, it's now one bot (a scout) that checks situation and activate other bots when needed)
- spam less, from now on, only one message gets posted under a downvoted rant. (before this was varying, could be 7 messages under a rant)
- since spammers upvote their down voted rant after a week or so, Ragnar down votes 5 times so it's harder to upvote. (before this was varying)

If someone thinks to see more spam because the service is a bit slower, let me know. It's very easy to adjust it's speed.

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    Communication is not done by bots with weird names anymore. The only bots that communicate are named no-spam[1 to 4] and have a friendly looking avatar and profile description. It's an attempt to let the anti-spam network looking less a botnet itself. The down votes are done by the bots that always did it, but in the background without leaving a message.
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    Why not run it as a single process, fetching rants' feed as unauth user [they are public to read anyways] and, if a spam post is found, iterate over a list of bot users' creds and downvote that post from each user's account?

    Keeps load and resources to bare minimum. No need to run each bot as a separate minion process/service, when you only really need theys creds to do the magic
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    @netikras that's exactly what it does now (see scout part) :) It's a single process, single threaded application now.
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    @retoor great minds, ey? :)
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    I knew it was you!
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    Props on improving Ragnar.

    I'm sure I'll have a chance of invoking his spirit one of these days.
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