
this whore got great ass i stare at it while lifting heavy and get superman strength to do it then Theres just something about these whores that gives me the drive to still stay alive

  • 0
    all these whores love me and some of them just dont want to admit it (theyre scared of falling in love w me)
  • 0
    many of these whores told me they dreamed me and asked What the fuck did you do to my mind get out of my head

    These whores (women) love toxic manipulative seductive cheating handsome rizzmatic mf like me n they cant resist, they dont wanna go out w a guy like me and still say that while driving in my brand new bmw hodling my dick in their hand

    all women are whores and all whores are women
  • 3
    I think muscled women are terrible. Good luck trannies. That's what you are @b2plane, a tranny lover.
  • 2
    @retoor Cute and squishy is where it's at
  • 3
    What the poes
  • 5
    @12bitfloat smol skinny girls with no muscles are best! That lawyer bot programmer had taste :P
  • 8
    You're disgusting
  • 8
    Your fucking gross
  • 3
    Poll: @b2plane gets kicked out of the gym because:

    1. keeps clogging the toilets with his shit

    2. does creepy things toward women

    As for women who work out. I know some of them build muscle in their chest to make their breasts bigger. They also build muscle in their legs to shape their ass and legs. Overbuilt looks wrong though.
  • 1
    Do they like the part where you speak about shitting during dates?
  • 4
    @retoor not all of us can handle fragile things
  • 5
    @Demolishun or 3. one of the women beats the crap out of him.
  • 3
    @Tounai i'm sure your missionary is very hardcore nerd :P
  • 2
    @retoor it’s more about my weight
  • 2
    and this is why women don't wanna go to the gym

    or exist for that matter
  • 2
    @Tounai I'm not particularly small but a bunch of dudes had that fear and it was overblown

    dead weight is easy to move off you as long as it isn't the center of mass -- so stuff like big legs or arms is fine, but the chest area or if you sit on someone that they wouldn't be able to move. bone density and organ pain is basically the same. if you have a lot of muscle though that will protect you when you get hit -- I do envy that guys can get punched and it doesn't hurt because their muscles protect them. I will bruise but they barely feel being hit because muscle mass protecc 😭
  • 4
    I will not say anything about the conversation above me. I will not say anything about the conversation above me. I will not say anything about the conversation above me. I will not say anything about the conversation above me. I will not say anything about the conversation above me. I will not say anything about the conversation above me. I will not say anything about the conversation above me. (brought to you by the department of 🍿)
  • 3
    @BordedDev so you like to watch?
  • 5
    Muscle on women is attractive. Fight me
  • 1
    @Demolishun Do you do anything else on the internet? We all watch the monitor. It's more that I'll say something... that I should probably keep to other channels...
  • 2
    @BordedDev I like to troll.
  • 1
  • 1
    @Demolishun that is what the internet is for (just to clarify I didn't take any offence). The "you" wasn't you the person but the "you" as in everyone 😅
  • 2
    @jestdotty tbh it should be fairly possible for most humans to move another human unless it’s an extreme case
    Otherwise, I’d say fat is way more protective. Besides, if it reassures you, low fat with muscles really HURTS when it comes to tattoos. It is awful.
  • 2
    @Demolishun the one who likes to watch is @b2plane
  • 1
    @BordedDev you seem like you just roll with stuff. Good trait.
  • 2
    I've never been into butts. I don't understand the attraction.
  • 2
    if you take a pic of me without asking I'm beating u up
  • 3
    Someone please report this creep to the police. (He's in UK, I think?)
  • 1
    @NoMad serbia

    Good luck
  • 3
    What the fuck! Imagine someone takes pictures of you while you're not looking. Fucking cretin.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy stfu dirty indian transvestite
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy don't call me lazy, i just have something better to do. Anything, for example.

    Edit: yeah! STFU @SidTheITGuy :P
  • 1
    @netikras while rationally its not rational to think them amazing since you have one on your own -> they're freaking AMAZING :P The female ones at least :P The main question is like.. Do other animals like the ass of other animals? I mean - we know the doggies do but that's more about the interface i guess. Do monkeys think from eachother that they have a nice but? A buffoon maybe.
  • 1
    @chatgpt humans can be impressed by the shape and size of someone else his/her ass. Is this the same case for some animals? Explain in detail like i'm five years old.
  • 1
    Well, just like how humans can find certain body parts attractive, some animals also look at specific features of others to show interest or attraction. In the animal world, the shape and size of certain body parts can be important for things like mating and finding a partner.

    For example, in birds, males will often have bright feathers or elaborate displays to attract a mate. And in some species of mammals, like deer, the size of their antlers can be a sign of strength and dominance, which can impress females.

    So, just like how humans can be impressed by someone's appearance, animals can also be impressed by certain features when looking for a mate or establishing their place in the group.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy cuz existing simply does creep behaviour
  • 2
    @retoor peacocks with their feathers

    surprised this doesn't seem to have an actual name... so annoying

    "costly signalling". species evolve to favour those who expend useless resources on useless characteristics. they denotes wealth, excess wealth specifically. and correlate to higher health, "fitness" in the evolutionary sense. basically if they have useless characteristics then they play the game at handicap because they're just so good and wealthy and fit

    kind of like tying one of your hands behind your back to play your little brother at a video game

    in humans if you're nutritionally deficient you won't evolve things at certain stages of life. your body will switch off costly epigenetics to conserve resources. if instead you're fed well you grow differently, and can show off

    ... technically nutritional deficiencies are a thing of the past now. so people are basically uselessly mutated left and right and obsessed with sex cuz we're swimming in useless peacock feathers
  • 0
    @jestdotty Do you know the history of long nails?

    I agree, look at symmetry preferences historically, though I wonder if it just causes those preferences to be pushed further into extremes, but that might just be an internet thing
  • 1
    @BordedDev idk anything about nails?

    hmmm symmetry is expensive? I thought it denoted health, probably because lack of mutations. like oxidative stress or nutritional deficiencies will warp bones, collagen, etc
  • 0
    @jestdotty It's exactly what you described, the less you can do -> the richer you are

    That's correct as to why the symmetry is expensive, but I think features like it have become more important than in the past
  • 1
    @BordedDev long nails gross me out. I think about the dirt under them. I also wonder how people function with them. Seems like a parasite would have long nails.
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