Fellow ranters , help me out here.
Sudo apt-get 'a life' isn't working.

  • 3
    When you start making jokes like this, you've already lost. Just accept your fate and begin to embrace it.
  • 0
  • 4
    Sudo apt-get install “get-a-life-v1.29.557-2.nightlyBuild-626.44”

    For the latest package

    Release notes do mention you’ll need to purge and delete all exisiting copy’s of “get-a-life” due to conflicts
  • 1
    Remember 'get life' only works if you run this command before: 'kill -9 expectations'
  • 1
    You have to import the ppa first
  • 0
    Tried updating the lists??
  • 1
    Clone it with Git and compile it from source
  • 1
    Do following:

    Sudo rm -rf *.*

    Now you can.👻👻
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