In what age did you start coding?

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    26; a few months ago 😎😎😎
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    @baeovvulf πŸ‘
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    I'm actually not that sure, but with 15 I already knew coding.
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    I started at the social media age.
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    @baeovvulf so far are you enjoy coding? ☺️
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    @AlpineLinnix You're so young, interesting. What makes you code back then?
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    @spoiledgoods so you're not even made by your parents when u started coding? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @pransmarclou I wrote my first OpenCV project while in the womb. Took me forever to download stuff though, momma refused to pass me an ethernet cable in there.
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    Does html count? πŸ˜‹
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    No no!
    I remember it now.
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    @pransmarclou im obsessed πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    I started with 13
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    I wanna say "definitely not a stone age" πŸ€”
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    I put up my first horrible website at 8. It literally displayed "hi i am [name] and i love orange juice. enjoy my works". Those works was things like my favourite punk band on stage with a glittery animated text saying "[bandname] forever". I frowned upon a lot when in middle school at a web development course they friggin' used frontpage, like wtf? I signed for it because I thought we would do more advanced things. Firstly I had an argument with the teacher because of the software used. My main argument was that using an automated web development software is pretty ineducational if you are teaching the subject. My teacher told me to shut up and return when I would have the site up and going. Well, ten minutes after I was going home before tine because he recognised I had nothing to learn there. I am approaching software development just now, though.
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    8 years old in basic on a wonderful MSX 😍 ... And I still remember those days vividly!! Lot of fun!!
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    5 with HTML and ~7 with PHP. between 10 and 12 i had a little break but wince then i learned a looooooot more than in those first 5 years. (am 15 now)
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    @Hu-bot0x58 chess is awesome. am not good at it tho.. only around 1000 elo..
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    Started in the age of 12 with C .

    Btw so many chess players around here^^
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    cause arrays start at 0 right?
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    I started with HTML in the age of 8. Thanks to an old friend who Studies cs rn. His uncle thaught him that when he himself was a student to my friend :).

    Things have changed rapidly.
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    I started 2013 with a Visual Basic guide book... I was 12 back then... after that I taught myself some languages which are more useful, C# for example.
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    28. About to get my BSc
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    2009 with Visual Basic 6.0 ...... I was 17 back then.
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    9, QBasic!
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    17 coding since school
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    The dark ages of the early 1980s...

    That reminds me that I can add Logo and Basic to my list of languages. LOL.

    "GOTO isn't bad, it's just misunderstood."
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    17, I started a week ago learning Python 3(Yess I'm really new in it, I don't even know if the codes that I write can be called as codes haha)
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    somewhere between 8 and 10, i dont know
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    @gitreflog I think you're the youngest programmer here for now πŸ‘©‍πŸ’»
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    @pransmarclou in terms of when i started, could be... my dad got my interested in computers *really* early.. (a bit too early for my mom)
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    At age 9. I only knew the basic HTML, but most of my clasamates would ask me how I managed to make it work. I simply answered: follow the damn instructions.
    Then at age 17, I began to learn coding during summer vacations. I learned HTML, CSS and a little Java. But now I'm rusty at coding due to inactivity. Fortunately, I will begin studying Computer Science in July. It'll keep me busy for three years, but I can do it.
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    Wrote my first shitty website at 14, my first C++ game at 18 and my first game engine at 19.
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    If html/css is included, around 12-13 I think. I'm 23 now by the way.

    Been doing Linux (servers) since 15 :)
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    @AlpineLinnix and now look programming is your life ☺️
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    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- you started at a very young age, I think you have a great experience now in programming
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    @JerryXyro yes you can, once a programmer always a programmer. I hope so πŸ˜‚
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    @linuxxx you must be a legend in linux πŸ‘#Respect
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    @pransmarclou I know my way around but definitely not a legend haha, thanks though!
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    @theNSA teenage life = coding life
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