So true ! I've literally seen this happen so many times 😂

  • 10
    Well then who is the chief technical officer?
  • 5
    I'm interviewing for a job now that currently has only on technical person, who indeed calls himself the CTO. I'll just tell him that if he hires me he'll be a legit CTO.
  • 1
    Tip: Job titles (other than the protected ones) are never proof of anything.
  • 4
    I used to (jokingly) call my self CCO (Chief Customer Officer) to all our regular customers, and we were a team of 2 as well.
    It's all about inflating those titles!
  • 1
    Titles are just that: titles. Especially the title of CTO has so much variations that it's pretty much meaningless in a small company.

    It can range from the guy who built and maintains the app, the back-end, the front-end, and the e-commerce website to a non-technical guy who manages a technical team and vision, with a lot of variations in between.

    I'm on the first end of the spectrum (though I don't call myself a CTO, other people do), and now a guy on the other end.
  • 1
    @n3xus it does if you've got an actual business license ;)
  • 0
    My title used to be CTO. But we don't sell our tech. The development I'm over is all internal facing. Plus I'm also over infrastructure and support. I finally convinced them that CIO was the correct title. Not sure if that was a wise move on my part or not.
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