
call me weird, but I love thunderstorms

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    It's peaceful (unless it's like literally right over you) and not weird.
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    Storms are life.
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    @iamavalos apologies. It's the phone keyboard's fault.
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    a thunderstorm together with some melancholic lofi piano music. beautiful.

    Max Richter

    Bosces de mi mente
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    Do you like thunderstorms, or the feeling if safety, knowing it is an enormous life-threatening power that will not be able to touch you while you're hiding indoors/in the car/wtv..?

    Try enjoying thunderstorms out in the open :)
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    @netikras exactly this. but that doesn't make it worse.
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    @netikras going for a walk during a thunderstorm is actually still quite calming. 😊 Love the darkness, the rain, being alone outside.
    Unless the wind is so crazy it makes the walking difficult 😅
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    @netikras love this analysis
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    I went to uni in a place where thunder storms are frequent, and whenever the lights in the comp sci labs started flickering everyone shouted "Save your work!!!". Over the years, many an assignment had been lost hours or minutes before deadline.
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    @heyheni interesting lofi piano music played by strings.
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    @Sabro you should learn to ctrl-s after every sentence/line anyway
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    Have you seen the latest phenomenon? It was something that almost never happens called a "reverse lightning".

    https://nu.nl/268722/video/... (sorry about the ads and it's a dutch news site, can't find it elsewhere).
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    @localjoost for anyone struggling to watch the video in incognito: just open the video in a new tab
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    The thunderstorm and the atmosphere it brings with itself. The calm, earth-smelling and warm atmosphere. I love it
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    Yeah, especially the really loud ones that make the windows tremble.
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    Weird!!! Me too though.
  • 2
    I will go and park myself out on my porch with my surface when they're a thunderstorm. Some of the most peaceful and productive work I do is during this time.
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    @rEaL-jAsE I just read that you love threesomes. I think I played with Python a bit too much at work today
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