A recruiter asks: "Why are you looking to leave your company ?"
If you tell them you want to grow, they think you have a hidden political agenda.
If you tell them that your boss is unfair, they will think you have problems with authority.
If you tell them that you are not satisfied with the current salary, they will think you are greedy.
If you tell them that you do not get along with someone, they will think you are hard to work with.
If you say you want to be closer to home to spend time with your family, they will think you are lazy.
If you tell them that you are looking for bigger challenges, they will think you are not honest.
If you tell them that you want to acquire new skills, they will think you will quit them when you are done acquiring.
If you tell them they are the ones who initiated the contact with you, and got you interested, they will think you are a
The truth is - all the reasons above are valid, and those are the real reasons why good people quit.
Which makes this question stupid - makes people uncomfortable..

  • 8
    "Because I want to die"

    Recruiter: "Then I have the perfect job for you"
  • 3
    "Because although my previous position presented me with opportunities for growth and substantial economic achievement, i wasn't feeling the sense of community that i feel here, and i think that's very important when choosing an occupation.

    Also you look dummy thicc"
  • 3
    "Well I saw on LinkedIn a photo of a pretty girl that worked here"
  • 0
    Because Mr Recruiter, I want to help you earn some commission. Seriously, recruiters don't care why you want to leave, they get paid when they find you a new role
  • 1
    About 99% of the recruiter's I've came across on LinkedIn or elsewhere turn out to be useless 😂
  • 2
    "to be completely honest it's because I am not valued here. My skillset wildly exceeds my current role and I have outgrown my current position. Too bad current employer cannot or is not willing to offer me anything else/more to do"
  • 1
    shrug. "bored. need something else. bore me, and I will move to the next thing."

    Makes sure they get the point.
  • 1
    You clearly have crap recruiters, the last one who asked me that, my answer was "my boss is a cunt", she told the next company that she approached me, sold me on the job, I am not looking to leave and if they want me they will have to entice me.

    I like my new job.

    That's no joke either, that was my actual answer.
  • 0
    Because I have been here so long I know this play backwards and inside out, I have ran out of surprises of this place trying to run it's self into the ground.

    I need something new and exciting that will bring back those good times and challenges where I have no idea what I'm doing for a change.
  • 0
    “You shouldnt ask me why I want to leave, you should convince me why I should join you guys” also nothing is eternal. Eating in a michelin star restaurant everyday would bore. So Im ready for something new. Remember I had foise gras for breakfast, what do you guys offer
  • 0
    Grow and opportunities is always a good answer.
  • 0
    Me: *clears throat* "Because fuck you that's why..." - Alucard.

    Recruiter: We will be in touch... With our lawyers.

    Me: Excuse me but I'm a fuck mothering vampire....

    Recruiter: Right and I'm the queen of England...


    If you have any idea what I'm quoting. I love you for life. If not go watch Hellsing Ultimate Abridged. You will thank me after you change your drawers because you gigglepissed to hard.
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