
I don’t understand why dfox doesn’t allow alternative devRant clients on App Store and they’re firm on that. Is it the money or what? Bloody corporations like Reddit and GitHub allow this but good indie devRant doesn’t?

I know it’s their right and blah blah blah. I’m just interested. Because the official iOS client is buggy, constantly crashing garbage. Updates are extremely rare so it’s clear that there is no active bugfixing in progress.

PWA invasion is a matter of time. PWA always means Inferior UX? I don’t think so. I’ll help.

  • 1
    @theabbie mention the inner circle please
  • 0
    Guess I’ll make it public then...
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    DevRant PWA first successful fetch



    Thanks @theabbie for the directions, I'll make a full rewrite of rantscript in typescript with proper model interfaces and both node/browser support.
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    Help has been offered countless times, but they always say no and then dont implement even the simplest issues from the issue tracker. Are they doing datamining so they dont want to opensource the app? Idk.
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    Brings to my mind that getting a client app to f-droid would probably increase user base by quite a bit
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    @theabbie thanks bro
  • 3
    @theabbie do you like have this in your clipboard?

    @uyouthe "reasons"
  • 4
    Actually I have talked to him about this exact topic directly.

    What he said (from memory, years ago):

    He said he doesn't want people to be confused which is the real devRant client. He wants only the official ones up.

    My words:

    Understandable for lots of reasons. #1 for me at least is a compiled APK can easily hide credential stealing code. What are you gonna do, decompile it before you install?

    Plus, devRant client is fully featured, and ad-free. The reasons for alternative clients are minimal IMO. At least on mobile. The only real reason I would switch clients is to get rid of ads or unlock other features.

    Also, it would be a bad look for devRant if a user searched the name and found 15 unmaintained or beginner developer pet-projects that looked like shit. Brand image is an asset.

    I don't think I still have his old email from when I asked. I can look though.
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    @C0D4 I copy it from the previous rants, add people if necessary.
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    And to be clear, alternative clients are allowed on other platforms. Look at devRant UWP or the discontinued devRantron.

    There's a few interesting clients directly on the project page of devRant. Like the JSON based one that makes it look like you're working.
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    @AlgoRythm I only talk about iOS and the main reason for me is stability. I don’t want to reopen my app after each 3 rants I read because it fucking crashes.
  • 1
    @uyouthe Yes, I understand. The Titanium based app has never been perfectly stable. I had some pretty bad performance issues on my old phone on android. And the layout color / avatar issues still exist.

    Bugs are slow to be fixed, and maybe 3rd party is not a terrible alternative. But if dfox doesn't want the app store saturated with third party, unofficial, and probably half-finished and soon-to-be unmaintained developer pet-projects, then that's his decision and I respect it.
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    Should there be a reason?
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    we should have one rewritten in flutter by the community and dfox & trogus can approve prs

    analogous to linux and linus torvalds: devRant's app and dfox/trogus

    an argument for flutter: one codebase for the ios, android, web, linux, mac and soon windows clients.

    everyone could just add features they'd like.
  • 0
    @calmyourtities one codebase for all means equally bad everywhere. I bet it’s not even accessible on the web. Before you reply just remember that you’re trying to argue but it’s entirely pointless because we still have no permission
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    @uyouthe and if it's good it's almost equally good everywhere. not sure what you mean by the web thing, but devRant is a good candidate for a web app. i'll argue for flutter any day, it's so fun.
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    @calmyourtities oh I see that you don’t know what accessibility is. Listen here:


    S U C K S
  • 3
    @calmyourtities good luck making flutter work with accessibility in mind.

    It's great for cross platform, dreadful for accessibility.



    Flutters screenshots show exactly what you app is going to do when you don't build for it right.
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    @C0D4 thanks. Just thanks. Nobody supports me but you did. I owe you a blowjob
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    @uyouthe you're not always wrong 😉
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    @uyouthe @C0D4 oh i thought you meant usable on the web by accessible. yeah it's pretty bad for accessibility, is devRant good with accessibility?
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    @calmyourtities devRant overrides on iOS and maintains its own sizing.

    Color filters sorta work (color blind) but not well, and can't select any text so can't even see if text to speech works.
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    @calmyourtities flutter is the exact same thing as cordova and react native.

    Good for quickly getting an mvp out, bad for an actual, maintained app.
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    @C0D4 flutter doesn't override text sizing and filters are pretty easy to implement in flutter, tool tips are also in the standard library
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    @yellow-dog devRant is maintained with appcelerator titanium, do you consider that much better?
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    @calmyourtities when did i say it was better?
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    @yellow-dog you didn't, i'm asking if you think it's better
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    @calmyourtities no its fucking shit ass garbage and i wish we had a native implementation or at least it was open source so we could fix the issues
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    @yellow-dog but would it be better if it were written in flutter? i think so
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