
“How’s work?”

It’s killing me.

  • 1
    People are nice so it’s ok.

    Life is killing me more than work but well we’re not in haven so you need to like what you have.
  • 1
    Normal then
  • 6
    "How's work?"

    Well let's se, we deployed over 6 months of "agile" work this week, planned out a new e-commerce journey which was a complete waste of time as every assumption was just blown away, I've got a server to make PCI compliant again but don't have the time to look at it, and I'm still jumping through hurdles after our database upgrade earlier this month, oh and who would have thought I would have a bunch of nodejs apps to build this week on top of all this and.... fml there's only 5 days in the week for all this shit šŸ˜£

    "It's killing me"
  • 4
    Also burnt out, currently signed off sick and strongly considering quitting for an extended break.

    I'm not in a senior role, it's not stressful on paper, the people are really nice, but I feel particularly disconnected during the pandemic and I wasn't feeling fulfilled for a while before that.
  • 2
    I feel like I'm trying to gut myself out of the stomach of an fucking orca.

    It stinks like hell.

    It's dark.

    There's gooey stuff everywhere.

    Warm is not good.

    And I hate everything.
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    @d4ng3r0u5 I really need to do this. I need a vacation. Desperately.
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    Maybe go into another field
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    No, you misheard me. Housework.
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    How’s security patching 250 files? Lol
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    @d-fanelli That’s the nice part, believe it or not.
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    WHAT?????? Can’t wait to hear what the worst part is...or maybe I can...
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    Finding one šŸ™ƒ
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    Then take out a life insurance policy.
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    I feel you. I haven't taken a break in over a year. Now that I wanted to save up for a bit (I am great at saving but everything goes into some investment and was hoping to use the next few months to save for a trip), my contract gets abruptly terminated as the client is reviewing and downsizing. Now instead of planning a vacation, I have to start searching for a job (hopefully to start after my trip of before if they can give me a whole month off even if it is unpaid a month after starting) and just the anxiety of it all, especially when I am facing an unknown variable is killing me.
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    Me too, I've got a shitton of stuff due in April that I'm struggling with, feeling pretty stressed tbh.
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    And it’s also taking control I guess
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    @TeachMeCode there's a difference between "April fools" and being a dick.

    Since it's April 2 this side of the world, maybe the sarcasm didn't come across as intended, or your being a dick...
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    The difference between an April's fool joke and your comment is that only a fool would start insulting...

    And a joke is short and has a punch line, while your comment looks more like a tirade of misogynic slur.

    So. Downvote in process.
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    “How’s work?” < “Any issues?”
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    @IntrusionCM chill, it’s me, d-fanelli lol. I was masquerading as a backwards troll as an April fools joke and my usage of April 1 throughout the comments was meant to give that away. Let me have fun
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    @C0D4 I used April 1 throughout my comments to give it away that it was an April fools joke. I stretched the rules a bit by posting on April 2 so I wanted to make it a little more clear that it was a late April fools joke (so no one takes it seriously) by referencing April 1 throughout the comments
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    From home? It's awesome. Today I've set up a whole day conf call with myself then chilled with my code and few beers. Turns out it saved lives! Literally! If anyone was to bother me today I'd strangle them to death. Seriously, I'm a hero.
  • 1
    @cprn ā¤ļø
  • 1
    It’s still killing me.
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