Just upgraded to Android 12 and what the fuck is this new UI

make it stop

Hm yes let's make the buttons 14 times larger than they need to be, also put text on them no one ever needed

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    @RTRMS ... To have even less options to change anything about it?
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    @RTRMS umm no, not unless you go turn on accessibility features and increase zoom and what not.

    ~ sent form my iPhone 👀

    @LotsOfCaffeine because Accessibility? But even that should be optional not by default.
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    @LotsOfCaffeine you’ll be surprised how little you notice the less options, I moved a year ago once I realized that I was not using the apparent infinite flexibility of Android.

    It can do soo much sure, but that’s only useful if you use it.

    I prefer the clean, integrated and well thought out UI instead of Android disconnected mush mosh.
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    Oh wow, devRant won't let me upload an image 😑

    Let's try again.
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    is that UI a bug? it must be a bug right? look at the Brightness slider... never was there a reason to have the filled part *so* much bigger than the unfilled part...

    Unless this was made for blind old people. Did your phone automatically configure with some helper options for old people? this makes no sense from an UIUX perspective as a default
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    @LotsOfCaffeine is it just me or do you really need to click twice to toggle wifi or mobile data (only)? I use that every fucking day..
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    *Laughs in iPhone*
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    Shit, I just ordered a new phone. Am I gonna be ranting about this shit soon too?
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    Margin: Integer.MaxValue
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    I have always been of the opinion that Google is very very terrible at UI/UX.
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    I don't understand the obsession with 1000px of margins and padding.


    Android 12 UI is shit. Windows 11 UI is shit. Ios is shit. Guess my last option is finding a nice enough looking UI patch for AOSP and build one myself?
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    Wtf? I like the streamlined and neat UI on my Android 10.
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    @Hazarth yes, it doesn't make sense to me either, but apparently this is just what android 12 delivers. And I'm not the first to complain: https://support.google.com/pixelpho...

    @Alt-Tab yes, mobile data and wifi are now grouped into the "internet" tab. Tapping it will open a seperate menu. Idk why either

    @NoOneCares don't judge my wifi name...

    @Avyy yeah it's dragged through the entire system ui, and man it's awful
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    Eww. UAF. Looks like they're getting their design cues from Windows 11
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    And this is aosp? Manufacturer skins might become attractive for the first time ever.
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    Ok great I am not the only one who is all confused about new android update. Seriously wtf going on???
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    @electrineer grapheneos to be specific, but as far as I know they don't do much or any UI customization
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    I blindly upgraded my Pixel 4a from Android 11 to 12. Boy do regret that. I wanna slaughter, burn and decapitate those God Damned MFs who made the changes to those wifi, bluetooth, etc icons. And that's a gross understatement of Biblical proportions. Fuck Android 12. I wonder if the Android developers let Joe Biden have some fun with the Android 12 coding.
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    Update for everyone: it's somehow worse than I thought...
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    Good to know I'm not the only one with a ttv emote as my ssid
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    It might not be a good idea to expose your ssid online. Anyone can use wigle to find out where in the world you live with good accuracy. There are five recent hits around the world for that ssid.
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    @electrineer dont worry, its a hidden network

    Also where would one look that up
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    @LotsOfCaffeine wigle. Hidden networks are arguably worse for privacy because your phone broadcasts the ssid everywhere you are to see if your router responds.
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    @electrineer I for one think its funny to have my phone broadcast omegalul to everyone.

    But in all seriousness its a temporary network, once my new router arrives it'll get replaced anyway
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    You know because they have a lack of transparency regarding all this there are no checks and balances that really can be verified
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    Didn't it also cause people to literally have epileptic seizures?
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    @JamesRyan 6 Hz is the magic frequency for epileptic seizures. Use responsibly...
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    @RTRMS I use iOS and I can confirm... It’s worse than this. Especially if you [right click with your fingers] on the buttons
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    If this is supposed to be more accessible, how most of the text is truncated and keeps moving like an old LED advert device in a cheap shop window?
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    When you think it could not get worse: Android 12 header bar expanded, while a media notification is open
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