
Have IR in your smartphone? You must try this.

Go to the nearest bar or a place where there is a TV show/match going on. Turn the TV off and run :D. (Order pasta run fasta)

  • 1
    Do nothing and enjoy the show.
  • 1
    I sed to do this when i was 12. I had one of those tv remote watches. I feel old.
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    @stop Let us suppose the team you support is losing :D .
  • 5
    Did this at a pub once. Just as the horses were crossing the line on tv, I'd shut it off.

    After 2-3 times of people complaining (with bar staff swarming around the TVs to work out what the issue is), we were all shouted a beer for our inconvenience.
  • 2
    @fattymiller you are awesome :D.
  • 1
    LMAO, I did this to a projector in a school lab, once XD
    I'm not the guy to do these things, but the professor is a bitch, so it was totally worth it.
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    I did this at an airport where they show ads.
  • 0
    did this with school beamers during lessons when we was bored. they was so confused and angry haha
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