Manager: How’s the progress coming along?

Dev: The section of code I’m working with is one of the more difficult ones so it’s a little slow

Manager: Ok well I didn’t write that section of the code

Dev: I’m not saying you did I’m just giving you the status update that you asked for

Manager: Ok well I can’t really do anything about that so how about you tell me something I can do something about instead of just complaining about code THAT I DIDN’T EVEN WRITE!! *Marks self as offline*

Dev: …

  • 11
    How do you find them?
    Local small dev shops or high profile large businesses?
  • 11
    Lol, pretty big difference between "gib status update" and "what can I do to help". Getting angry with you for responding to what they said instead of what they meant...
  • 8
    What an idiot.
  • 7
    uuuhh.. what? Is he high or something?
  • 1
    Yup. The problem with IT is the people in it
  • 1
    Acceptance is a kind of doing.
  • 1
    It's probably because someone pissed in his coffee that morning or someone hurt his ego otherwise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 4
    @anux I’ve only ever had this one dev job. It’s at a very large family owned company. “Manager” in my posts is any one of the 5+ people I report/have reported to over the years. Tech illiteracy/incompetent management is especially prevalent here due to the business insisting on hiring friends/family instead of based on merit so you end up bearing witness to quite a lot of very absurd behaviour from all of the inbreeding of ideas/attitudes in a company that hires using this strategy.

    If you have a family member who is unemployed this business will hire them no questions asked. I got my brother a job here due to this even though I knew he was going to drive them crazy and he proceeded to be an absolute pain in their ass for 2 years before finally being fired. They do get a lot of retention this way though since if you weren’t hired based on merit you’re likely not very employable and they never have to worry about you leaving.
  • 1
    @boombodies I'm sorry to hear that.

    Flood the job boards, something will come up eventually.
  • 1
    Wow. What a baby. How is this emotionally unstable person a manager?
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