Why do HR hate shorts?

  • 4
    Because they don't want to see your leg hair.
  • 19
    because shorts are an inferior video format?
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    @Sid2006 I don't want to see the whole HR, not just their leg hair, but I don't make a fuss about it.
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    @IHateForALiving Well, you're not in the position of making those kinda demands, are you?
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    @Sid2006 we're finding that out in a couple of weeks.
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    @IHateForALiving Fire the HR if things work out in ur favour
  • 13
    Because your huge shlong keeps hanging out...
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    Something-sometuing not pwofeshanal
  • 12
    Because HR hates everything
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    For a factory environment it's understandable since pants give some protection against cuts, but for office work it doesn't matter. Maybe try a kilt.
  • 6
    Here is a good 'question of the week', what are some weird/odd/funny company 'rules' enforced by your HR?

    Pre-covid, for our annual holiday party, there is a no dance rule. We have music, one year we had a live band, but HR made it clear...no dancing. No reasoning, nothing ever happened (I've been to most of them over the past 20+ years), that's the rule.
  • 4
    Because HR is easily aroused.

    2 chicks among 60 horny naked-legged guys.

    How would you like to concentrate working a sole guy among 40 hot philologists sitting in front of you in miniskirts?
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    "But they're just skirts for men... just less sexy"
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    Perhaps the smell of sweaty balls exhales more easily with them
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    @netikras if anything it would motivate me to go the office and cooperate with my coworkers.
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    How is Puff doing?
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    @retoor she's very happy for the week, we sent the Log (the second cat) to my mother's house for some slimming treatments. No other cats around means she's very happy and can claim every human for herself!
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    @Nanos oh my 😏👌
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    @netikras why philologists though?
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    @Wisecrack physics, OT and other engineering -- guys
    philology and economy - gals

    that's the trend in my area
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    @netikras same as everywhere. Except pure math is also females, but applied math or physics is males.
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    @netikras I just thought you liked bookish women.

    *Librarian fetish intensifies*.
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    @IHateForALiving aww, he selected stuff
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